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Dream leaned back on his chair, letting George straddle his lap.
"Someone's lovey Dovey" he rested his hand on the omegas cheek.

"Because you pulled me into your office to make our." George ruffled dreams hair.
"I like when your hair is messy.." he smiled.
"It makes you hot."

Dream grumbled- he always puts his hair back.. he just prefers it that way and George always messes it up.
"You know I have to meet up with someone after this." He moved George's hands out of his hair.

"Mmm... no." George untied dreams tie, making him look sloppy.
"You stay." He giggle

"Its for work Georgie~" Dream rested his hands on George's hips.
"You know how alphas are when they get inpatient."

George frowned, kissing dreams collar bone.
"Mhm.." he placed hickeys along dreams scent glands.
(His neck ;-; it's just his neck- idek shit about omegaverse bro, stuff keeps changing)

Dream just grinned, kissing down the omegas neck, his hand trailing down to George's ass.
"Jesus Georgie~" he squeaked George's ass with one hand.

George had a small gasp, peaking up a bit.
"Dream!" He looked down at the alpha, snapping.

"What~ how can I resist such a cute ass." Dream gave George a cocky look.
"Especially on such a cute omega." He grinned, squeezing his ass again.

George rolled his eyes, buttoning the first few buttons on Dream shirt, revealing his collar bone.
"Your something else... I swear." He glazed his finger along dreams neck.

Dream just grinned, cupping George's cheeks with one hand, making him look up.
"Your adorable~ I'm glad I have you to myself." He licked along his fangs.
"Your like a little pet I get to have all to myself."

George rolled his eyes.
"I'm not a pet." He looked back at Dream.

"To me you are.. my lovely mate." Dream leaned forward, having the collar of his shirt fold down a bit.

Before Dream could say another word to george- someone knocked on the office door.

"Oh fuck-" they both muttered- that must be dreams next meeting.

George quickly scattered off of Dream, adjusting his outfit- making himself look tidy.
"Make your self presentable."

"I would be fine if you didn't cover me in hickeys." Dream pushed his hair back, trying to make himself presentable.

There was another knock on the door.

"Shit- shit."
Dream quickly stood up, dusting himself off.
"stay here-" he muttered, walking over to the door.

He carefully unlocked it- peaking his head out.

"Who is it..?" Dream muttered, trying to see if his meeting partner is here.. if they are.. fuck.

Karl awkwardly blinked, holding zuma- who was crying in his arms.
"Dream- I-" he was cut off.

"Oh.. zuma." Dreams attention quickly turned to the crying pup- ignoring Karl.

Zuma whined reaching for Dream.
"Daddy!" He cried, holding both his plushies in either hand.

Dream carefully picked up zuma.
"Why is he crying." he cradled zuma, wanting to know who or what made zuma cry... he will hurt whoever did.

"Uh.. he wanted you and George.." Dream cocked a brow, looking dream up and down.
"Did you seriously just have a makeout session in your office-" he scrunched his nose.

"No- but go find whoever is here for the meeting" Dream carried zuma into the office, gently rubbing his cheek.
"Shhh..." he hushed zuma, trying to calm him down.

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now