Chuckie had my mind going nuts. Like where did any of this newfound talk even come from? Maybe that is why his energy be so off at times. He's thinking of things and scenarios that he need not. We were far too young to even be thinking like this or rationalizing things that we weren't in any position to feel it was to come. As long as it is breath in my body, bet nothing happens to him. I picked up the phone and called my mother, I needed some type of different energy right now.
"Hola mija. Que tal?" she said happily.
"Asi asi." I said to her.
"What's the matter my dramatic one?" she said nonchalantly. My mom was a trip, but I loved her whole life.
"Ma...Chuckie out here talking crazy."
"He's allowed to tell you no Iris." she said as we both laughed. This is why I loved her. She always found a way to lighten the mood, no matter what .
"Good one, but no. He was just talking about death." I said to her.
"Yall in any trouble?" she asked me.
"No, not at all. He's like thinking too far into things that shouldn't be a worry."
"I disagree babes. The thing is, Iris we're just different from him. We live in America where they are exterminating the black race so ridiculously and even on camera, that no matter how careful you are you can still die. I mean on the business side, I know you have that wrapped up. You've always been your daddy's child, but there are certain things in life that you can't just be protected from. He's being prepared." She had a strong point, but I just don't wanna live my life in fear of that.
"I know, I just hate that it has to be like that. Like we're 18, there's so many other things that should be on our minds other than this." I said.
"I can agree and disagree. Ximena, you have to remember that you're still privileged. You could have other worries that most face, yet you've lived an extremely good life. You haven't ever needed or wanted for anything. Do you realize how many people can only wish and pray for the things that you take for granted? Your father and I grinded the way we did so none of yall would have to come up the way that we did. You guys were able to branch out and do your own thing way before you got grown because of what you're capable of by what was instilled in you. Feel blessed. Charles didnt have that. He had to readjust to life in the states and then get bounced around. Had to be jumped into a gang and then just make moves from there. He knows a life that you've never experienced. And that's before even counting the fact that he isn't a natural-born citizen and being a black man in America. Don't think simplistically baby." she said. Now those words rang in my ears clear as can be. Though I never viewed it that way, she couldnt have been more right than this.
"Thanks for the perspective." I told her.
"That's what I'm here for. I don't care how old you are or where you are, you're still my baby." she said to me.
"I love you." I told her.
"I love you more. You talked to your sister?" how she said it, I already knew who she was referring to.
"A few days ago. She's due any day now." I said. Camila and my mother had a crazy, rocky relationship.
"Nice to know." she said real snippy.
"Mommy!" I exclaimed so she would stop. I hated this.
"What? I mean she's over there trying to be wifed up with Red and isn't even trying to do what she should. Why would she ever dropout? What type of example is she setting. We aren't quitters." I understood her point, but we grew up way too fast. Realistically we were all grown by the time we turned 13. And my mom had fell back at that point and let us lead the lives we wanted. But it didn't come without judgment though. I was surprised at my sister for getting pregnant and by whom, but I knew she was in good hands and my other sisters were there too. I respect how Camila got Alexa and Zoe together too in my absence. Of course everyone could've stayed with our mom but knowing what it's like with her is like being on your own anyway. I miss them to my core, but I had to live my life. My daddy always said to us the family you build is more important than the one you came from. That being said, finding Chuckie is what started everything for me. We may not have any children right now nor considering any either, but he was definitely my family.
"I'm the momma Iris." she said.
"I digress." I said surrendering to her in the situation at this point.
"De Nada Iris." she said sarcastically.
"Well, let me let you go. Thanks again for listening ma." I said to her.
"Always Love." she said to me.
"Besos." I said before hanging up. I sat there for a second and then I went to the living room where Chuckie was sitting playing the game. I sat down beside him and laid my head on his shoulder while watching him play Call of Duty.
"You okay baby?" he asked me after he completed his game.
"Yes. I just was thinking is all." I said to him while never moving. He placed a kiss on my forehead and continued playing. I loved how we understood each other. Sometimes I just wanted to share the same space with him. We didn't have to be talking about anything at all for real. I just wanted to be there. Don't get me wrong, I'm always gonna be a gangsta. But I am a woman at the end of the day and deep down we all really just wanted to love and be loved regardless. No matter what we go through, we all withstand it and this was our norm. This is why I say, Chuckie is my family.

The Unusual Suspects Book 2
General FictionThe story of 6 inner city young adults, all from different walks of life, from different areas, and conquering different hardships. Watch how school, family, drugs, lies, the streets, and love bring them together and rip them apart