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Mannn shit just been hella weird the last past week I swear. I had noticed Tony been so deep into the game, I haven't seen this focus since before Toya. Charles been all silent for real. Riek been more with all the fuck shit. Something was definitely going on and I just couldn't figure it out.        "So it ain't just me?" Mar said as he came and stood beside me. "You see this shit?" he said.           "Hell yeah. Don't get me wrong, on the business side of things,  love it. But this shit hella weird man. This ain't even like them." I said.                                                                                                                          "Tell me about it, Riek been extra diabolical. Money been somewhere the fuck else and Tony is acting like Tony Montana without the powder of course." We both laughed for a minute.                    "What's funny?" Charles asked as he snapped out of his trance.                                                                       "Y'all my guy..." Martin said. "...you good?" he asked him.                                                                                  "My bad y'all. I'm just trying to get my head in the right place. I'm geeked about going on tour but everything has to fall into place like it is in my head is all. I'm good though other than that." he said and it had honestly slipped my mind that they was about to be taking off.                            "That is right, understandable. But what about them?" I asked him.                                                           "Mannnn y'all gotta take that up with them. You know I don't even be trying to let anybody know what someone else shared with me in private." he said quickly.                                                          "Tony is your right hand Jay." Mar clarified as they both looked at me.                                                    "Wait so you don't know what's up with T either?" I asked C and he shook his head. "Oh shit I thought you meant both of them when you said that shit." I said.                                                              "Oh naw, T been in rare form. It's like he's channeling his inner- Widow because he keeping the youngins tight but damn though. All these drills been crazy. I knew he was gone let them go early today because that execution was on point for sure." C said.                                                                  "Okay, so clearly Riek got shit going on and Tony has to too." Mar said. We looked at each other before I decided to just speak up.                                                                                                                                   "Yo!" I said loud and Tony and Riek walked over and looked at us. "So listen we been working hard as fuck and it shows but I'd be lying if I said some shit wasn't off." I said.                                       "What you mean? The shorties was just on point as fuck." Tony said and Riek laughed.                    "He talking about us bruh." Riek said and Tony looked away from us for a second and then returned his gaze. I've known Tony for a long time and never had I seen this particular face.             "No pressure bruh, but I've noticed you haven't been yourself at all lately. It's cool to throw yourself into work but to this magnitude is crazy work." I told him.                                                               "And Riek love to see the intensity brody but this been unsettling. Y'all niggas good?" Mar added and Tony and Riek looked at each other.                                                                                                                      "Mine might be a little less difficult. My tribe fell apart. " Riek said nonchalantly.                                     "What?!" Mar said sounding confused as fuck. I wasn't expecting that.                                                        "Right after all the effort I put into getting that house. Erika and Araya made up in their minds that I was too into India and they were gonna just let us be and yada yada yada. Which is insane because how do y'all even make that decision without even talking to us?? Like if y'all wanted to just be together, say that shit, but trying to push it off on me was wild." Riek said.                                 "I'll raise one to his shit though. Toya asked me if I felt like I was really ready to be married. So I'm like I asked, didn't I? Went into this whole spiel about not wanting me to feel like I didn't get to experience other things or other people and shit. When in all reality those were her feelings. She decided to go ahead and move into the house by herself. I kept my son til we sort this shit out or whatever the fuck we do at this point." I think I was just mind-blown as fuck as to what to say to either one of them right now.                                                                                                                            "So...let me get this straight T, your girl decided she wants to have one more hoorah before marriage all of a sudden? Then your 2 decide, you and the other should just be together?? What the fuck is going on?" Mar said in complete disbelief.                                                                                            "Man C was there, I can't make this shit up." Riek said. I felt so bad for him because I know how focused he's been on getting the crib and everything. That shit wild.                                                         "Yeah it was some real 'it's not you, it's me' type of shit that came out of Araya's mouth and then Erika basically saying that they been through hella shit and she gets it. I don't know it was crazy." C said to back up everything that Riek was saying.                                                                                                 "I'm sorry Big Dawg, I know how much you made your moves with them in mind. That shit is crazy, but at least you got your crib though, that's all you." I told him.                                                           "True...but I didn't think it would be like this though." he said sounding disappointed.                       "But Tony, bruh listen...that would've thrown anybody for a loop. The real question is are you still walking down that aisle?" I asked him and we all kinda looked over at him.                                      "Man...I wish y'all could've heard this shit. She basically gone start it off like "you're only human and it's okay to want to experience other things and I want you to experience that before you're tied down to me. I'm like I don't even feel like that. She gets all weird because I said that's on you if you do, but I don't feel that way' In that moment, I already knew. Like at this point...I don't even know what to say. Of course she throws in my face how she handled that situation with Autumn, but like I said, I didn't leave because Autumn came into play, you pushed me away."         "And that's what be wrong with these mufuckas. Every time it's time for them to own their shit, they try to bring up some old shit. Like deflection is real because it really be them being weird." Riek said. I feel like roles is reversing because here I was looking at these mfs like this was relationship goals and their shit really falling the fuck apart. I guess you never really know some shit with people. But then again that's probably not my line.

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