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Smut sadly- it's probably shit but oh well- I can't write smut.

"They should be here any minute- unless Sapnap drove off a cliff... hopefully.." Dream yawned as he laid in there comfy bed... he didn't want Sapnap teaching zuma any more bad things.

"Alright." George hummed as he carefully ran his fingers through zumas hair.. brushing it faintly with a comb.
"You excited to see uncle Sapnap and Karl?" He leaned over zuma, putting the comb down.

Zuma nodded excitedly.
"Sappy! And Karl!" He gasped happily as he raised his arms in the air.. they always did some fun game with them- but he'd always prefer spending time with Dream and George.

Dream had a small grumble- he still didn't exactly forgive Sapnap for teaching zuma too bite him... what an ass of a bestfriend.

As George was about to settle into the bed- the door bursted open- making him and zuma jump.

"SAPNAP HAS ARRIVED!" Sapnap dramatically entered holding a bag in his hands, doing a small bowZ

George jolted up slightly while Dream on the other hand stayed completely still- he was expecting it.

"Greattt." Dream muttered quietly as he glanced over at zuma, a small smile creeping up his face.

"Sappy! And karl!"
Zuma glanced back seeing if he had permission to go over to Sapnap and Karl so he could hug them.

Dream nodded faintly.
"Yes zuma you can go hug Sapnap and Karl, but if uncle Sapnap teaches you anything bad, tell me." He crossed his arms, holding a firm look towards Sapnap and zuma.
"I'll deal with him." He glared at Sapnap.

Zuma nodded and crawled over to the edge of the bed, holding his arms up, wanting Sapnap too pick him up.

Sapnap quickly picked up zuma, holding him over your shoulder carefully.
"I swear he's gotten bigger." He chuckled, glancing at zuma.

George had a soft smile, seeing how happy zuma was made him happy..

"Well here is the stuff you asked for Dream." Sapnap passed Dream a black bag, being careful not too drop it.
"Now you two have fun while me and Karl watch zuma."

George raised a brow as he looked over at Dream- what? I thought we all were gonna hang out?

He was confused..

"Mhm." Dream grasped the beg and settled it down on the counter for later.
"Thanks- don't forget to give zuma his cake pop"

Sapnap nodded before making his way over too the door, closing it behind him.

George looked over at Dream confused.
"How come we aren't going with them..?" He had a small frown.

Dream had a small chuckle before turning towards George, having a flirtatious look.
"Mm.. Cause I was thinking we can have some one-on-one time.." he tilted George's chin up faintly..
"If your up for it that is."

George had a small smile before leaning into a small kiss.
"I'm always up for it." He giggled softly.

Dream smiled before wrapping his arms around George's waist, moving them both too the point George was pinned underneath him.
"God.. you look gorgeous today." He complimented his lover.

George felt his face heat up- That was unexpected.
"Dream- you know I'm on my heat right." He tilted his head, having a small smile creep up his face..
"If my supplements where off you could go into rut."

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now