"So...Urban meets Board room?" I asked and Iris laughed hysterically.
"Girllllll....why would you word it like that?" she said still laughing. Hell, I had to laugh myself at that one.
"It's my mental rationale, don't judge me." I said and she looked over at me.
"No judgment here. But I guess you could say that." she said as Kevin walked in the room. "Hello ladies, sorry I'm a little late." he said as he came in and sat down.
"Where's your other half?" Iris asked.
"The bathroom, she'll be in here in a second." he said.
"Cool, so I know we touched on the color scheme briefly, but which color is the main color?" I asked.
"I'm pretty sure the Burgundy." Iris said.
"I mean they might wanna let this orange pop." I said and we all laughed as Dom walked in. "What I miss?" she said quickly.
"So we agreed on the color scheme, but what would the main color be?" Iris asked.
"I assumed the burgundy." D said and we all laughed again.
"Oh Lord...what you thinking up Toy?" D asked me and all eyes were on me.
"Hear me out, I adore these colors period, but to stand out why not bring the orange to the forefront?" I said.
"I mean, I'm cool with whatever, but that would technically be up to Kev. I mean it's his spot for real." D said.
"It's our spot, but I get what you're saying Love. But for real, I mean I can rock anything so, I'll leave the creativity to you." he said music to my ears.
"Great! Now this excites me." I said. "Is there anything that you feel you absolutely need to have in the outfit?" I said before I got ahead of myself.
"Not at all, I'm flexible with it." he said.
"And you know I trust your judgment." Dom said to me.
"Told you, they were the easiest ones to deal with." Iris said.
"She should've been hip to that for real." Dom said.
"Oh yeah because the rap persona isn't any different from my actual one. We're good for sure." Kevin said. Aww see I think I like him even more for my friend. She is so chill and she needed someone the same way. "So yall want to let Toya hear what yall got brewing for the interview?" Iris asked. They looked at each other and then Dom pulled out the drive and hooked it up to the board. The beat that played was nice, different than I expected. It was smooth.
"I could honestly say I never met a man quite like him
The brightness in my day, when it all looks dim Never the tyrant type, the complete opposite of Joe Stalin
One to make me create a song similar to The Light by Common...
And she was the piece that I didn't know was missing from the puzzle
A partner in crime, not a taker, she was down for the hustle
I watched from afar until I couldn't keep letting her pass me by
Like Meth and Mary shorty was really All I Need to Get By..." So I couldn't lie, you could vibe to this song. I never thought I'd really enjoy being in the studio at all, but watching them create was different. Watching Iris and Charles work in their glory and all, this was magical. I feel like there was so much creative energy flowing. Hearing the song did let me get an idea of how to style them though. I'll definitely do some dress pants, a nice shirt and a blazer...similar to the listening party outfit, but I'm going to make that shirt pop for sure. She'll definitely complement him, I think I'm going to do her a mini dress with some thigh high boots. I was more than ready for this one. "I love it, I'll absolutely put this together for you guys. Give me 3 days and I'll have this for you." I said as I stood up to leave. "I'll walk you out Love." Iris said.
"Thanks for listening." Dom said.
"No, thank you. I definitely got the inspo from the song. Yall captured the essence for me." I said as me and Iris began walking down the hall. "So how's my baby doing?" she asked me as usual.
"He's good, probably driving Anthony crazy." We both laughed at that.
"Well, don't forget about tomorrow when we're coming to grab lil handsome." she said. They were getting pictures taken. I loved how active they are in his life. "Of course, he'll be ready in his outfit and all. I got you." I told her.
"Okay Love, see you then." she said as she hugged me. I was feeling oddly lifted at this moment, I could just sense this was going to be interesting and rewarding. That excites me. At this rate, maybe Suki was right about not needing schooling. I was already blessed with an amazing opportunity and this could get me far in itself. Crazy how when you really enjoy what you do, it never actually feels like work. This would essentially give me much more time with my baby as well. Some things I really needed to ponder, in due time though. I was so excited and once I pulled back up to Tony's house, I happily entered in. Seems like there was a lot of good vibes in the room when I walked in. "Tu madre." Jose said as he turned baby Anthony to look at me and he smiled.
"Mijo." I said as I grabbed him from Jose. Such a happy baby, I'm so glad because the last thing I want is for him to feel how I used to. I walked over to Tony who was standing at the stove cooking.
"Hello Gorgeous." he said as he kissed my cheek. "How did your meeting go?"
"It went really well. I got some ideas after talking to them and listening to their music. I cannot wait to bring this to life for real." I told him. "I'm happy for you Mi Amor." he said to me. I loved how supportive he was of everything that I got into for real. This was what most people dreamt of, but never get to experience. I am blessed beyond measure.

The Unusual Suspects Book 2
General FictionThe story of 6 inner city young adults, all from different walks of life, from different areas, and conquering different hardships. Watch how school, family, drugs, lies, the streets, and love bring them together and rip them apart