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Dream glanced up at the fancy restaurant.
"This is where you want to go..?" He cocked a brow, it seemed- rather fancy for George's liking... he doesn't like going to fancy places as he's usually picked on for being an omega.
"It's a fancy restaurant?"

"Only cause they have shrimp tempura here." George giggled, looking over at Dream.
"And sushi." He smiled.

Dream couldn't help but let out a small laugh.
"Jesus George.. if you wanted sushi- we could just find a sushi bar, there might be one around here." He glanced around, he wanted George to be comfortable and happy.

"Then let's go look!" George grasped dreams hand, interlocking his fingers.
"I don't mind walking." He held dreams hand.

Dream was shocked for a moment at the sudden hand grab.. but soon smiled.
"If we can't find anywhere, we can always come ba-"

Dream was cut off when his phone rang... seriously.. now??

"Oh, do you need to take that?" George let go of dreams hand, tilting his head.
"You can take a moment."

Dream picked up his phone, looking at who was calling him... he needed to make sure it wasn't Sapnap or drista before hanging up.
"Nah." He clicked declined.
"It's only Wilbur trying to give me more work."

George had an anxious look.
"You know- I can help with work." He gave Dream a comforting smile, patting dreams shoulder.
"And you should probably answer that if it's Wilbur."

"I don't need to answer it- and."
Dream nodded, he knew he needed help.
"I know, And I... I would like the help." He sighed, looking over at George.

"There you go! Your stubborn ass is letting me help now." George placed a kiss on dreams cheek, smiling softly.
"Took like 2-3 years to let your omega mate help!!"

"I'm not that stubborn." Dream rolled his eyes, smiling softly.
"Just a little." He smirked, pinching his fingers together.

"You are a stubborn alpha, you can't change my mind on that." George walked ahead, humming.
"You always will be my stubborn alpha." He nodded in agreement with himself.
"No matter what."

"Oh come on." Dream walked after George, smiling happily.
"You don't need to be mean now." He slid his hands into his pockets.
"I'm your mate."

"You are my mate.. yes, and I'm allowed to be mean." George walked ahead, twirling around faintly.
"especially if your stubborn." He hummed.

Dream rolled his eyes.
"I swear." He shook his head, sliding his hands into his pocket.
"I see where tallie got her feisty attitude from."

"Mhm, you most likely." George giggled, glancing over at a sushi bar.
"Oh! There's the sushi bar!" He pointed over at the building.
"Thank god! I'm starving!!"

The two quickly made there way into the sushi bar, well.. mostly George dragging Dream into the sushi bar.

"Order what you want.. I'll pay." Dream followed George as they made there way to there seats.

"Of course your paying, you have all the money." George sat down at a booth, sitting across from Dream.
"Your rich."

"You could have been nicer about that." Dream sat across from George.
"If I'm paying, you should be nice."

"Of course you are." George piped up, giggling.
"Your the rich one." He pointed.
"I'm an omega off the streets that eat noodle cups."

Dream rolled his eyes, lifting up the menu.
"I haven't had sushi in quite awhile." He looked in the menu.
"What do you recommend..?"

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now