I can't front, this was more entertaining to watch than the high school games. You would think these cats played together their whole lives the way they pay attention and aid each other in the game. And we were actually all chillin on the sidelines too. This girl Suki seemed cool surprisingly.
"You gotta let me slay yall nails sometime." she said as she passed out her card to us. She was nice at what she do, I can't deny that.
"Yesss you'll definitely have a client in me." Araya said to her.
"Me too." I said thinking why not.
"Hell you'll make bank off of Dom. Chick forever getting them toes done." Aries said laughing.
"Swear I'm bad as fuck with committing to a color. Yes honey, I will be in touch. Better yet, when you got an opening?" she said as we all laughed.
"I got morning appointments tomorrow or late ones tomorrow too." she replied.
"Either or works for me." I said to her.
"I can take all 3 of yall on the later end tomorrow if yall want to come together. I could do 8 o'clock." she said as she looked over her appointments.
"Bet." I said.
"Works for me." Dom said.
"Works for me too. I'm off at 5 tomorrow, so that's perfect." Araya said.
"Aye! Can't wait!" She was hyper for real, I liked her energy. It made it interesting when we were all rooting for our dudes.
"You good baby mama?" I asked Toya's quiet ass.
"I'm great! Enjoying this weather and everything. Good weather and good company, you can't beat it." she said.
"When are you due hun?" Suki asked her.
"Any day now." Toya said to her.
"You are so tiny, I know that snap back gone be something crazy. Mine was fast." she said to us.
"Oh you have a baby?" Erica said to her.
"I have a 4 year old son." she said.
"Aww my daughter is 4 too." she said.
"Aww we can definitely set up play dates and whatnot." Suki told her.
"We'd love that." Nicole said to her.
"Where's your son now?" I asked her.
"It's his dad's weekend. So he's out in Douglasville with him."
"Country living, I feel it." Erica said.
"Yes baby, that's game!" Dom yelled.
"Uh oh!" I screamed as D, Suki, and I went over to our dudes to congratulate them. I immediately jumped on Chuckie and he caught me as I wrapped my legs around him. "That's how you do it baby!" I said as I kissed him.
"You already know My Love!" he said to me. I looked over as Suki was dancing all on Jay and shit. You could tell they were feeling each other, I think I liked her for him. They both be lit. I looked over and seen Little Man had his arms wrapped around D from behind and they was over there all smiley and laughing and shit. I saw a lot of healthy growth going on around here. "Man that boy can shoot them 3s!" Charles said hollering at Little Man.
"I do what I can." he said smoothly. "But aye Justin is like the GOAT with the blocks. Cat stay smacking shit." Little Man said as him and Jay shook hands.
"We definitely gotta run this back again one day." Jay told him.
"Most def." Little Man said.
"But MVP is C-Money! Cat always passed to the right person at the right time." Jay said.
"And cat ran circles around these niggas." Little Man said as they shook Charles hand on that note.
"Rule number 1, pay attention to your surroundings. This why my team always wins." he said.
"Shut yall gloating asses up." Mar said as everybody laughed.
"Bruh, why you mad? You know you belong on the field not the court." Jay said and they high fived.
"Man for real? Let me find out we can get a game going." Little Man said.
"I'm down with that shit." Tony said.
"Count me in too." Riek said while his ladies surrounded him.
"We could do that tomorrow if yall game?" Charles said and they all agreed.
"As long as it's after 12 cuz I got church in the am." Little Man said.
"I respect that. We could do it at like 2 then?" Mar said. They all nodded. "Bet." We all started going our separate ways.
"Where yall headed?" I asked Dom.
"Well you know it's Kev's birthday. I was gonna take him out to dinner." she said.
"Oh yeah!" Charles said as he ran to the truck and came back and busted that bottle of Champagne open.
"Happy mufuckin birthday bruh!" he said as everyone did come over to tell Little Man Happy Birthday.
"Send me the info D, we'll slide." I said.
"Us too." Araya said to her.
"Cool, I'll send it to yall shortly." she said as her and Kev hopped in his truck and we all loaded up in mine.
"That shit was fun as hell." Riek said.
"And was." Charles said.
"Babe, D said she'll send us the info so we can all go out to dinner for his birthday." I told him.
"Cool, that works." he said as I backed out the spot and started towards the crib. "So...I see yall was all vibing with shorty. That's good." he said.
'She seemed cool." Depth said.
'Girl...you was so quiet, how would you even know?" I said and we all laughed.
"I was reading her. She was cool. Clearly yall thought the same since yall got appointments with her." Depth said.
"Sis is for sure talented, we had to." Araya said. "Appointments?" Charles said confused.
"Nails babes." he just nodded at that.
"So me, Araya, and Dom will be to see her tomorrow evening."
"So the rest of us in the studio tomorrow?" Charles said.
"Yeah I got a session with Onyx anyway tomorrow." Depth said.
"We got one with Paradox at 7 tomorrow too, so we was gone be in there regardless." Riek said.
"Uh oh, that sounds a lot like order. You see I be scheduling that shit, don't I?" I said and everybody started laughing in the car.
"I can appreciate how you send us the calendar though after we make plans so we never forget." Araya said.
"Best business partner I could ask for." Charles said blowing kisses at me.
"Awwwww." they all said together. I just shook my head and laughed.

The Unusual Suspects Book 2
General FictionThe story of 6 inner city young adults, all from different walks of life, from different areas, and conquering different hardships. Watch how school, family, drugs, lies, the streets, and love bring them together and rip them apart