My poor baby, Anthony had been so cranky today since he got his shots earlier. I'm so glad he finally went to sleep. I hate to hear him cry knowing there isn't really anything I can do about it in the end. But at least I was right with him all day though. I absolutely love being a mom. I mean I know sometimes I'm up to my elbows in fabric, but this mommy thing I wouldn't trade for the world. Plus, it brought a closeness to my own mother that I'm not sure we ever really had. Her and Maxwell had come to see the baby and she really seemed so different. She was very polite and cordial with Tony's parents. She even thanked them for taking me in when everything happened. I wasn't expecting any of that at all. This was a different type of feel and I'm alright with this. Maxwell had been outside with Tony and his dad grilling for the past 2 hours. Tony's mom, my mom, Adrianna, and I had been in the kitchen making all of the sides. It's funny how the most unplanned events end up going the smoothest. Because this was absolutely a makeshift barbecue but it all worked out in the end. We all sat down at the table after making the plates. I put Anthony down into his bassinet while we ate just so he was nearby if he wakes up. We all held hands while Tony's dad blessed the food before everyone began to dig in. "'s everything going with the house?" My mom asked me. "We're slowly getting everything together to transition over there." Tony answered. "But always remember we're here if you need us." His mom said quickly. "That works both ways." Maxwell added. "It takes a village and AJ will know that he has one behind him for sure." Tony's dad said. "Baby boy is blessed." Jose said and I just looked over at my lil sleeping angel. "That he is. But that's because we are trying our hardest to be the best versions of ourselves and that way we can instill the best things in him. The same way that you all did with us." Tony said. "I wish I could take credit for that with you, Latoya. But I know that was more of your fathers' doing than my own. But I made a promise to myself and to you Toy, that I'll be the best grandmother that I can possibly be. Maybe as a redemption." She said and I reached out and squeezed her hand. I believed every word she spoke honestly. "Don't even mention it. What's understood, never needs to be explained." I told her simply. "And this right here is what we need to see more of. The courage to break generational curses will be the drive that you need to keep it going. When you spoke those words, it was positive affirmations. From your lips to God's ears, His will will be done." Jose added. "Amen to that." His dad said. We all continued to eat our food. "I don't want y'all to leave." Adrianna said. Touched my little heart. "Ana, we won't be far at all and you can come over whenever you want. Just think of it as your home away from home." I said to ease her mind. I wasn't quite ready either but the time was surely approaching though. "You promise?" She asked me with a big smile on her face. "Of course! You know you're kinda like our first child." Tony said as they laughed together. "He's trying to take the baby now." His dad said playfully. "So that just means we have space to make another." his mom joked and we all laughed at that. "Eww aren't y'all past that point by now?" Jose said and we all laughed. "Mama gotta have a life too." Maxwell said as we all doubled over in laughter. See this right here I could get used to. These are the moments I treasured the most, mainly because I didn't get to experience this often growing up. Occasionally, my dad would throw parties and whatnot and it would be these big, beautiful dinners that were star-studded, but it was impersonal. This was more realistic and it's way more appealing. In high school I used to think I was hot shit being able to call rappers by their first name since my dad was representing them. Little did I know, this brings forth way more bragging rights. Actually having heartfelt connections. I looked over and noticed AJ's eyes were open and looking at me. "Aww mommy's baby is awake." I said before I picked him up and sat him on my lap. He looked around the room for a minute and then started smiling. "See I knew we had a connection, you see him smile when he saw me?" Jose said. "Wrong! He was looking at his favorite auntie." Ana quickly spoke up. "Well all of y'all are wrong, he was looking at his twin." Anthony said with a big smile. "Let's see, who were you looking at?" I said as I lifted him and he looked around at all of them but he actually reached for Maxwell. "Really kid?" Tony said as we all laughed at that. "Traitor!" Ana said and we laughed some more. "Well...looks like I'm the winner!" Maxwell said as AJ smiled even wider once he was in his arms. I knew I had gotten good vibes from him and now to see AJ go to him, I know it is something really good about that man. I love him for my mom and I get good vibes. Maybe this time, it'll absolutely be better. Either way, I'm blessed and highly favored. I started to clear the plates from the table to aid in the process of cleaning up as I watched them all enjoy each others' company. "I see that twinkle in your eye." Tony said as he stood beside me. "I can't wait to be able to host things like this all the time." "Motherhood has changed you." he said as I hit him in the arm and we both laughed. "I mean I like it, I get to see you in your soft girl era." he said and we both smiled.

The Unusual Suspects Book 2
General FictionThe story of 6 inner city young adults, all from different walks of life, from different areas, and conquering different hardships. Watch how school, family, drugs, lies, the streets, and love bring them together and rip them apart