I was walking out of the bathroom and noticed Suki standing there waiting to go in, so I side-stepped her so she could go in. "Hey, can I rap with you for a sec?" she asked me and I stopped.
"Sure hun, what's up?" I asked her.
"So...I know this is awkward, but you strike me as a straight forward type of person..." "Definitely straight forward, always have been. People hate me for it." we both laughed a little at that.
"It's about Jay and Dom..." I nodded at that, I figured. "So...do you believe that's over?" she asked me.
"I do. Honestly, they were never equally yoked. I honestly feel like you are the best thing that has happened to Jay. He's more real about himself and he's free. I love Dom, that's my girl at the end of the day, but they weren't right for each other. Hell Kevin is the absolute perfect match for her. Like you two complement each other, they are counterparts. You don't have to worry about D, she's not that type of girl. And Justin...he adores you girl. You have no worries." I told her. She looked into my eyes for a moment and then reached out and embraced me. "Thank you. I just always got good vibes from you and I knew you'd be real if I asked. I appreciate that." she said.
"No problem! I'm a woman first, so I'll always kick it to you straight. I love them crazy batch of folks downstairs, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't be loyal to you too. You're good with me!" she smiled as we parted ways. Justin came down the hallway. "Thank you. I overheard all of that."
"No problem. It was real and that's what matters." I told him.
"Man Toya, I be feeling like I don't know if I'm coming or going sometimes. Like I can't lie I love Suki and I don't want Dom anymore. But I be feeling weird around them though. Like I wanted to dislike Kev, I really did, but I can't." "Because you're not a hater. Kev is a good guy for real. And he loves the fuck out of her. Just as Suki feels about you. Don't be afraid, this is fear Justin. Let go and let it happen. You don't have to be in control all the time." I said.
"You're right. I just don't wanna get that close to someone again and it just falls apart, feel me?" he said to me.
"I get it. So water your own grass. The grass is greener where you water it. Let it flourish." He nodded as I went back downstairs. I took my seat back next to Tony. "You good Baby?" he asked me and I nodded. "How's little man T?" Nicole said.
"Good, getting big." Tony said to her.
"Aww is he?" Dom asked.
"Yes, he has a healthy ass appetite." I said and they all started laughing.
"He gets it honest because both of yall be putting away some food." Mar said and we both laughed at that.
"That's okay cuz Godmommy's lil chunk a munk will stay well fed." Iris said.
"Okay, thanks Love." I said to her. "Always, you know we locked in." she said back to me. Shortly after Suki came back down and took her seat back at the table. "So...there is something that I do want to share with yall. We didn't just randomly want yall over for this late dinner, we have news." Nicole said as Erica walked in the kitchen and Mar stood up. "Right on time Love." Nicole said to Erica. "So...we're pregnant." Mar said and we all just stared at him.
"When you say we, you mean?" I asked for clarification.
"We both are." Erica stated.
"You always find a way to trump everyone Big Dawg. Congrats G!" Jay said to him and we all laughed.
"So...it's just yall 2, not the 3rd?" Dom asked them.
"I was gonna ask the same thing." Tony said as we all laughed.
"To our knowledge, Zion is not with child." Mar said laughing.
"Sounds like the jury's still out on that one." Charles said and we all laughed.
"Congrats though. Babies are a beautiful thing for sure." Suki said. I know it was a harmless statement but I couldn't help but to look at Jay and Dom when that got said. Dom went out of frame for a sec and Justin's face was blank. "Well I'm sure you'll make wonderful parents, and I can't wait to spoil the babies." Dom said with a quick recover.
"Congrats my guy!" Kev said as he shook his hand.
"Welcome to Fatherhood bruh." Tony said to him as they shook as well.
"Yall ready for the wild ride?" I asked. "Girl...the morning sickness ain't no hoe already." Erica said. "Must be a girl." Me and Dom said together. We all laughed at that.
"Yeah clearly I can't get a boy to save my life." she said with a laugh.
"As a boy-mom, girl...it might be a blessing. Sometimes it be rough, but I adore my little man though." Suki said.
"We still on for the weekend with the boys?" Nicole asked Suki.
"Most definitely! Cannot wait." Suki said. My phone started vibrating and I peeked at it. It was a message from my dad showing AJ sound asleep. I swear my son absolutely melts my heart.
"Toya, so we gotta talk about my wedding dress." Iris said to me.
"I told you, I got you. Either we will find something absolutely fabulous, or I'm going to create it for you. Send me some ideas and we'll go from there." I said.
"So design is what you're pursuing in school?" Suki asked and I nodded. "So you basically going to perfect the skills or you looking to learn something new? I only asked because I saw how you styled everyone for the listening party and it looks like you're already dope."
"Thanks, I try, I try." I said as everybody laughed. "But yeah it's more like to perfect skills and make me more well-rounded as a creator. I be needing inspiration. Kind of like how nail conventions are for you, I imagine."
"Respect!" she said.

The Unusual Suspects Book 2
قصص عامةThe story of 6 inner city young adults, all from different walks of life, from different areas, and conquering different hardships. Watch how school, family, drugs, lies, the streets, and love bring them together and rip them apart