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George winced as he fluttered his eyes awake.
"Ow..." he mumbled quietly, taking off the ventilator mask.
"Fuck.. that hurts.."

He looked around at the strange room... he can't remember a single thing.. other then fluttering in and out on consciousness- that's all he remembers.

George looked around.
"Where.. where.. am.. I..?" He gripped his head, not being able to remember a thing.
"Dream...? Zuma..??? Elio- tallie?!"

George began to panic- not knowing where Dream or the pups are- what was going on.

"George..?" Niki peaked her head in, seeing the omega was awake.
"Your awake!" She gasped, seeing that he's finally awake.
"Thank god..."

"Where am I- where are my pups..." George winced, continuing to look around.
"Where's Dream-" he began to panic, looking around the room in a panic.
"Where are they..."

"Shh.. shh-" Niki quickly walked up to george.
"It's okay- it's okay-" she tried calming the omega, she knew how stressed he was.
"There okay-"

George looked at Niki.
"Where's is Dream... did he make it out-" his mind was blurry- he couldn't even think.
"Is- everyone okay...?"

Niki nodded faintly.
"He did- but you barely didnt... dreams been wanting to speak with you when you wake up.." the beta carefully lowered the omega back.
"He found you before the building almost collapsed- and he's been trying to keep calm since."

George frowned, looking down at his hands- seeing faint bandages.
I think he wants to scold at me for what I did." He shook his head.
"He might be mad.."

"Would you like me to get him..?" Niki softly spoke, Sitting next to george.
"He really wants to see you.." she looked at all the bandages on George.

George nodded.
"I hope he isn't mad at me.." he spoke softly, laying back down.
"I just want to rest.. and I want him to be calm.."

Niki anxiously rubbed the back of her head.
"Yeah.. he's not calm... he has been panicking and stressing out for the past few hours" she sighed.. she knew alphas could stress- but not to this degree.
"But he will calm down when he sees you."
That made George even more anxious.

"Can you- go get him...?" George looked down at the bed, grasping his feet.

Niki nodded, standing up.
"He's probably going to run in here- so be careful."She made her way out of the room.
"He might slip as of always."

George lightly chuckled.
"Yeah- he has a habit of that." He stared at the blankets, slowly sitting up.

.: Dream POV :.

Dream anxiously leaned against the couch, watching the three pups as they slept.
"Why did he do it." He was confused- George could have killed himself.
"God- please he will be okay."

He watched as the three pups snuggle with one another... they didn't exactly have a room set up so they had to sleep in the lounge- and Dream let them take most of the couch.

Elio tried snuggling over but tallie started swiping at him- she didn't want him taking her spot.

Dream stared at the ceiling, sighing... it's been hours and he still hasn't gotten an update!
"God- cant they hurry up!" He whispered violently to himself.


Dream perked up as he looked over, seeing Niki standing there.
"Is he okay?! Is George awake??" He stood up, quickly walking over to Niki.
"Did anything happen?!"

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now