To be able to see my work plastered all around has been nothing short of amazing. Most people have to wait so much longer to get the outcome that I have already achieved, I feel so blessed and highly favored. To look on social media and see pictures of D and Kev everywhere and the comments! Lord the comments section had me beaming with glee. This was my moment for sure. I mean, some of the comments were really just about their bodies, I know. But there were some that showed complete admiration for my work. And then plus, it didn't hurt that it showcased their own features. I was good at pulling from people's best attribute. But now this has me second guessing almost everything I thought I was sure of. I need a voice of reason, well a few of them. But maybe I shouldn't have started here. "Bitch why the hell are you even contemplating this? What the hell you need college for in terms of making clothes? You already killing the scene! Don't let them try to tell you that your way is wrong when you're clearly doing more than fine with it." "It could help me polish up on my skills or show me another way. I mean I wouldn't be wrong to explore that idea too, right?" "Toy, you really making this harder on yourself at this point." "How Nic? I'm just explaining to you the reasons why college could still be the answer." "Baby, you're trying to convince yourself, not me! You came to me because you want it raw and uncut, the same way I kept it when we were cheering together. You had this whole ideal way in your mind that your life was supposed to follow the steps you had planned. That's not how life goes though, you live and you learn. You're already doing the desired outcome, so why would you want to get knocked off your square? Didn't Charles and Iris hire you to style all the artists? That's big! Think of when these mfs become mainstream, there will be interviews, appearances, performances, awards and shit. You're already set! You better kill that thought in your mind that college is necessary, it may be helpful, but not necessary at all." "She's right though. All you need is for them to mention you while wearing your clothes. Like you know how they do the hair by, outfit by yada yada yada...there goes your name getting out there. Girllll it could be some heavy hitters waiting on someone just like you." Zion said as she chimed in as well. I had to admit they were making sense, hell Nicole was right, I came here because she was so straight forward, I knew she would tell me like it is, no matter what. "Don't overthink it mama." Nic said to me. "Speaking of mama, how's the pregnancy treating you?" I asked her. "Girl I swear I be so tired. I only be wanting to sleep." Nicole said to me. "You mean eat and sleep?" Zion said as we all laughed. "Girl fuck you!" Nic said laughing and we laughed harder. "You already do a fine job of that Juicy." Zion said as she smacked Nic's ass. I couldn't understand how these tribes did it, but I respected how their unions work out. "She be trying to turn me on all the time." Nic said looking at me. "I could never just try anything, I do." Zion said. I think I liked her little cocky ass. Somehow she was like a good balance for them. I can see why Martin wanted to add her for sure, she was like the female version of him. That had to be fun for them. "I might just be overstaying my welcome here. Yall need some time?" I said as I calmed down my laughter. And they both shook their heads to tell me no. "No Orange County, we just be fooling. You know how I do." Nic said to me. "But you probably want to hear that from Erica more than us, huh?" she said. "Why would you say that? Your take is very much valid." "Because she's more your speed. Not knocking neither one of us, but she fits the profile of the type of person you want an opinion from. Like I know I don't know you the world's greatest, but from what I can tell you like people who have their shit all the way together. I'm not offended or anything, but out of us, Erica fits that mold the most. I'm in college and Nicole was never pro-college, but Erica is more settled into something." Zion said and the sad part is she's right. "Hello everybody!" Erica said walking in almost right on queue. "Bae please tell Toya she doesn't need college to follow her dreams." Nic said. "Toya, you don't need college to follow your dreams." Erica repeated to me. "You really think so?" I asked her. "I was only telling you what Nic said to tell you." Erica said as we all erupted in laughter. "But what is it that you're really trying to accomplish Toy?" Erica asked as she took a seat. "I mean yall all know how much I want to be a designer." I said to her. "You're right, the world knows that. However, you're already a designer. When your work is plastered on social media and TV, you're already that. I mean realistically, you don't need school for that. I mean as far as the business side of it, you may want to take a couple of classes or attend a few seminars. But you're already there. That's like cosmetologists go to school for so many things but when new techniques or styles come up, they get training or take a class to learn how to do it and get it down. They don't start from the beginning. Now do I get wanting to go to school for it? Absolutely. It teaches you different styles and learning more about fabrics and all of that. But again, not necessary. But it's up to you boo, pray on it and I'm sure you'll figure it out." Time to think some more.

The Unusual Suspects Book 2
قصص عامةThe story of 6 inner city young adults, all from different walks of life, from different areas, and conquering different hardships. Watch how school, family, drugs, lies, the streets, and love bring them together and rip them apart