"Mannnnnnn I don't even like em slim, but shorty is cold." Paradox said as he, Riek, and I laughed in the studio for real. I can't keep these niggas in line for real. "I'm not even gonna lie, I always noticed that she was cold, but out of respect I never looked too long. Tony is my guy for real but he don't even know." Riek said. "Trust me, he knows. That mf be a lil tender about her, but shit they have time under their belt though." I said to them and they both nodded. "I'll never be disrespectful and try to break up a happy home. Especially when I want to keep mine secure, but I mean if she ever wanna just you know what I'm saying and nobody gotta ever know...you know what I'm saying." Me and Riek died laughing, this dude Paradox funny as hell. "Y'all grown, I just don't wanna know about it." I said. I swear shit like that happens every day but when I say I don't wanna know, I mean that. Keep me out of it. "I feel you. I mean you and Onyx have that lil open thing and that's cool af but shit most people will never understand the concept. Unless you're in a situation similar to mine." Riek said. "I don't get y'all because I can't juggle em." I said with a shrug. "Naw you juggling em all right. Iris is like 5 people rolled into one." Dox said and they laughed. "What? My lil baby ain't that bad." I said and then I saw the side eyes and we all laughed again. "Okay bruh. That's like me saying Aries is calm or something. Shit all mine different. Aries is loud and rowdy. Araya is always sweet and loving. And Depth she's the perfect combination to all that. We bring each other balance for sure." Riek said. "Yeah see it's different with me and Onyx. Like at the end of the day, we're locked in with each other, but if she be like hey I'm vibing with this dude and I might hit that, cool. I don't care because that ass belongs to me. Same on the flipside. I might see something I wanna slide on and I can do that. But home gone always be with her." That shit sound crazy as hell to me. But I respected all the differences in the relationships that I saw here. "What y'all fools in here laughing about?" Kev said as he walked in and took a seat. "Relationship shit." Riek said and Kev stood back up and acted like he was about to walk out. We laughed at this cat because he always shied away from these conversations. "Naw come to the round table my guy." Paradox said as he tried to bring him in. "What's up?" Kev said calmly as he sat back down and got comfortable. "So we all know Riek is poly. Dox is open. I'm practically married. And you..." I said to him. "I'm loyal. That's it in the end. I don't need multiple females to be happy. I got my out of many, she is the one." Kev said as we shook on that one. "It gotta be something to Diamond man, because y'all be dropping all the hoes and be so warped into her for real." Riek said. "Realistically, I don't blame him. D is fine as fuck, smart, and talented. I know that bedroom shit gotta be on point too though cuz you been mellow as hell lately." Dox said and Kev immediately started laughing at that. "It's always the quiet ones." I said and we all laughed. "So what they say about the crazy ones?" Dox asked as they all looked dead at me. "You just gotta tame them mfs. She be crazy in front of y'all but submissive to me." I said. "You might just got the juice." Dox said as he shook my hand. "Me? Naw that's you and Kev. Kev bagged Dom so slick and effortlessly. Then you, off rip, Onyx was in a chokehold. Y'all niggas got the juice. I just got lucky." I said to them. "Shhhiiittttt, wasn't nothing slick about it. I had to just show her that not all niggas in Jay. No offense because that's your boy, but I would've never did her like that. It took a minute to build that trust." Kev said in his defense. "But I'm not gonna lie, I knew from the first conversation that she was gone be mine. Ain't no way I was letting her slide on by. Pregnant and all." Kev said. "Okay! Because it's always step daddy season!" Riek said as they high-fived. "I'm not gone lie that nigga Dox is the one that had me in shock. He literally was literally on her ass like back pockets. I wasn't even sure if you liked females, no offense. Not that you give off gay vibes or nothing, I just had never seen you with no babes." Kev said. "I'm not even mad at that for real. But I just like what I like. Don't get me wrong, I love a woman with some meat on her bones, it's something about em. But sometimes it's the smiles for me. Like that's the most simple thing a woman can do and be gorgeous." Dox said. Then Aries walked in and looked around at all of us. "Why the fuck y'all all get quiet when I walked in?" she asked as she sat on Riek's lap. "No reason Babes. What's up with you?" he said to quickly change the subject. "Y'all full of shit." she said quickly. "See how quick you lie?" she said looking at him crazy. "Y'all was just in her kekeke-ing and now y'all quiet as hell." She said and we all just looked around. "Chill ma, it wasn't nothing deep. All of that is unnecessary." Riek said, she went to open her mouth and he went ahead and kissed her. I laughed to myself because as hard as she was, she melted for the homie. We all just smiled and held back laughter. "Now let us finish here and I'll see you in 1, in like 5 mins." he told her and she rolled her eyes but walked out. "See...you just gotta tame em, like I said." I said and everybody laughed again. Never could we stay too serious.

The Unusual Suspects Book 2
General FictionThe story of 6 inner city young adults, all from different walks of life, from different areas, and conquering different hardships. Watch how school, family, drugs, lies, the streets, and love bring them together and rip them apart