There I was in the oddest predicament and for some reason I felt so at ease in it. To meet and get to know Onyx, I can see what Paradox sees in her. She's a really pretty, down to earth person. I feel like had we have met under different circumstances, maybe we could've been really great friends, but I don't know if there should be boundaries on that. I hadn't laughed so hard and just vibed with anyone like this in so long. But when I say it has been a true pleasure to design for her. Plus I always wanted to work on different body types so that I know I wasn't a one-trick pony. She was definitely heavyset but curvy and this was new for me. But even constructing her mask was a really big thing too and I was so glad that she was pleased with it. She stood in front of me with this black catsuit on that I had made for her that had lace accents and the mask that matched. The gold from the lace gave it a sexy, mysterious look and it looked so nice against her eyes. I think she was probably gonna pair it with some Dr Martens platform boots, it would keep it edgy for her. I think that would be best anyway to keep the integrity of her artistry. "Girl...I feel like I've known you for forever. You're easy to talk to." She said to me. "I could surely say the same to you. I don't think I've had this much fun with any client before. Each meeting has been full of laughs." I said to her as I fixed the last detail of her mask. "Always, I'm a whole vibe boo! And you ma'am are definitely giving me life!" she said as she stared in the mirror as she held the mask to her face. "I love it!" she exclaimed. "And this here..." I said as I walked up to her and moved this piece of fabric and buttoned the mask to her top to it. " can do this so you don't even have to hold it." I told her. "This like some low-key Inspector Gadget type shit!! I'm not mad at it." We both laughed from a good healthy place. She was a trip. "Let me get out of this before I be tempted to take pics and this is for the road. Thank you!" she said again as I helped her step down and take off the outfit. We placed it neatly in a clothing box as she started to get dressed. "You're welcome Sweets!" I said to her as I started to pick up the lil pieces of lace that I had cut off during the fitting. "So...did you think of taking him up on his offer?" she asked me. "What you mean?" I asked her as we locked eyes. "Girl...Dox. He told me he had approached you because he was feeling you, I'm just wondering if you considered his offer? Not to be weird or nothing, but I like you as a person. I know some people find it difficult to understand our situation. Like don't get me wrong, I love him but I don't like feeling caged in until it's that time. I've spent time with you and I can definitely understand what he sees in you. All I'm saying is, consider it. You might just be thrilled at the outcome." she said with a wink. So unexpected. "I don't know what I'm gonna do about that since well...I'm enga..." "Engaged, not married. I get it, you're used to traditional relationships. That's cool but just remember, it's not the only way to be. No pressure or anything, but there's some things you may desire that you may not ever experience after walking down that aisle. Even if only for one night, it's still worth a spin. Just saying." she said as if she was trying to put me up on game. "I mean you have points, but I just haven't gotten that far in my thought process." I told her. "Well I just wanted to clear the air boo. I don't want you to think that we can't be cool if y'all fuck around. Being open is one of my definite must-haves until marriage of course. Sometimes you never know what you're missing out on in the world because you've spent so much time wrapped up in one person. Like you'll feel like they're everything you want until you experience something new. But girl...please don't let me break up your happy home because that'll never be my intention. But I feel like life is too short to not be completely satisfied with what you have going on. Each day is an experience, feel me?" I couldn't lie, she made an interesting point. "I feel you. But I'd have to get Tony onboard with that before I could even make a move on it." I said to her honestly because I'd hate to hurt him, but he does leave some things to be desired. Especially when it's been forever with going back and forth about the streets. "Let me ask you something. I just need your opinion since it won't be biased." She sat down next to me. "Shoot it, I'm all ears." she said to me. "So if Paradox was continuously doing something that you told him that you had a problem with, that you've been very transparent about, how would you feel?" Her look softened. "Depends on how deep I felt about it. If it's something he could easily adjust, I'm not gonna keep talking because he clearly doesn't respect my feelings about it. But I'd allot time to make the necessary adjustments if need be." she said to me. "Years, though?" she grabbed her imaginary pearls around her neck. "Baby no! Nothing takes years and that's on me! Some things might take some time and a lil finesse but years is out of the question. That sounds like a disregard for your feelings in general. I mean I'll never tell you what to do, but I think I'd have given an ultimatum a while ago. But take my number mama, we can always talk about whatever and whenever. You might need to channel your inner-me." she said as she took my phone and put her number in it.

The Unusual Suspects Book 2
General FictionThe story of 6 inner city young adults, all from different walks of life, from different areas, and conquering different hardships. Watch how school, family, drugs, lies, the streets, and love bring them together and rip them apart