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.: Saturday :.

It's been about 4-5 days since he heard from Dream.

"He should be home today zuma-" George sat on the couch, glancing out the window.

Zuma just slept on georges leg, nuzzling him.

Patches was sleeping on the opposite side of the couch.

"You know Dream has a lot to do." Karl walked over to George, frowning.
"He can't have spare time all the time.." he wanted George to know.

"I know.." George mumbled- he just didn't want to accept the fact Dream could be gone months on end without a word to him.
"I don't care about him having to work- it's him not telling me what's going on at all and kicking me off the team without a word.."

Karl frowned, sitting down next to george.
"He just wants to keep you safe.. and he knew you would stay if he told you he was staying." He pat George's shoulder.

"I just don't want zuma to forget Dream.." George pat zumas back.- he's afraid that Dream will get so caught up in his work- we will forget them..
"I just want him to not go through what I did.." he looked at Karl.

"I assure you- Dream is doing the best he can to come here now." Karl pat George's shoulder.

"If he's busy he should stay.." George looked out the window, humming.
"He needs to work."

"He has an office here for a reason." Karl giggled softly.
"He should at least use it"

.: Dream POV :.

Dream put his laptop and work into his suitcase, closing it.
"Okay- that's everything.. hopefully."

"Uh- Dream.. you have meeting in 10 minutes -" Wilbur walked in, pointing at the phone.
"They want you to call the-"

"I'll do it in the car on my way." Dream picked up his case- glancing back.
"I have to get back to George and zuma."

"No offence dream.. but you need to talk to George about this.." Wilbur furrowed his brows.
"You need to work."

"No shit- what do you think I'm going to do." Dream walked around his desk.
"He won't listen through the phone- I need to talk to him face to face... that's just the type of omega he is." He grumbled.

"I can handle this meeting- but you need to handle Hannah." Wilbur sighed, looking up at Dream.
"Are you planning to stay out there."

"I need too, cause if I don't George can get severely Ill if I'm gone too long." Dream sighed, that's one of the down sides to having an omega mate.
"So either way I need to go- I was planning on leaving."

"You care for him a lot- don't you." Wilbur softly smiled, crossing his arms.

"I do- and I don't want him getting sick- cause then he won't be able to care for zuma.. then the pup might get sick- and just-" Dream pinched the bridge of his nose, mumbling.

"You found him in a alley way." Punz peaked his head in.
"Oh! Does that mean zuma is mixed blood? Royalty and street garbage."

Dream pointed at Punz.
"I will beat you, be quiet." He snapped.
"I need to get going- I have work."

.: George POV :.

Zuma ate his apple slice, looking up at the tv as patches curled beside him- trying to eat the apple slice.
"Mine-" he smack patches head lightly.

George was reading his book, keeping an eye on zuma.
"Careful zuma- your plushies are going to fall.. and be nice to patches, that's your fathers cat"

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now