"Yeah Zion here. Yall should just come through." Mar said after I gave him the rundown on what was told to me about Suki. He wanted to be able to watch and observe too. With his girls being occupied with learning Zion this should be hella easy.
"Bet. Be there shortly." I said hanging up. I texted Suki to let her know I was outside and I patiently waited for her to come out. Don't get me wrong, I was ready for whatever, but at the end of the day, I hope she wasn't with the fuckery. She came outside and I promise she could stop traffic. She had on these purple biker shorts with matching crop top. She balanced it out with these platform Vans and the fanny pack to match it. Shorty definitely had swag, but she is also cold as hell. She came and got in the car smelling all good. "Hello Beautiful." I said as she closed the door and turned to me.
"Hello to you too Handsome. Where we going?" she asked as she situated herself in the car. "Well Mar is having a little cookout, so I figured we could slide." I said to her.
"Cool." she said sounding a little chipper. Good, stay relaxed.
"So how was your day?" I asked her.
"Good. But everyday I make money is a good day though. You feel me?" she said. "Of course, that's always the wave." I said to her. "Right." she said in reaction to that.
"I'd like to think you have me to thank for that one though." I said.
"Facts! That put on to the ladies was well needed. Made them a standing appointment every 2 weeks." she said proudly. I like her hustle hand. "No problem shorty." I said to her. "So everything went smooth then." I said.
"Yeah they had me a little weirded out for a second though." she said.
"How so?" I asked her.
"They ask a lot of questions. I can see Iris don't trust nobody. Araya is reserved, but she can hold her own. Dom is kind of a little mystery. But they seemed to warm up to me in the end."
"You're right Iris don't trust nobody. That's for sure. But I mean you're new to them. I'm sure it won't continue on like that. My apologies Queen." I said to her as we pulled up to a red light.
"No need for apologies. I am new, like you said. They'll get to know me."
"So...either you're planning on sticking around or you mean on the nail side?" I said smiling at her and she laughed.
"Well...I'll be around until you show me why I shouldn't. But also I mean I have to keep my clients though." she said.
"I respect it, I can never knock a hustler."
"You gone love me for my ambition." she said and we both laughed.
"Okay Wale. Don't tell me you're a rapper too." she laughed at that.
"Naw, I'm not your ex. But I listen to music though, but only good artists."
"I feel you. Yeah the rapping thing isn't my thing either. But I support what C-Money is doing though. He's dope."
"Yeah I see a lot of his artists are nice. I saw the stream from the listening party."
"Oh really? You should've came out. I was doing security." I told her.
"Would've been pointless. You were still with your ex at the time." she said. True.
"Maybe that chapter would've closed sooner." I shot back at her.
"But then I would've been the home wrecker in that scenario."
"Naw, because if we're being crucially honest, we were drifting before then."
"So why drag it out then?" she asked.
"Because my reasoning wasn't right. I had got so used to things being one way and then it changed. I'm not gonna lie, I was a little jealous when it came to some things. Before I knew it, everything took a backseat to the studio." I admitted for the first time.
"So you stray when you don't feel needed anymore?" she asked me as we pulled up to Mar's house.
"I'm a man, naturally we want to feel needed and desired. But it's like I was a supporting actor and she was the star."
"What's wrong with that?" she asked me. I had no answer for real. "I'm not used to that." I said as I looked into her eyes. She stared in mine.
"Justin, listen...I like you. I just want you to realize that there are things in my life that will come before you as well. My son is the center of my world. He comes first, my hustle...both of them, and then myself. After all of that, then comes you. It doesn't mean I'm not interested or you suddenly don't matter. I have to secure the bag. You get that, right?" she asked me and I nodded. "So what really was the issue with your ex? Because it seems to me you didn't get her, but you get me though." "Reality was too painful. I couldn't look at her the same after we lost the baby. Like it was probably my fault for real. Guilt will make you act irrationally. Once I realized it for myself, no apology could fix it. It was over." I knew it, but saying it sounded so much worse. When I looked over at Suki, she didn't seem to be bothered by anything that I had just said, instead she hugged me. I think I needed this. "Part of being a man is owning your shit. I respect you way more now." she said in my ear as we pulled apart. "The mistake never matters Jay, you're human. It's what you learned from it. You're trying to be better and I'm here for it. Just keep doing it." she said before she leaned in and placed her lips to mine. Lorddddd if I'm not supposed to fall for this girl, please stop this while I'm ahead. The reality of it all is shorty gave me instant goosebumps. This feeling couldn't be explained.
"Let's get in here before we don't make it." I said as I pulled away from her and she laughed a little.
"You're right. Let's do that." she said as we hopped out and started to walk to the door together.

The Unusual Suspects Book 2
General FictionThe story of 6 inner city young adults, all from different walks of life, from different areas, and conquering different hardships. Watch how school, family, drugs, lies, the streets, and love bring them together and rip them apart