be hard when you're stuck between two worlds. My best friends at odds was putting me in a weird place. The thing is, I know they're both hurt but it's manifesting itself crazy for each of them. Jay was too blinded to see that he was self-sabotaging. Cat was getting drunk all the time and kicking it with random bitches all the time, but walking around with Jazz who was either accepting or ignorant to reality. Dom was just spiraling. She never loses her cool like that. The way she yelled at him in front of everybody was crazy. I should've stopped her, but I think she needed that release. But the fact that she's not finishing the year out with us doesn't sit right with me. I was driving along to the doctor's office with Toy and I thought back on what D had said to me. She was right though, I didn't want to end up how they were at all. I do love Toya and I know she loves me. I actually met up with Autumn about her bd and we just agreed to go our separate ways. There was nothing stopping me from being with Toya for real. I just needed to know this was gonna be different. In the past month she has been totally different, but would it continue? We pulled up to the doctor's office and I walked around the car to open the door for her and we walked in together. I went and signed her in as we sat down to wait to be called. "Why you so quiet Love?" she asked me. I looked over at her.
"Just got a lot on my mind." I told her. "I'm sorry if I been stand-offish."
"You're fine. I was just concerned is all." she said to me.
"This might not be the right time for this, but I want to talk to you about something." she looked in my eyes.
"Okay. Talk to me." she said calmly.
"Toya I don't want us to be like your parents or our friends. I feel like we're so far past that and we just gotta get this together. I can't see myself with nobody but you and I wouldn't want to be experiencing this with none other than you either. I look at how their shit fell apart and I don't want to go through that nor do I want to put you or our son through that. I realize, I'm the reason why we're like this right now, but I do want to fix it." I looked in her tear-filled eyes for a minute and she reached out to me and I embraced her tightly. "So, what do you say?" I asked her and she pulled away.
"You know you had me at hello Anthony. And you still do. We can work it out." she said. Man...that was a relief because we were getting to be a little weird.
'La'Toya." the nurse called out as we got up and walked to the back to get seated in the room. They checked her vitals and everything and then exited to let her get prepared for this ultrasound. We were literally at the end of this pregnancy basically and I was feeling anxious as ever to meet my son. I helped her take everything off and onto the table as we sat there waiting for the doctor to come in. She reached out and grabbed ahold of my hand.
"You ready for this?" she asked me.
"Hell yeah. I'm excited. Are you ready?" I asked her.
"I think so." she said softly.
"What's the matter?" I asked.
"Labor scares me." That was the first time I ever heard her say that.
"Toy, you've done everything you ever set your mind to. You're literally one of the strongest people I've ever come in contact with. You got this! I'll be right by your side and it ain't nothing we can't face together. Don't worry about that, we got this." I told her as I pressed my lips to her cheek.
"Thanks. I needed to hear that." she said to me with a smile.
"Hi there." the doctor said entering the room. "Look at who looks ready to pop." she said happily. We both laughed a little. Toya was looking like it was about that time for real, but she was handling it really well. "How have you been feeling honey?" she asked Toya.
"I've been well, just a little less energy than normal." she said.
"That's expected in the last 6 weeks. Can you believe it? It's almost time." she said really upbeat. "Let's take a look at our lil guy." she said as she placed the gel on Toya's stomach and then began to locate him. Didn't take any time, he was getting so big at this point. He was very active and all that. "Well looks like he's about 5 1/2 pounds. he's definitely healthy and active as can be. Have you been experiencing any worsened pain?" she asked Toya.
"At times. It's not excruciating or anything though. Just pressure."
"That's normal as he's getting closer and closer to the birthing canal. With his size and your little frame, I'm gonna actually say it looks like you'll probably be delivering in the next 3 weeks though. I know that may sound scary, but doesn't look like he has much more room in there. Everything does look awesome though. Your blood pressure and everything looks good. His heart rate is phenomenal and he's developed in there. But if he doesn't come naturally in the next 4 weeks, we would be looking into scheduling a C-section. I just don't want to cause any damage to neither one of you. Okay?" she said gently but sternly.
"Yes, I understand." Toya said.
"Okay, let me get these print outs and get you scheduled." the doctor said leaving back out of the room. I wiped her belly and helped her up as she got dressed again.
"You okay with all of that Nena?" I asked her and she gave me a little smile and nodded. "It'll all work out My Love." I told her as I hugged her and kissed her warm lips. "I promise you, I got you every single step of the way." I assured her.
"You better!" she said with authority. I laughed.

The Unusual Suspects Book 2
General FictionThe story of 6 inner city young adults, all from different walks of life, from different areas, and conquering different hardships. Watch how school, family, drugs, lies, the streets, and love bring them together and rip them apart