I'm not gonna lie, I really cashed out on his gifts and dinner, but the vibe was so right that it was all more than worth it. I'd do it again with no hesitation for real. Once we got in the car and headed back to their house, I just saw the smiles that were stretched across their faces and it made everything better. We got back to their house and Keisha had fell asleep in the car, he gently woke her and helped her inside as we went in. I took a seat on the couch as he got her upstairs. He came down and sat next to me. I set my head on his shoulder.
"So did you enjoy your birthday?" I asked him. "Man...this been one of the best days of my life for real. Thank you for making it happen." he said to me.
"No, thank you. You've been rocking with me through the absolute darkest point of my life thus far. This was only just a token of my appreciation for you." I told him. "But I wasn't looking for nothing in return. I would do it all again for absolutely nothing at all." he told me.
"I know and that's why I didn't mind doing any of it." I told him as I looked into his eyes. "D..." he said as I pressed my lips to his and he kissed me gently. "...I love you." he told me and it really caught me off guard. I looked up at him. "You don't have to say it back at all. I just wanted you to know." he said as I set my head back on his shoulder. I was honestly speechless at the moment. Then I got a text telling me Toya was in labor.
"Shit." I said immediately. "What's the matter?" he asked me.
"Toya is in labor." I said to him.
"Okay, we can go to the hospital." he said with no hesitation.
"But babe it's your birthday, I can't as..."
"You didn't, I offered. Come on, we can go." he said as he texted his sister in case she woke up before we got back. We went back out to the truck and was on our way quickly. "I just want to let you know that, I do care for you. Deeply for real. I ju..."
"Shhh D I'm not trippin. Like I said, you don't have to say it. Maybe you're not ready to admit that. But I look at what all you've done and I know how you feel. Your actions speak louder than your words." He was right though, I couldn't say the words. I still felt uneasy about the concept, but the truth is, maybe I did love him. I mean not in love, but how could you not feel for someone who was there like that? When we got to the hospital, we quickly went in and ran into Justin and Suki. "What room is she in?" I asked.
"317." Jay told me. "Thanks." I said to him and I turned to Kevin. "Ba..." he cut me off by kissing my forehead. "I'll be right here. Go be with your friend Love. I'm not going anywhere." he said and I kissed him on the cheek.
"Thanks Love." I said as I took off down the hall to the room. Tony, his mom, Toya's mom, and Iris were already there. I went straight to Toya. "How are you feeling sweets?" I asked her. "Oh wow, I didn't think you were gonna come babycakes." she said to me.
"Why wouldn't I?" I asked her as I grabbed her hand and she squeezed mine. I understood why she doubted it, but I couldn't allow my situation to keep me from being a real friend. "Thank you." she said. I looked up at the monitor and saw it was cutting close to that time, her contractions were close. She had to be drugged up because she was way too calm.
"Yall got here quick considering he stays out the way." Iris said to me.
"Yeah we took off as soon as you texted me." I said to her.
"Aww you have the best boyfriend ever to stop his birthday to come up here." Toya said to me and I smiled at that.
"Absolutely, you don't find that often. Trust me, I know." Toya's momsaid to me. I smiled to myself, maybe I did choose correct this time. The doctor came in. "Well hello everyone. I guess we got more than enough motivation to get this little guy outta there, huh?" she said sounding so friendly. She said as the other nurses and everything came into the room. Tony immediately went to Toya's side and grabbed her hand. Her mom got into position on her other side. I stood next to her mom and Iris went on the other side of Tony. Tony's mom was towards the end of the bed since she was actually assisting in the delivery process. I cannot lie, the whole birth seemed like a complete blur to me. There was so much support, proper breathing techniques, and joy that filled that room when their beautiful little bundle of joy came out. He was indeed Tony's twin to say the least. It was one of the most beautiful things that I ever got to be a part of and witness. I was thankful and whatnot, it was a bit overwhelming when I thought about my own daughter. While everyone swarmed the baby, I stayed in the room with Toya while they got her cleaned up and everything. "How you feeling Mama?" I asked her.
"Tired." We laughed a little bit.
"That's expected, but you did it boo! He's a doll." I told her with a smile.
"Thank you. For everything." she said while we both cried.
"Always." I said while I hugged her and walked out the room. I was feeling so many different things as I walked to the waiting room and Kevin came straight to me and held me tight. "It's okay baby, I'm here." he said as I tried to control my breathing and he talked me through it. "You okay?" he asked me and I nodded. "Yall can go back now." I told them as my eyes met Justin's gaze and they went down the hall. "Come on baby, let's go." Kevin said as he put his jacket around me and we left.

The Unusual Suspects Book 2
General FictionThe story of 6 inner city young adults, all from different walks of life, from different areas, and conquering different hardships. Watch how school, family, drugs, lies, the streets, and love bring them together and rip them apart