I was sitting in the studio in a session with Kev. He was definitely pushing out a lot of songs lately. I can appreciate and respect the focus, but it was like he was struggling with this one a little bit. It's like he was just never happy with the sound. Him, Rodney, and I have been at this for a while now.
"I think I need a breather. I'mma take a 10." Rodney said.
"Take a 30. Let me holla at him." I told him and he nodded. Kev walked back into the studio and took a seat. "You good lil bro?" I asked him. "It just isn't sounding like how it sounds in my head. I don't know what it is."
"Need to stimulate your mind?" I asked as I began to roll up.
"Maybe so." he said as he sighed.
"Say less." I said as I passed it to him to light it. "Everything okay?" I asked.
"Yeah I think I'm just pushing myself too hard for real." he said.
"You might be. 5 songs in one week is a lot. You owe yourself a reprieve for real."
"I feel like I can't slow up now though."
"What's the problem?" I asked him as he hit the blunt.
"Nothing. For once in my life nothing. But that's some real unfamiliar shit for real." I could relate to that.
"Yeah but you can't mind fuck yourself into thinking the worst is coming. Expect the best, but prepare for the worst. You miss out on your happiness by anticipating the bullshit. You'll set yourself back instead of pushing yourself forward." I told him.
"Man...you talk like you been here before. It's like you and C are our parents or something." We both laughed at that shit for real. "When you been through some shit, you can speak on some shit bruh." I said. he nodded as he passed the L my way. "So how's Keisha adjusting to the school/studio life?" I asked him. "She's good with it. She goes to school, comes straight home to do her homework and then be looking at me like let's go." I smiled at that. "Well at least we started this the end of the school year, so she got time now."
"True. Thanks for giving her the opportunity though." he said.
"Of course! She got talent and yall share the same hunger. I respect it."
"Yeah she does. She be trying to get pointers from Dom too. I be trying to figure out who gets more time with her now, me or Keisha." we laughed.
"It's a part of the game. Yall good though?" I asked him.
"Yeah, we good." he said and it was something in how he said it.
"Oh my God! You're sleeping with my Babycakes now?" I said and he laughed.
"Man...get outta here." he said avoiding the question.
"Okay the..." Paradox just walked in looking crazy as hell. "Bro you good?" I asked him and he looked around.
"Let me hit that with yall." he said and I passed it to him and he took a couple hard drags.
"You okay?"
"Yeah bruh cuz you don't even smoke like that." Kev said to him.
"Man no. I took Onyx to my family dinner and shit, right? My parents absolutely love her, it was going so good. My grandfather said some old racist ass shit and I immediately went to defend her, but she up and left off rip. She won't answer me or nothing. That shit got me hot." he said. "Okay, I'll call her. Let's see what's up." I said calling her as Dom walked in the studio, but we could hear the ring of Onyx's phone.
"Onyx here?" I asked Dom as she took a seat in here.
"She's coming down the hall." D said just as Onyx walked in.
"Baby look, I'm so sorry about him. He just grew up down south and doesn't know how to take to things. I set him straight though, I'll never just all..." she put her hand up to cut him off. "I'm not mad at you Love. You did jump right in to defend me and I love you for that. It's like a trigger for me. I grew up in the projects, unlike you. I was automatically considered white trash, I worked hard to kill that persona just for someone to drag me through it in 1 hour of meeting me. That's tough. But damn how you feel about me, that's just something I don't want him to do to his great grandchild." she said.
"It'll never happen again. Bab...wait, what?" Paradox stopped as we all stared at him wondering how he didn't catch that when she said it. She reached in her purse and pulled out the Pregnancy verification slip from her doctor. "So we're having a baby?" Paradox asked and she nodded as he walked over to her and squeezed her tightly.
"Congrats yall!" Kev said as we all clapped for them . I was not expecting that shit right there at all, but I respected it so much. This was the first time we saw tears come from Onyx and I was glad they were happy tears.
"What I miss?" Chuckie said walking in the room looking around.
"Dox finna be a dad." I said to him.
"Okay then! Congrats Dox & Onyx! Look at yall." Charles told them off rip.
"Right! And having mixed babies is the best way to combat racism. Fuck an opinion, that child will love all races. Just look at his or her aunts and uncles." Dom said as we all laughed for a moment looking at us. "Right! Thanks yall." Onyx said as she dried her face. "I imagined telling yall so differently. My bad." she said.
"As long as we know is all that matters." I told her.
"Facts, it takes a village and we're all here for yall." Kev said.
"Let me just put it out there now, so I'm the godmom, right?" Dom said and we all burst out laughing.
"Of course, you're the one that went with me to the appointment." Onyx said.
"Aye!" D said as she started twerking on Kev. Let me find out she encaged the animal in her until now.
"I forgot you were a dancer. We gotta talk business D." Chuckie said to her.

The Unusual Suspects Book 2
Fiction généraleThe story of 6 inner city young adults, all from different walks of life, from different areas, and conquering different hardships. Watch how school, family, drugs, lies, the streets, and love bring them together and rip them apart