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George yawned as he stretched his legs, fluttering his eyes awake faintly...
"Mmm- Dream...?" He glanced up..

The alpha was still very much asleep.. zuma was laying on his back.. he must have moved while we were sleeping.... Cutie..

George wiggled out of Dreams grasp and glanced out the window... it was snowing..
"Oooh!" He gasped.. he wanted to go outside..

He looked over at dream and zuma-... should he wake Dream up..?

Well technically since he isn't at home- he can go outside whenever he wants..

George picked up a blanket that was neatly folded on the couch and threw it over his shoulders.. he was only going to sit on the stairs of the front porch... maybe stand in the snow...

George slid out the front door and walked down the steps.. standing in the soft crunchy snow..... he should have probably gotten shoes.. but the snow was nice and cool..

He didn't mind standing in the cold snow, adjusting his feet every so often... he missed this... being able to go out in the snow by himself without a care in the world..

He took a few steps in the snow, giggling as he twirled around.. holding the blanket close to his body as he fooled around in the snow.

He ended up slipping and falling onto his back.

"Owww." George had a small chuckle as he laid in the snow, staring up at the sky.. the stars filled the air.

As he was about to sit up he had something thrown on his face and felt two firm items hit his chest..

He quickly pulled the jacket off and saw Dream standing over him, wearing his trench coat, scarf and winter boots.... Jesus.. he scared the fuck out of me..

"Put them on, you'll get frost bite darling." Dream smiled as he held his hand out, offering to pull him up.
"The socks are in the boots."

George smiled before grabbing Dreams hand and sitting up on the blanket, firstly sliding on his black puffy jacket.
"Thank you, I didn't know where any of this stuff is and I wanted to go outside.." he pulled the socks out of the boots and put them each on one foot at a time.

Dream smiled as he saw the small omega, even though it was still so early in the morning.. he's so happy..

George soon stood up, stomping in the snow happily.. solid boots.

Dream had a small chuckle as he pulled George in by his waist.
"Your adorable." He kissed the tip of his nose.

George giggled as he nuzzled faintly in Dreams chest.
"Where's zuma...?" He glanced behind Dream.

"He's sleeping on the couch.. I asked if he wanted to go outside but he said he wanted to stay and sleep with bunny... I told him to not go anywhere and to not touch anything while I go and get you." Dream rubbed his thumb on George's hips.
"He's gonna be asleep for awhile."

George chuckled as he wrapped his arms around dreams neck.
"Mhm." He leaned back faintly, forgetting there's snow underneath them.

"George- I'm slippin-" as Dream said that he slipped forward causing them both to fall on the snow..
"Oh- shit-" he fell right onto George.

George gasped as he fell in the snow, still having his arms wrapped around dreams neck as the alpha fell on top of him..

"Oh- shit! George are you okay-" Dream tried getting back up, but George continued to hold him.

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now