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The chapters everyone been wanting.

.:Few days later:. Zumas birthday .:.

"Don't.. your going to scared him" George whispered, glaring over at Dream.
"Plus I have the pups.." he held the two wide awake pups.
"You will scare them too..."

Dream rolled his eyes- he wasn't going to scare the pups at all.
"It's his birthday... we need to make it special." He carefully creeped next to the bed.
"Plus.. he's been wanting to go to that toy store since we went to the mall"

"Your going to traumatized him." George mumbled, sighing.
"Don't startle him awake."

Dream smiled before quickly picking up zuma.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZUMA!" He held him in the air.
"Good morning love!"

Zuma jolted awake, staring at the two in shock before he began to cry.

"I told you." George glared at dream.
"Now he's crying." He nuzzled the two pups, making sure they won't cry.
"You scared him."

"It's okay zuma." Dream softly chuckled, nuzzling zumas forehead.
"I didn't mean to scare you.." he hummed.
"I'm here."

Zuma whined, rubbing his nose with his sleeves.
"Scary!-" he said softly cried.

"Don't worry zuma... we are going shopping then heading home." Dream held zuma up, he's known how bad zuma wanted to go home.

"Home..?" Zuma sniffled, looking up at Dream.

"Mhm! With patches and all your toys!" Dream cradled zuma in his arms, holding him up.

"Patches!" Zuma gasped, instantly brightening up.
"Patchy!!" He smiled.

Before Dream was about to speak- someone else did.

"Yo- Dream... you have work to d-" Sapnap was cut off when Dream glared at him.
"What?" He blinked, seeing everyone glare at him.

"I'm taking today off, get foolish to do it.." Dream nuzzled zumas cheek.
"It's zumas birthday." He turned his attention away from Sapnap.

"Oh shit- my bad." Sapnap nodded- he understood why Dream was taking today off.
"Don't drop him." He softly hummed, looking at George.

George nodded.
"Talk to Karl." He nudged his head, only getting a simple nod before the beta left.
"Everyone else knows what's going on."

Zuma giggled, grasping dreams cheeks.

"Yeah Dream." George shot a glare at the alpha blonde.
"Don't drop him." He held the two pups close.
"Not on his birthday."

"I'm not going to fucking drop him." Dream groaned, holding the pup.
"Now- let's go spoil this little one." He adjusted zumas onesie.
"It's his special day after all."

.: Car :.

George carefully buckled the new born pups into there new car seats.
"There so small! It's cute!" He handed them there plushies.

Tallie smacked Elios head-

Elio whined before swiping back.

"Calm down you two." George poked there foreheads.
"No fighting."

The two pups stopped, nuzzling into there plushies.

Dream carefully buckled in zuma, handing him wolfy and bunny.
"You ready for your birthday zumie." He made sure he was strapped in.

Zuma gasped happily, he was happy that all of them were going out together as a family.
"Yay!" He held his hands up.

Dream place a masked kiss on zumas forehead.
"This day is about you alright zuma? If you want something, please tell me."

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now