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George sat in the car, smiling happily.
"I am quite excited." He looked around, Dream decided to drive to the closer town near by there home.
"We get to spend time together!!"

Dream glanced over, seeing how excited George was.
"I am too." He looked forward
"Especially if it's us spending time together."

He had no idea where he was taking George.. just somewhere nice, even if it's just a walk.

George was way to excited, he could barely sit still.. he was just so eager to walk around.
"So! Where are we going!" He looked at all the different stores.
"Are we going out to dinner! Or go shopping."

"Err... I don't exactly know." Dream anxiously chuckled as he parked near the side of the road.
"I thought we could just.. walk around."

George nodded.
"I'd love that!" He perked up, giggling softly.
"It's better then being suck at home for so long."

"Yeah.. it's better then needing to do work all the damn time.. Wilbur's been putting it off, making myself need to do it in the end." Dream faced George, smiling under his face mask.
"I'm sorry about that."

"It's alright.. just- please don't make me raise them on my own." George reached over, carefully adjusting dreams hoodie collar.
"Or I will kill you." He soon spoke firmly, pulling Dream forward.
"I'm not raising three kids alone."

Dream quickly nodded.
"You won't- you won't-" he anxiously chuckled.
"I'll make sure that you won't, even if I'm busy."

"Good" George soon perked up again, sliding out of the car.
"Cmon then! I'm excited!" He closed the door behind him

Dream had an anxious laugh, rubbing his chest... god- when did he become so scary.
"Jesus.." he mumbled quietly.

.: sidewalk :.

George looked around at the new scenery around them.. he never seen this place before.
"Woah!" His smile grew, there were fairy lights on the buildings.

"It's rather peaceful here." Dream walked behind George, resting his hands on his hips.
"Not as loud as the other places I've been.. but quite peacefully."

George turned, hugging Dream.
"Thank you for taking me out.. even if your busy." He nuzzled his chest faintly, smiling.

"Just cause I'm busy.. doesn't make it a good excuse for me not to see my family." Dream hugged George back.
"I love you all a lot.. and I want to help- even if I'm not very good at it.."

"You are keeping us safe." George lightly nuzzled the alphas chest, glancing up.
"You get rid of all threats to our family and friends." He was grateful that Dream was trying his hardest.

"Speaking of which.. if your up for it- I have a mission coming up.. Wilbur's been planning it for awhile." Dream let go of George, lightly grasping his hand.
"Some men have been trying to hack into our system... and I was thinking that if your feeling better.. would you like to go on the mission."

George had a faintly shocked look.
"And.. what would this mission need..?" He held dreams hand back, interlocking his fingers.

"A skilled- basically an assassin, a hacker and me." Dream swayed George around as they began there walk.
"And I think your the perfect fit for that basically assassin bit, as you are a slim fit omega that can kick people's asses."

George couldn't help but laugh.
"Yeah, I was gone for three months training to become strong." He twirl around as Dream held his hand.
"And you still we're worried about me going on missions."

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now