I had been sitting in the game room at Martin's blowing with them for a minute. I've had so much heavy on my mind lately that this lil hiatus has been nice. "Man...you ready for this C?" Mar asked me as he passed me back the blunt. "The L or you mean marriage?" I said as I started to hit the blunt. "Now I know you high as giraffe ass. Marriage nigga." Mar said as me, him, and Riek laughed. "I had to make sure we were on the same page. But shit, it's just a formality, we're basically already in a union." I said before I passed it to Riek. "Yeah and no. You're in more like a civil union, not a we got paperwork that ties me to you forever type of union." Riek said as they both looked at me. "I'm just curious C...like you never really wanted to see what else is out there? Y'all been tied to each other for a long time as it is. You sure marriage is the next step, like y'all ain't trauma bonded, right?" I promise I never even thought about the trauma bond thing. "There might be some truth to the trauma bond part of it, but that's just the tip of the iceberg though. In the beginning, sure. Now...I mean she's literally like my evil twin..." We all laughed at that shit. "...But naw she got my back and I'm her first line of defense. She's the riot and I'm the gas to clear it all up. Together we work...I can't even imagine doing that with someone else." "I hear you and you know I love Boss Lady, but I want you to be sure for yourself that this is what you wanna do. Like I wake up confident in my relationship with all my babes every day of my life, but if someone were to ask me who I would marry first...I don't know and this is why I know I'm not there yet. I just want to make sure you're confident in your decision." Riek said. "Yeah, never no disrespect to Iris, because that Sis for real, I'm just looking out for you. I don't want to have a conversation with you a year from now and you're questioning if you made the right decision. I'm just saying, be sure." Mar said as he passed it back to me. "I'm sure this is what I wanna do that. I think you only get 2 great women in your life. The first one is to show you that they exist, but you're gonna fuck that relationship up. You're not ready for what she is on. The second one, you begin to see that they're the one. You take your time, you focus on building and then you take that leap. Or you ultimately fuck that up too." I said as I put the blunt out and they both looked at me. "What?" "So...there was somebody before Iris?" Mar asked and I laughed. "Wait...y'all niggas thought I had only ever been with Iris?" I asked and they both nodded and it was now my turn to laugh. "Mannnnn naw...I've had other girls than her. They just didn't amount to much. I mean there was one that had a lot of potential but unfortunately life had other plans for her." I said as I took a swig of my water. "She moved away or something?" Riek asked me and I shook my head. "She died?" Mar asked. "Yeah she got killed by these Crips back in Chicago. Wrong place, wrong time." I said and honestly I hadn't even thought about her in so long, I almost forgot it even happened. "Damn they was dropping the females too in the Chi?" Mar said. "Hell yeah. They don't give no fucks, they'll order a whole blackout on the whole family. Kids included." Riek said and sadly he was absolutely right. "Yeah the bullets was meant for her older brother, but they lit the whole house up. Crazy part about it is, her brother wasn't even home. But they got her and her dad. Now her mom's a whole fiend and her brother went on a rampage on most of the niggas responsible." "Street justice...that's crazy." Mar said as he got up and went and poured him a shot. "It wasn't like that in Detroit?" I asked him. "Don't get me wrong, it could get like that but usually it didn't go down like that. They tried to spare the women and definitely the kids. But other cats were really nothing to play with, usually the older niggas that still had a chip on their shoulder would order blackouts. But typically naw. Maybe once or twice with the women, but the kids, naw. They coming for your ass if you kill a child and may God be with you at that point." Mar said as he sat back down. "At least we're not like that." I said in our defense. "True, but is your uncle like that?" Riek asked me. I just looked at Mar and he looked back. "I'm only asking because I haven't really gotten to know him and since he's the one calling the shots, I'm just curious." Riek finished. "To be honest, I'm not sure Riek. Mar could probably tell you better than me." I said as we both turned to him and he got back up and poured another shot. "It could get like that with him, but you'd really have to cross him bad for that to happen. I don't think anyone wants to go down that road with him. Most of the time when he wants to take it there, his consultant G, tells him not to and gives alternatives." Mar said. "Consultant?" Riek said and me and Mar laughed. "This finna fuck you up..." I started as I took a drink of water. "G...old school Italian mob type player at that." Riek sat up some and looked at us. "Y'all being serious?" he asked. "Hell yeah." Mar said and Riek looked surprised as hell. "That ain't even the kicker. G is a lawyer and he so happens to be Toya's dad." I said. "Whoa! Flag on the field! That's her Pops?" Mar asked and I laughed to myself. "You ain't know?" I said

The Unusual Suspects Book 2
General FictionThe story of 6 inner city young adults, all from different walks of life, from different areas, and conquering different hardships. Watch how school, family, drugs, lies, the streets, and love bring them together and rip them apart