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Yeah- I was supposed to post this yesterday but my lazy ass fell asleep.

Dream hummed, driving in the care ever so calmly along the quiet road.

"Do you have to go to this meeting...? It's the day after Christmas." George whined, leaning back into the seat.. he wanted to sleep in and cuddle.

Zuma just giggled happily in the back., nuzzling into all the plushies he got for Christmas- he got a lot.

"Yes Georgie~" Dream glanced over at the omega next to him, smirking.
"I have to go, it's important... it's about shipments."

George frowned, nodding a bit.

"Can you watch zuma while I'm in the meeting...? I don't know if you will be much need in the conversation." Dream took his gaze forward, leaning back into his seat while pushing his foot on the gas.

"What's that supposed to mean..??" George looked at Dream with an annoyed look- he won't be needed in the meeting??

"Do you know anything about gun and drug shipments? Or how to even manage bills regarding it." Dream lightly grinned, turning his gaze back over at George, he liked being a smart ass sometimes.

"Oh." George turned forward, feeling stupid.
"I though you were talking about like a combat mission."

"Not every meeting is about a combat mission George." Dream rolled his eyes, chuckling a bit.
"This one's regarding halos interferences about my recent shipments recently- and how I need to get my next shipment.q

"Ohhh." George realized that- he doesn't technically need to be there.. oh.
"Is- is foolish going to be there..?" He hesitantly looked over at Dream, frowning.

"Yes- since we are going to need him with the meeting, he's been the one managing everything while I've been gone." Dream rested his hand on George's thigh, rubbing him

George just growled under his breath, crossing his arms.
"I guess I should have worn something less 'revealing'" He looked down at his shirt and crop top.

"Don't worry.. you can go downstairs... if he says anything ill deal with him." Dream leaned over, placing a small kiss on the omegas cheek.
"No one talks shit about my omega."

"Your omega?" George glanced over at Dream, having a cocky look.

"I bought you at an auction, your technically mine." Dream moved his hand up at George's cheeks, squeaking them with one hand.

"Wow." George had an unimpressed look.

Zuma just laughed, hugging bunny and wolfy.
"Happy!" He nuzzled into the fabric.

The two smiled, glancing back at zuma.

"Now hurry up, I don't know how much more longer I can spend in this car." George whined, resting his head on dreams shoulder- he wanted to walked around.

.: Time Skip :.

George carefully picked zuma out of the car, holding him against his chest.
"Hi honey.." he kissed the youngers cheek.

Zuma just happily giggled, nuzzling into George's chest.
"Mama." He held his two plushies tightly.

Before George could say another word, Dream walked up behind him, kissing him on the cheek firmly.

"Cmon love, I'm late." Dream lightly grasped George's hand, giving him a small twirl before pulling the two in his grasp.
"I don't want to make the others upset."

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now