We were standing in the kitchen by the breakfast nook watching Adrianna finish up her therapy. The braces had been off but the therapy was really what was getting her back to normal. She gave me so much hope for everything in life. If only she knew how inspirational she really was to me for real. I watched in awe of her as always. There was a knock on the door and Tony looked at me and I went to answer the door. When I opened it, I looked over at this girl standing there. I couldn't deny the fact that she was a beautiful BBW. She looked to be about our age and she smiled sweetly.
"Hi, can I help you?" I asked her.
"Umm...is Anthony here?" she asked. Just then I heard the voice and instantly knew that this was Autumn.
"One moment hun, let me grab him." I said as I walked over to him. "You have a visitor." I said softly to him.
"Who is it, Jay?" I shook my head and he stood up. "C?" he asked me and I shook my head again and he look confused.
"It's Autumn." I said and he looked in my eyes and I nodded. "Go ahead." I told him. He just nodded and kissed my cheek as he walked over to the door. I sat down with Adrianna as she just got finished with her session.
"So I'll be back in 2 weeks. Same time." the therapist said.
"Great! Thank you so much!." I said.
"See you then Gorgeous." the therapist said to Adrianna and they both smiled as she gathered her things to leave. "Anna, can you give us a minute pooh?" Tony asked her. "Sure!" she said as she exited and went to the Living Room and Anthony went back to the door. He let her inside and he came and sat down beside me as she sat across from us. "So I just want the lines of communication to be clear here and I don't want any bad blood between all of us." he said as he grabbed my hand.
"Trust me, Toya, I mean no disrespect. I came by to apologize about Cease and to give yall this." she said as she pulled an envelope out of her purse and placed it on the table. "That's for the damages. I'm really sorry, I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I tried my hardest to get and stay away from him, I never imagined this would be the outcome. Toya, I know you don't know me, but he does. I'm not this type of person and I would never intentionally bring any of this to yall. I know how hard pregnancy is by itself, I can't imagine the extra added stress. I'm so sorry." she said and it sounded so sincere. "It's okay, things happen. But are you gonna be okay?" I asked. Tony just looked over at me after I asked.
"I'm fine." she said softly.
"You sure?" Tony asked her.
"I have to be for my babies." she said.
"Congrats, by the way." I said. She smiled at that.
"Thank you, I had them 10 days ago. They're still not out of the hospital yet, but they're doing well." she said.
"Aww I know you must be excited." I said to her.
"I am, but I'm a little anxious too. I'm heavily debating on getting this restraining order." she said and in that moment, my heart broke for her.
"If you have to debate it, you should do it. I used to get abused myself and it may have been able to be stopped and my abuser could've gotten help much sooner if I took the necessary steps. You gotta preserve you and those babies now." I said as tears fell down her face.
"I'm sorry yall." she said as she dug through her purse and grabbed some tissue to wipe her tears away.
"You don't have to be sorry. You're safe here." Tony told her.
"Thank you." she said after she calmed herself back down. Tony grabbed the envelope and slid it towards me. I stared at it on the table for a moment and pushed it back across the table to Autumn. "That's for the repairs."
"No. That's for you and them babies. Get that restraining order and get out of dodge." I told her. She looked at me and then at Tony who nodded at her as well. "Just because yall have history, doesn't mean that we have to be enemies." I told her. She had tears fall yet again.
"Can I hug you?" she asked me and I nodded. We both stood up and she walked over to me and embraced me. Before I knew it, I was crying too. "Thank you so much. This is literally the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. And I promise yall I will do that." She said as we pulled apart.
"Just keep in contact so we know that you're okay." I said as we both wiped our faces. She picked up her purse and turned back to us and looked at him and then me.
"I see why you chose her, T. Yall really make a beautiful couple. Continue to bless and be blessed yall." she said as she let herself out the door. I looked at Tony who was standing directly by my side and he grabbed ahold of me and kissed me like never before. I swear I feel like breath literally left my body in that instance. When we pulled apart he looked in my eyes and didn't let me go.
"Toya, I've never seen that from you. I mean baby I know you have a heart, but I never thought it would be like that."
"Her story kinda tugged at my heartstrings. I couldn't help myself." I said as I placed my head on his chest and we stood there quiet for a second. I was about to ruin the moment. "But babe, so you don't have no type though." I said as I smiled at him.
"What you mean?" he asked me.
"I mean you went from BBW to slim thick. I mean we're both cold but we're polar opposites." he laughed so hard and so did I. Man...I knew after that we were gonna be okay for sure.

The Unusual Suspects Book 2
Aktuelle LiteraturThe story of 6 inner city young adults, all from different walks of life, from different areas, and conquering different hardships. Watch how school, family, drugs, lies, the streets, and love bring them together and rip them apart