I was laying down with Suki and we had really just been laying here quiet as hell. I had so much stuff going through my mind, but didn't even know where to start for real. Her head was resting on my stomach and then she looked up at me. "You okay Love?" I asked her and she stared in my eyes. "I was about to ask you that question for real." she said to me. "I'm alright, just got a lot on my mind." I admitted to her and she sat up a little bit. "You wanna talk about it?" she asked me. I nodded and sat up too. "I need to talk to you about some shit, but I don't want you to hate me afterwards." I told her. "Why would I ever hate you? I might be upset, hurt or whatever, but I'd never hate you." "I lied to you." I said as I looked up into her eyes. "...when you asked me did I still love Dom, I told you no. And in all actuality..." "I know you still love her. I'm not mad at that, you could've told me that, but I'm not mad." "I think it's just that I really wanna be completely past her, because you deserve that and more. I don't talk to her or nothing like that. I have never done anything to jeopardize our relationship because I value you that much, but...I don't know. It's not you though because you've been everything a nigga could ever want and need. I just..." "Babez, chill. You're still going through your whole loss situation and finding you. Everything is a process. I don't expect perfection from you Jay, I just expect you to be real. I appreciate you for admitting it though, but trust me I knew because I pay attention. Then I even asked a couple of your friends and they all basically said they didn't doubt that you were for me. So I don't sweat it. I've been riding with you throughout the process and I'm still here. As long as you're trying, I'm staying. Just don't be afraid to tell me if you want to walk away either." she said. "Girl...we locked in. Stop playing. We could go get married today." I said and we both laughed. "Stop playing with me." she said. "Who playing?" I said to her. "Let's go do it then." she said with a laugh. I started to get up. "See look at you trying to feed into my delusion." she said with a smile. "Who said it's delusion? I mean being real, I can't even fathom finding someone more perfect than you. Plus, with the grip I got on you, where you going?" I said to her and she looked over in my eyes and I think she could tell that I was serious. "I mean I have no intentions on leaving, but be real: you don't wanna get married." she said. "I do for real. I've always seen marriage for myself, but on the real, I have never met anyone that's half as dope as you. You got a dope ass aura, you're super caring, you're an open book, you're forgiving, you're understanding, you're a great mom, you're intelligent, you're a hell of a hustler, you're gorgeous as hell, and most of all you're mine. I could live through probably 3 more lifetimes and I don't believe I'd find anyone that could hold a candle to you." I told her and she had tears in her eyes. "Don't cry." I told her. "That's probably the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me for real." she said while she was wiping her tears from her face. "They're not sad tears, I just needed to hear that." I had wrapped my arms around her and held her for a couple mins. Fuck it. "So, let's go do it." I said to her as she pulled away from me slowly. "You being serious?" she asked me for clarification. "Yes, will you marry me?" I asked her. She looked into my eyes for a moment. "Okay. Yes, let's do it!" She said as we both got up and went and hopped in the shower together. I swear I feel like everything was one big blur leading up to us going to the courthouse. I could never forget the look in her eye when we signed the marriage license. We sat down in the waiting area for our number to be called and I held out my hand as she put hers in mine and laid her head on my shoulder. "Ya know...this still gives you time to change your mind." she said to me. "I won't though." I told her as I placed a kiss on the top of her head. I know this was really spur of the moment, but I don't think this will be anything that I regret. She was literally the best thing that had ever happened to me and I refuse to lose that no matter what. "I see, your heart ain't even racing so you must've really meant it." she said to me. "I do mean it. I knew what I was saying when I said it for real. You already showed me in the last few months more than some people have shown in the past several years." "I can say the same thing about you." she said softly. I squeezed her hand a little bit and then they called our number. We went ahead and walked into the courtroom along with the clerks that were serving as our witnesses. I stood there holding her hands in mine while we listened to the officiant go through the vows. "...to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part." "I do." I said and she smiled. "Suki, do you take Justin..." and at no point did she ever break our eye contact. This further let me know that it wasn't a game. "I do." I heard her say and in that instant I knew it became real as hell. Man I had grabbed and kissed her for what felt like minutes as we watched the witnesses sign and then it hit me, we're definitely walking out of here differently than how we walked in. And I'm good with that, even though my mom is probably gonna kill me.

The Unusual Suspects Book 2
General FictionThe story of 6 inner city young adults, all from different walks of life, from different areas, and conquering different hardships. Watch how school, family, drugs, lies, the streets, and love bring them together and rip them apart