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George sat in the passenger seat, glancing out the car window ever so often.
"Soo.. what are we doing again..?" He completely forgot what the mission was... hopefully Dream won't get mad.

"We are going to pick up shipment near the doc-" Dream was cut off when a certain beta interrupted him- pushing his face off to the side.

"We are going to pick up guns and drugs to sell!" Sapnap peaked his head between the seats, moving dreams head out of the way.
"Easy cash for us~"

Dream rolled his eyes, moving sapnaps hand away.
"Why did you even come with us ?? You could have gone with punz" he wanted to be with George alone.. not with Sapnap third wheeling

"Yeahh, but I get to stay with gogy." Sapnap pointed to the omega, smiling.
"Plus gogy is good at fighting."

Dream rolled his eyes
"Yeah- yeah." He turned his gaze forward, keeping an eye where he's driving.
"Once we get there.. I don't want to hear a word out of either of you- you are here for extra support."

"Does that mean I have to sit in the car." George frowned- he always has to sit in the car and wait for them to be done.
"Again." He whined softly.

"No." Dream shook his head- he needed George to be there just in case.
"You are with me, Sapnap and Punz are staying back for support in the back.. got it?"

George happily gasped- he gets to see Dream at work all serious!
"Got it!" He turned forward, his facing turning a light shade of pink.

.: Time Skip when they get there:. I'm lazy okay!

Dream carefully parked the car in an alley way.
"Alright- we are here.." he reached over and grabbed his mask-
"Now.. you guys know what to do?" He looked over at the two.

George nodded, holding his sheathed sword in his hands.
"Yeah." He glanced down, this sword leaned a lot to him.

"So basic, you should use a gun George." Sapnap held his gun, looking over at George's katana.
"It's a lot more cooler." He poked georges cheek.

"Shut up, my sword will help" George turned back at Sapnap, slapping his hand..
"We gotta be professional and helpful." He pouted.

"Well- more like me and Punz chill out while you talk with that weird girl" Sapnap waved his hand, point over to the direction they walk in.
"She's a weird one.

"Sapnap! Come on!" Punz leaned against his car, unpatient.
"I've been waiting!!!"

"Oop! That's my cue! Bye losers!" Sapnap slid himself out of the car-
"Have fun fucking!" He slammed the car door.

.: Dream and George POV :.

George looked over at Dream.
"Should I switch to a gun...?" He frowned, he felt bad for using the sword.

"Keep the sword- your better with it." Dream smiled, fluffing his hair.
"Your good with it."

George nodded, clutching his sword.
"Do.. do you think zuma is okay?" He didn't trust foolish.. he was scared that something went wrong.

"He's alright- I trust foolish made sure he was alright" Dream rubbed George's cheek, placing a small kiss on the tip of his nose.
"Now, a few rules." He smirked.

George had a Unimpressed look.
"Rules, are you fucking kidding me." He mumbled under his breath.
"You son of a bitch."

"This is different from your normal missions you've been on." Dream ruffled George's hair, smiling.
"You need to be ready."

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now