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We finally had a completely free day. We had been on the road for a couple of weeks and this was the first day that there was no shows and no interviews. Pure downtime and I was ready for it. Don't get me wrong, we all pray for booked and busy but at the same time, we all needed sanity for real. Chuckie was still sleeping and I was walking around our suite just replaying the last show in my head. When I tell you Vegas loved the team, they really did. We had a time! I heard my phone go off and when I looked at it Dom was asking me was I awake. I quickly texted her back to tell her yes, she told me come down to the bar with her and Aries. I didn't even think twice. I picked up my purse and slid on my shoes and went right on down. It was 11am and here we were at the bar. Dom and Aries already looked like they might have had some liquor.                "How the festivities start without me?" I asked as I took a seat at the table.                                           " me no festivities took place that weren't herbal." I laughed so hard when D said that. Babycakes was definitely a pothead and Aries was no better.                                                                           "How long y'all been up?" I asked.                                                                                                                                 "I don't think I've been to sleep yet." Aries said.                                                                                                        "I been up since 8." Dom said. "Been steady tip-toeing around because I didn't want to wake Kev." she said and I laughed.                                                                                                                                              "I been up since like 7 doing the same because I wasn't trying to wake Charles either."                         "At least that was y'all worry. Riek be up with the birds every morning meditating." Aries said and we all busted out laughing. Riek was definitely different.                                                                            "Girl at least your soon-to-be husband finds a positive way to start his day. I probably create chaos for Chuckie when he wakes up." We all laughed again.                                                                          "Don't get me wrong, I love that too. But when he gets to talking about let's eat only living foods and drink all natural juices and whatnot, he lost me." We laughed again. "That's my baby though, but he just be having me fucked up." Aries said.                                                                                     "Aww opposites really do attract." Dom said and we laughed again.                                                              "Lies! You and Kev are basically the same person and y'all adore each other." I told her.                   "Naw we're equal and opposite. When I'm trippin, he's chill. When he's nervous, I'm calm. I mean we're both naturally cool people that like to have fun, but it's different. Like we can agree on a lot and nothing at the same time. It's hard to explain."                                                                              "That's because with real love, you'll never be able to completely explain it." We heard as we looked up and seen Depth.                                                                                                                                               "Baby!!!" Aries said as she jumped up and hugged her and they looked so happy to see each other. Me and Dom looked at each other and we both looked at this moment.                                      "I heard y'all killed your performances last night and figured you must've been here so I dropped by. I should've called first but this was so much better." She said before her and Aries kissed. I saw Depth admire the ring. "He did good with that one." she complimented.                                           "He did! Aww he's gonna be so happy to see you." Aries said as Depth sat down with us.                    "When's your next show?" Dom asked her.                                                                                                               "It's tonight. I know y'all don't hit the stage tonight, so I was wondering if you wanted to hit the stage too?" Depth asked Dom.                                                                                                                                          "Awww I'd love to." she said to her.                                                                                                                                 "Good because I asked Dox too and he was with it. I thought we could do that joint that we all made together." Depth said and Dom nodded in agreeance.                                                                              "Oouuuu yes I can finally see y'all in action." I said. I had never really been real big on spoken word when I was younger, but to hear them create definitely would make you want to hear it more often. Open mics are a vibe, so I know Poetry Slams gotta hit.                                                      "You already know we're gonna support you Babes." Aries told her.                                                           "Ahhhh is that my baby!" Araya said as she ran over and basically jumped in Depth's lap. Now that kiss between the two of them was wild, like I felt like we should've put a quarter in the machine to watch that there.                                                                                                                                         "I think I'm turned on." Aries said cheesing. We all laughed. She was a trip.                                        "Fuckin freaks!" I said and me and Dom laughed.                                                                                                "I think y'all not supposed to be holding out on my boy Riek. Take that to him." D said.                   "Let's do that!" Araya said as they got up together and went ahead upstairs.                                  "They're cute or whatever. I was wondering if they were gonna just fall back together after that proposal. But I see that mended everything, thank God!" I said as I looked over at Dom.                  "Girl...I knew that wasn't gonna be the end of them. They adore each other way too much to ever just let that go for real. It's a beautiful thing." I agreed wholeheartedly.                                         "Here everybody thought it was gonna be you and Kev next and it was really Riek and Aries. But then again there was Jay and Suki that caught us all by surprise." I said as I took a sip of my drink and looked out the window and then back at D. "I'm sorry, does bringing him up bother you?"       "No...I don't have any ill feelings towards Jay, it just wasn't meant to be. I was kind of surprised by that marriage too but at the same time Jay falls in love so quick so it makes sense." She did have a point because he was on her heels instantly. I like that? I mean I know they say me and Jay are just alike. I did pursue Chuckie and we've been inseparable ever since. "You good? Where were you just now?" she asked me as I focused back.                                                                "Bitchhhhhhh why do I think I act just like that??" She looked me dead in my eyes and we both burst into laughter. I know she agrees by the way she laughed. "Damn it. It worked in my favor though." I admitted.

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