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.:This is a short chapter, but gonna have a big impact:.

Dream unpacked a box whilst George played with the pups on the ground.
"You can help too you know." He smiled, watching the three play.

"Yeah.. but you deserve to do it right now." George watched at the pups played with there toys.
"I'm having fun.... And plus- this is your work stuff- I'm not misplacing something for you to wake me up and find it."

Dream lightly chuckled, pulling out a few times.
"Well I think patches is hiding somewhere in your room if you want to find her." He began to set up his desk.

George lightly nodded, but before he stood up- zuma walked over and tugged on his shirt.

"Mama!" Zuma smiled, tugging on the bottom of George's shirt.
"Snow...?" He pointed.. he wanted to play.

George shook his head.
"There's no snow here baby... I don't think there will be any." He ruffled zumas hair.
"It's warm here."

Zuma frowned- he wanted to show tallie and Elio snow.
"okay..." he sat next to george.
"I miss home... I miss snow..."

"I do too baby, but this is our home now." George kissed the top of the pups head.
"We just need to get used to it..." he carefully pulled zuma on his lap.
"You know... it's pretty nice here."

"Mhm." Dream lightly nodded, sighing.
"I miss home as well.." he glanced out the window.
"But it's safer here- plus we have our own private beach."

"I know." George looked down, seeing Elio and tallie trying to fight with one another.
"Stop it you both.." he lightly growled.

The pups quickly stopped, still growling at each other... but they knew they couldn't fight anymore if George growls for them to stop- they stop.

"Yo! Dream!" Sapnap walked in, having a satisfying hum.
"We are heading to the strip club, you coming?" He glanced at the blonde, seeing the alpha leaned over his desk working.

Dream looked up, having an unimpressed look.
"I don't go to places like that, you know this Sapnap- I have a mate." He stared at the beta with an annoyed look.
"Besides.. I'm pretty sure I have two people coming to talk with me today."

"Just reschedule it." Sapnap waved his hand, humming faintly.

"I have to watch the pups." Dream rolled his eyes, making up an excuse not to go.

"I'm watching the pups..?" George had a puzzled look, glancing at Dream.... He kinda wanted to be a dick and make Dream go.
"You can go."
Dream glared at George, he's supposed to be on his side.
"Well- the pups need someone tough to be around." He teased, glaring at George.

George shrugged, nuzzling the top of zumas head.
"Mhm.." he happily smiled.

"Okay then." Sapnap looked down at Elio.
"Elio, can I ask you a question." He crouched down, seeing the small pup.
"If you understand me that is."

Elio looked up confused whilst rubbing his nose- he was quite confused why Sapnap wanted to ask him a question.

"Who's the toughest person you know." Sapnap was curious- since he knew tallie would say Dream and zuma would probably say George... so Elio was the equal answer.

Elio was confused- but pointed at George.
"Mm- m- Ma!" He smiled, struggling to say mama.

George perked up- that's what he said on the beach.
"Oh! Elio! Good job!" He ruffled Elio's hair- he was more proud the Elio learned his first word.
"You said mama!"

Elio happily smiled, he was happy George was happy with him...

Tallie was just unimpressed.

"Of course you ask Elio- here let me ask tallie.
Dream grumbled, looking at tallie.
"Tallie- who's the toughest person you know."
He glanced at the pup.

Tallie glanced at Dream before pointing at George.

"Traitor..." Dream grumbled, but as he even glanced at zuma- he was already pointing at George.
"Okay- zum-"

"Mama.." Zuma hesitantly pointed at George.

"Welp- that settles it, come on dream." Sapnap nudged his head, having a satisfying smirk.
"Your spending time with the crew."

"You all are traitors just like your mother." Dream pointed at the three pups, glaring at them.
"You know that." He pointed at each and every one of them.

George chuckled as he saw how confused they all were.
"Don't be mean.. they are just smart is all." He smiled.

Dream grumbled as he walked over to Sapnap.
"Can we do it another time...? This is important." He glanced at the clock on the wall.
"They should be here any minute."

"Who should be here..?" Sapnap was confused.. who was Dream having a meeting with.

"Dream...? Are you in here..?" A familiar voice mumbled.

"And there they are." Dream smiled, looking over.

Sapnaps eyes widened as he slowly turned around.. it can't be.

"Hello bad and skeppy."

.:Total word count: 814:.

Short chapter

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now