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I woke up and looked around the room trying to get my eyes to properly adjust. We were way too lit last night. After winning that game and the whole team coming through, man...can't wait til the graduation party. These last few days been crazy as hell for real, but it's had its ups too. I got up and went to the bathroom, I had to piss so bad. I went to wash my hands, my face, and brush my teeth. Then I went ahead and went downstairs and saw there were still some here. The biggest throw off I had was walking into the Kitchen and seeing Iris, Araya, and Jazz. "Hey baby." Iris said as I walked over to her and she handed me a cup of coffee. "I was gonna bring it to you, but here you are." she said as she wrapped her arm around my neck. "Yeah we gone talk." she said in my ear. I nodded as I sipped the coffee.
"So that's how yall kick it?" Araya asked.
"It's always fun times when we do it." I said as I kissed Iris on the cheek.
"Yall must come from big money. This house is beautiful." Jazz said. Me and Iris looked at each other for a second.
"I mean we came from it, but this all hard work and dedication here." Iris said.
"What do you do?" she asked.
"We own a record label." I said to her and she nodded.
"Must be nice." she said as she took a sip of her coffee.
"Where Jay at?" I asked Iris.
"He was still sleeping when I walked out the room." Jazz said.
"Who?" Aries said as she walked in the Kitchen. Lawwdddd
"Hey boo, I need your help with something." Iris said as she got Aries up out of there because she looked like she was ready to turn up on Justin.
"Let me go see about Riek." Araya said as she walked away as well. I sat down at the island across from Jazz.
"So...I'm guessing I probably overstayed my welcome." she said. I tried not to laugh.
"I was raised appropriately, so I'll never throw a lady out. Regardless of how anyone feels about you being here, you're here with him. That's between yall." I said without looking up at her while I scrolled through my emails.
"But they've all bonded with Dom, so I'm sure I'm the bad guy." she said. " one has said that, so that must be your own conscience." I said as I looked up. She set her cup down.
"It's easy to judge what you don't understand though. Charles, look you don't know me and that's cool. But to know Justin, used to be to know me. Before Dom, there was me and you came after her. I know Iris cannot possibly have been your only love in this life." she said. "Actually, she is." I said.
"You cannot help who you love. I hate that he did this to us, but I don't love him any less. But at the same time, my heart couldn't take them having that baby either." she said.
"Well...I guess your heart is glad then." I said getting up from the island at this point.
"That makes me a horrible person, doesn't it?" she asked.
"Not horrible, but lost for sure. Any time you can find enjoyment in another's misfortune, is kind of sick. But you're so blinded by your infatuation, that you can't decipher that. My advice to you: pray." I said as I walked out the kitchen and seen Jay coming down the hallway.
" as hungover as me?" he said walking up.
"Naw, I didn't get that lit. But you clearly did." I said.
"Man bruh...Idk what got into me, but..."
"Besides Jazz." I said. He just looked at me all crazy. "She's in the Kitchen bruh."
"Man listen..." he started.
"Bruh I'm not Dom, Martin, or your parents. You don't owe me no explanation. But you know you're public enemy #1 with these females in this house right now." I warned him.
"In my defense though, me & Dom are done." he said.
"That's fine, you know me, I'm not one for the bullshit. But you know this is gonna blow up before it cools down."
"Story of my life. But let me get her out of here." he said as he walked off and Iris stepped out the room.
"Wait so he dumped her while she's still laid up in that hospital? Wow and here I was rooting for him." she said.
"Babe, don't. Let them deal with their shit, we good over here." I said as I pulled her to me and kissed her. Like butter, she melted. "Feel me?" I said.
"Of course. I'll just let her wreak havoc in the studio." I laughed.
"Winning!" Iris fried but that's why that's my baby.
"Your girl gone be the rapping Adele." I said. We both laughed at that shit for real. "Anyways, I got a session I need to sit in on in a minute though, so I gotta run soon." I said to her.
"Who?" she asked me.
"Depth and Paradox got this record they been working on and I gotta check it out. Rodney said it was a guaranteed banger." I told her.
"That's cool. I need to review that females of the label track anyway." she told me. I was so proud of how we were coming along with everything for real. Just a month ago, we were so far gone and disconnected and look at us now. We were as solid as can be and on the verge of being great for real. This is everything that I dreamed of and more. Now if I can only get Iris to accept this modeling offer so we can edge out of Unc's business. One step at a time though. I went and got dressed and headed back towards the door to slip on my shoes to head out. I knew Iris and the girls were gonna take too long so they'd come separately. When I got outside I saw Jay and Jazz getting in the car to leave and I just waved. Yup...none of my business, but I'm sure it would blow up eventually. I looked down at my phone and saw Tony calling.
"Hello." I said.
"Bruh I need you to pull up. Yesterday!" I hung up and headed his way.

The Unusual Suspects Book 2Where stories live. Discover now