I think is probably the longest me and Toya ever held a conversation, I could tell something was weighing on her but she wouldn't quite say it. I had always been a wiz at body language, but she was all over the place. I was trying to focus but I had to analyze between the words. "...I don't know maybe I'm tripping." Toya ended her lil rant with that. "You're not. But also I can't help you unless you tell me what it is. I ain't hear to judge you, we're like family. The same way I am with Tony, is the same way I am with you. Even if the problem is him, you can still tell me that. Whatever it is, can't be that bad." I told her. "Promise me you won't say anything to anyone else about this." She said to me. "You have my word Sis." I told her and I could tell she believed me. "So...I was just talking to Paradox, right? And it's almost like he could read me the exact same way that you did in the beginning of this conversation and..." She couldn't find the words. "You like him." I said and she looked away for a minute before looking back. "...You're not a bad person for that. I'm not judging, the same way I didn't judge when it came down to Kev and Dom. Sometimes you never know you're missing something until you get it. Then you're like damn this is pretty nice. That's not to take away from what you have going on or anything, but it's different, it's new....exciting even. And that's okay. But I'm not sure what road you're going to walk down with it and you definitely don't have to share that with me at all. But just make sure you don't make a mess of the situation, for your own sanity." I told her. "What you mean?" she asked. "For example...Justin played his card fucked up, right? And Kev was trying to be respectful of their relationship so he was just a friend. Their situation ended and he pursued Dom, no harm no foul. It was a smooth transition. Just try to do the same if you choose to go down that lane. I'm not saying you and Tony need to part ways, but maybe y'all need a break. Our lifestyle is a lot and maybe that's the issue, maybe he's in his own head too much...Idk only y'all would know that. But you and Dox both have your own other situations. The only difference is they keep theirs open to that there's no mess. Maybe consider that first. You'll figure it out." I told her. "Thanks Charles, I appreciate a fresh perspective. Also thanks for being so cool about it." "Listen, I'm the godfather to your son, I'mma always be here Sis. Just know I'm a fair person, I'm never gonna take one side over the other in no situation, I'mma keep it neutral. No matter what, I got you and AJ. Don't sweat the small stuff." I said before I hugged her and she went ahead and left. I closed up that office and came down the hall and ran into Kev. "Just the brotha I needed to see." he said as I walked towards my office and shut the door behind him. He sat down across from me as I settled at the desk. "Tell me I'm tripping." "You trippin Kev." We both laughed at that shit. "Naw, what's up man?" "This is probably about to sound wild to you, but you think Araya got a thing for Dom?" "Nigga what I miss?" I said knowing my face showed my confusion. "I feel like I keep catching them in these awkward moments where they either just looking at each other quietly or just smiling awkward as hell." "I think you trippin brody. And the only reason I say that is Dom literally looks at you like ain't no other mf holding a candle to you. I mean Araya is a bad ass girl, but I think that's the least of your worries on the real. Shake that shit off." I told him as I took a sip of my water. "Man because you know I'm a cool ass nigga but if the tribe think for one min..." "Chill killa." I said with a laugh. "She ain't going nowhere. But I can clearly see you all in love and shit now because you wilding lightweight." We both laughed at that shit. Then Iris walked in. "What's funny? I want to laugh too." Iris said sitting on my lap. I looked at Kev. "I just had to ask Big C a question is all." he said still laughing. "Unless it's top secret, let me hear it." she said being thirsty as hell to know. "I asked him if he thinks Araya has a thing for Dom." Now we all laughed at that shit. "So you think Riek trying to get them another one?" Iris said steady laughing. "Naw I keep walking in rooms and it seems like it's silent smiles or awkward stares with them." "I feel like Araya is a naturally awkward stare person though. She tends to do that when she's thinking in general. But boy please, if Dom can admit to a room full of people the feelings that she has for you, you have nothing to worry about." Iris told him. "What she say?" he said way too eager. Me and Iris laughed. "That is girl code son. I'm not sharing that with you. Just know, that girl really loves you nigga." "Bet, I'm out y'all." he said leaving quick as fuck. Me and Iris looked at each other. "So...I saw Paradox and when I say that who outfit brought the swag out of him that he needed for that shoot, I mean it. Them shots are gonna be dope as fuck." She said to me. "Good that means Toya is doing her mf job right." I said to her. "Of course, we knew she would ever since the listening party. My boo definitely has a good eye for this shit and that is exactly what we needed. I would've never put that lil get up together." she said. Good, everything is panning out in time for us to hit the road. I'm beyond excited about this tour.

The Unusual Suspects Book 2
Ficción GeneralThe story of 6 inner city young adults, all from different walks of life, from different areas, and conquering different hardships. Watch how school, family, drugs, lies, the streets, and love bring them together and rip them apart