"So...now what?" Jazz asked me as I pulled up to her house to drop her off.
"What you mean?" I asked her.
"So that's just it? I mean so what we go back to not speaking or we good?" she asked me.
"I don't know what to make of this. You allowed to call me, I'm single. But I can't just say we gone go back to how we were." I said as I looked over into her eyes. She nodded at that.
"I just hope you answer." she said as she leaned over and placed her lips to mine before getting out of the car. I waited til she got in the house and pulled out the driveway. At this point I don't know which was worse, going to face the music with my mom or with Mar. Both had to be done though. I went ahead and drove over to Mar's crib and sat there for a second. Shit was so crazy and this wasn't what I wanted, but it is what it is. I walked up to the door and knocked. Erica came and answered the door.
"Hey is Mar here?" I asked her as Malachi ran to the door behind her. He smiled at me. "Hey little man!" I said as she stepped aside to let me in.
"He's in the kitchen Jay." Erica said as she shut the door and I walked down that way. I walked in the kitchen and saw Mar was in there cooking so I sat down at the island. "What's up Jay?" he said never turning around to see me.
"How tf you be doing that? How you know it was me?" I asked him. This cat laughed for a min.
"Bruh you the only one that's comfortable enough not to announce yourself." he said.
"Point taken. But I need to holla at you though."
"Talk to me, I talk back." he said.
"So...I'm not even gonna lie, me and D broke up yesterday."
"I know." he said.
"Bruh but for real you gotta see shit from my perspective though. It's like how do I know what was real and what wasn't when she wasn't willing to divulge information to me about the real her?" He looked over his shoulder at me and then turned the fire down on the stove.
"Bruh...I'm just gonna say what the rest of the guys won't. You sounding like a real bitch right now. You wanted her to basically apologize for who she is, but you never took the time to find that out. I can tell you in multiple ways how my sister helped you, but what have you done for her? Bruh you disappeared when my Pops got killed, you missed the finding out she was pregnant part. You had that whole incident with Jazz. Then this happens and you break up with her in the hospital??? Dawg she was there when for you when your dad got out and helped you deal with that. She constantly had to defend yall relationship when your old hoes would start running their mouths. Not to mention all the people trying to warn her about you and she defended you like no other. Yall can not be together and that's fine, you can still be my dawg. But what you're not about to do is try to blame my sister for ruining your relationship." he said as he peered over at me before he went back to cooking.
"I'm not here to discredit her at all. And this ain't on no bitch shit. This is strictly, how do you not mention that?"
"Bruh have you ever feared judgment?" he asked me and of course a million things ran through my mind. "Exactly, what you need to be more concerned about is why you felt comfortable opening up to her but she didn't feel the same with you." I sat there for a minute and just let them words settle in. He had a point, but I still had mine too.
"At the same time, I would've accepted it. She accepted everything that came with me, so why would I not?" I said.
"But you're so accepting now, though." he said sarcastically. "Bruh, I'm just gonna keep it real. Dom is too much for you, you're used to being the catch my nigga. You don't know how to deal the other way around. My sister was all starry-eyes and head over hills for you. When she began to focus a little on herself, you started detaching then. You felt like you still had one up because she was carrying your child, now that that went left, what you got left? Nothing! So you left. Bruh do some soul searching." he said as I sighed and stood up. "You still my mufuckin brother dawg. Just take some time and find yourself so you don't continue the cycle. I'm still praying for you too. Loss is a trippy thing." he said. I looked at him and he looked at me. I walked up on him and we shook on that.
"Thanks bruh." I told him.
"Say less." he said as I left the house and went ahead and drove home in silence. I got there and took a deep breath before walking in the house. My mom and Mr Will were sitting at the Dining room table. I just took a seat. I already knew what it was.
"So...yall been to the hospital?" I asked to break the silence.
"Of course son, have you?" she asked me. "Of course not, because you spent all last night on live getting drunk and parading around with these fast little girls." Damn...I went live?
"Mom...I told you last night what my issue was. That's just a lot for me, can you blame me?"
"I understand, because I was taken aback when you told me last night. But the way you're handling it is just not right. Yall just lost a baby. Yall both are hurting. Her physically, mentally, and emotionally. You...you chose to find comfort in the bottle and girls. That won't heal that broken heart. Nor does hurting people get you far in life." she said getting up from the table. Mr Will looked up at me.
"Let's go for a ride." he said getting up and heading towards the door. "That wasn't a request by the way." he said as I got up and followed suit.

The Unusual Suspects Book 2
General FictionThe story of 6 inner city young adults, all from different walks of life, from different areas, and conquering different hardships. Watch how school, family, drugs, lies, the streets, and love bring them together and rip them apart