"Hey baby." Charles said as I walked in the house to see him and Riek playing the game. I was happy because the house was all clean and they seemed to be in great moods, that meant a lot. "Hey Love!" I said as I kissed him on the cheek before taking a seat on the arm of the couch and placing my legs over him. Araya went ahead and took a seat beside Riek and we chilled for a sec. "Wait a minute, why yall so quiet?" Riek said as he paused the game.
"Yeah that was awkward as hell. Did something go down?" Charles asked. Me and Araya looked at each other and laughed. "What's funny?" he asked.
"Yall. Why would yall be scared or concerned just because we're quiet?" Araya said to them. "Because you're not quiet and neither is she." Riek said quickly.
"Nothing happened. I mean I don't completely trust homegirl, but nothing happened though." I stated.
"So why you don't trust her?" Riek asked as he looked at me and Araya.
"She moves weird for real. I didn't really like her explanations behind things." Araya said. Which was interesting because she didn't really ever offer her opinion much but she felt it too. "I agree. She said she runs with Clive and she's in the game but it seems like that may be playing it too close considering the Tony incident. Then all of a sudden she's with Jay." I said.
"He said he met her on campus with Mar though. It could be coincidental." Charles said to me. "Could be coincidental, but at the same time it could be a set up."
"But what is it that she would be trying to do though? She'd need an angle." Riek said. "But that's just it, she could be trying to see how we operate so she can infiltrate. If you get Jay open, I'm sure he over talks. You befriend us to try to drop our defenses. Next thing we know, we're robbed or shot up." I said. "I get what you're saying, but at the same time, why didn't she take her opportunity when she had yall there then? I mean she had the time." Charles said to me. I shook my head. "Why be hasty? She hasn't gathered anything yet. An undercover cop doesn't hop straight to it, he gains trust. That's vital in these cases." Charles got up and started pacing the floor a little bit. "Yall gotta tell us what she said." Riek said as he started to look perplexed too.
"She said a lot and nothing at the same time..."Araya said. "Like she admitted to selling drugs, running with Clive, she said Cease is out the game, explained how she got in the game too. But nothing way too specific." Damn, I might need to bring her in on stuff. She definitely paid good damn attention. I loved that. "She went on this rant about used to be going out to Detroit too, saying her baby dad is from there. But apparently she used to be an addict before she got pregnant. Now she pushes pills on campus and shit." I said. "Alright, so the real question is if that's even true. I mean why would Clive trust a junkie? I mean no disrespect, but she's a recovering addict. That's not really the safest business partner." Riek said.
"True, but Clive also used to be an addict too. So he could be searching for those like him." Chuckie said. "I know it sounds far-fetched but some cats feel as if they can't trust anyone unless they're kindred. I don't want to make any moves on shorty just yet, but I for sure gotta holla at my boy because he needs to be on high alert." "Most definitely because these girls be the main ones setting up niggas now." Riek said and I was inclined to agree. Chuckie called Jay and put it on speaker so we all were clear on things. "Yo." Jay said quickly.
"G we need to talk about your shorty." "What you find out?" he asked.
"I'll let them tell you." Chuckie said.
"Well when we got to asking her some questions about herself she went in to admitting that she runs with Clive. Apparently she pushes pills on campus. She's a recovering addict. She claims Clive has nothing else to do with Cease because there's no use for emotions in the game. But she seems a lil shifty." Araya said as she rattled off main points.
"Yeah she told me some, but not all of that. So...you thinking maybe she's trying to get info to take back?" Jay asked us. "Possibility, I mean she doesn't pose an immediate threat. But we don't really have a reason to trust her at this point. Be careful, but Jay...you can get her for more info if you're unsure. You'd be the best judge of character. Just don't tell her shit, let her talk to you. Bitches love that." Chuckie said and me and Araya looked at him. "What?" he said.
"Bruh you just said that in front of the Puerto Rican mob?" Jay said and we all instantly laughed. "They gone haha stab that ass." he continued. See I like Jay getting back to his normal self. That's the Justin we all know and love.
"I didn't mean any disrespect to your girl bruh. I just meant in general."
"What he means is, Iris and Araya please don't kill me. I had a lapse of good judgment but don't poke me up." Riek said as we all burst into laughter.
"I didn't think nothing of it G. I'mma see what I can find out. Good looking." Jay said to us. "Anytime brody." I said to him. "Alright Killa. I'll holla at yall when I find out more." he said as he hung up.
"Alls well that ends well." Araya said.
"Is that like your last words before you kill me?" Chuckie asked and we laughed again. They killin me today.
"Naw you the Boss man, we're good." Araya said as they shook hands.
"Plus you know she ain't the one you gotta worry about." Riek said laughing.
"True true. Now Aries though...yeah she's the one you gotta sleep with one eye open." I said and we laughed.
"What? My lil baby cool." Riek said as we all looked around and laughed again.

The Unusual Suspects Book 2
General FictionThe story of 6 inner city young adults, all from different walks of life, from different areas, and conquering different hardships. Watch how school, family, drugs, lies, the streets, and love bring them together and rip them apart