I'm not gonna lie there was this lingering awkwardness between Suki and I since that situation at the warehouse. I understand it, but at the same time, she knows how the game goes. I know this was nothing new to her, but I was tired of the weird energy. We were either gonna fix this or walk away from each other because this I really cannot do.
"Babes...come here." I said as she walked into the living room and sat on my lap.
"You need something Love?" she asked me as I looked into her eyes.
"Yeah. I need you to be real with me." She looked up into my eyes and I could tell she knew what this was coming to. "I know that shit was a lot and I've apologized several times for how it played out, but we needed to know that everything wasn't at risk. It affects a whole lot of people. Be that as it may, I'd never do anything to hurt you, you know that."
"It's the ugly part of the game Jay, I get it. It's just...I don't eve..."
"What? Don't stop now, let's talk about it." "I just wanna know who put that doubt in you? Like you trusted me, so what changed?"
"Situations occurred and we just had to be sure, is all." "But you didn't answer my question. Who put that doubt in your mind?" I'm lost.
"I just said, it was situations, not a person, so I'm confu..." She looked vexed.
"So the girls didn't say anything to you in order for you to second guess me?"
"Mannn...no! What? None of them even speak on you other than how great of a nail tech you are or how great you are with all the kids. Naw it's never nothing like that." I told her. She kinda just nodded her head. "What did you think for real?" I asked her. "What am I supposed to think? One minute I'm chilling, getting ready to do Yoga, the next minute I'm being blindfolded and tied up and carried into a van. I get the blindfold taken off and boom all of y'all are just there. And Iris literally had a gun to my head." She exclaimed. "Listen, I can't go back and fix that, it's over with. But like you said it is the ugly part of the game, that was business baby. This right here between us is personal. It's not the same at all."
"How is kidnapped and held at gunpoint not personal?" she said calmly.
"Did I do it? Or was it done by someone else?" I shot back at her.
"But you conspired to do it with them prior to it happening." Here we go!
"First of all, I don't like that conspire word, you're sounding a lot like 5-0..."
"Don't ever insult me like that. I'm a fucking college student, it's how I speak." "I'm not insulting you, that was your understanding of the situation. I'm literally stating why I hate that word, that is all. Second, no I didn't conspire with them. They went and got you to bring you in the same way we brought Cease in. It was VERY clear to me that no one was gonna harm you though. And none of them did. So it ain't what you're imagining." I said as she stood up and went to walk away and I jumped up and grabbed her by her arm. "Don't! Let's talk about it and get it over with. This is so necessary in order for us to move forward." "Justin look...I don't think you understand where I'm coming from and that is by far the most frustrating part in the whole ordeal. There was a kidnapping and a gun in my face...li..."
"Suki, babe...it was business. Whether any of them believed the words coming out of your mouth, I did. I know you better than that and I know your word is bond."
"Then how did I end up there? You say you trust me then why allow it to go that far?" she said.
"Because everyone needed to feel secure in the situation. I trusted you because I know you on a personal level, but business wise...that's different. Like Clive maybe an ally today, but could be the opps tomorrow. We just had to all be on the same page with you." "But that's the thing, so to you the personal and business lines aren't blurred?" she asked as she turned around and looked in my eyes. "No, they can't be." I said to her as she leaned back against the wall.
"So this could all happen again then?" she asked me. "No. Not unless you start making moves against us." she rolled her eyes. "I don't want to lie to you mama. I doubt it, because you've already shown them you, but I can't say how your intentions may or may not change down the line. Only you can control that."
"I appreciate the honesty, but the truth is ugly, right?" she said as I saw this tear in her eye.
"It can be, but it can bind us together at the same time." I said as I reached over and wiped the tear that had started down her cheek. "Don't do that." I said softly. "How can I not? I mean this is a lot and I keep pretending that it's okay and it didn't happen, but the reality is that it did happen. So I don't know how to move anymore." she said to me.
"Move how you always do, don't switch up." I said to her. "We talking business or personal?" she asked as she stepped towards me.
"Both." I said to her quickly. "So you sure those lines don't blur a little?" "No! In business, stay true. And when it's between us, do the same and I'll always do the same in return." I said to her. "Man...this is al..." I quickly cut her off. "Suki listen..if this is too much for you, let me know. I'll go so I can heal in peace."
"Heal?" she said sounding confused. "Yes, heal. It wouldn't be the first time I loved and lost." I told her. She just looked in my eyes.

The Unusual Suspects Book 2
General FictionThe story of 6 inner city young adults, all from different walks of life, from different areas, and conquering different hardships. Watch how school, family, drugs, lies, the streets, and love bring them together and rip them apart