Me and Iris were just sitting there looking at each other with not many words we could muster up. We were sitting on my furniture in the living room of my house just chilled back as I was trying to sort it out in my mind. It had been the first time in years that I had really gone this long by myself. But I can't lie and say it wasn't a little relaxing though. "So...have you talked to him?" she asked me as she took a sip of her water. "Not since I grabbed my things from over there. I mean he made it real clear that if I was taking my time, that he was keeping AJ. I get it but I don't feel like it was really that deep." "Open to interpretation mama. It's not that serious if you just needed time to sort your shit out in your mind that is. But to be possibly linking with other people and whatnot, I kinda can see it. Don't get me wrong, I support you and how you went about it and all of that, but I also understand him as a father too though. But I mean he's dealing with a bruised ego." she said. "I get that, hell I was nursing my own bruised ego when the Autumn situation arose. I'm not mad at him for reacting the way that he did, but trying to basically keep AJ is crazy. Like I literally carried him the whole 9 months and all that, our ties are different. What I proposed to him wasn't anything concerning AJ why do lines have to blur?" I said to her as I got up to refill my glass with some more lemonade. "Touche'. It may have been the shock of it all for real. But you at least had the conversation which is important to do before moving forward to make any other moves." she said as she settled in at the island in the kitchen as I stood on the other side. " spoke to Dox?" Man I knew this question was coming, but I wasn't sure if I was ready to answer. "We've spoke, but nothing too deep." I told her and she smiled. "Uh huh I knew it." She said as we shared a laugh. "But he makes you smile, that's always a good thing." she said as I feel like her stance on it may have softened. "He does. But it's like I haven't been in this position in so long that I barely even know what to say back to him when we do speak. Then I feel like a lil ass schoolgirl when I get to laughing and shit talking to him." I hated myself for practically freezing up when it comes to him, but it's so different and I don't be knowing what else to do. "There's nothing wrong with that though Toy. The thing is, it's different, and that's what interests you. That's cool, especially while y'all are at the point of being able to explore that." "Yeah...but be real with me Iris: am I wrong for all of this?" I wanted to know for real. "No. I can't tell you that you're wrong Sweets. You're more honest than I think I would've ever been in the scenario. You can't tiptoe through life worrying about how another person may take it because then you're not being your authentic self. You were pursued and you showed restraint due to your current situation. When your interest became clear, you spoke up to voice your desires.'re living in your truth. You did it the right way. Now from his perspective, you handled it right but probably worded it wrong. That's why he kept telling you that he respected it. Who couldn't respect the direct approach?" She had a point. My phone lit up and I glanced at it before opening the message. 'I want to take you on an adventure. Can you get lost with me?' was the simplest message that really got my wheels turning. There was a certain mystique about Paradox that kept me going. "Must be him, look at you smiling at your phone." Iris teased as I laughed and tried to hide the smile that had crept upon my face. Before I replied back 'And when would this adventure take place?' "Of course it was, but he's so cryptic when he talks, that I never know what to make of it." "Girl...he's a poet, singer, rapper...of course he's cryptic." we both laughed again. "Point taken. Dom does the same thing when she talks, it's like they elude to things, but never straight up say it." I said and we laughed some more. "Girl all the artists do just that and I be sitting in the studio, like huh? They understand their lingo and that's cool and all but a bitch be lost as fuck!" We continued laughing, until the next message came. 'Meet me at 9pm. Piedmont Park' I contemplated for a moment, then 'See you then' I replied. "So...spill the tea bitch?" Iris said as I laughed. "I'm going to meet up with him later on." I told her and she nodded. "Okay then, well...don't do nothing that I wouldn't do." she said to me and I side-eyed her. "Girl that leaves so many things on the table that I could do." I said to her and we both looked at each other before laughing hysterically. This is why I loved her whole life, we could always laugh through anything for real. "Maybe I should've said don't do anything that I would strongly encourage you to do." "Sounds more like it." I said as I tried to calm down my laughter. "But that's what's up though. I'm sure he has something planned all out, because he seems like the type for real. But enjoy yourself and just let loose. Be free. You don't always have to have such a strong and stern aura, relax. Live a little." she said as bumped me to emphasize her live a little statement. She had a point, I never really let go and let loose, so maybe this was the perfect time to allow my inhibitions to be and just go with the flow. Damn, what should I wear?

The Unusual Suspects Book 2
General FictionThe story of 6 inner city young adults, all from different walks of life, from different areas, and conquering different hardships. Watch how school, family, drugs, lies, the streets, and love bring them together and rip them apart