I was sitting downstairs in the Kitchen when I heard this scream that I wasn't sure what it was for. I immediately ran up the steps and went to my room to see Toya sitting there with the biggest smile in the world on her face.
"You okay? I thought something was wrong." I said to her as I walked over and sat down on the bed.
"I'm wonderful! They listed the positions on the school website." she said as she showed me her phone.
"Oh shit baby, you did it!" I said as I got excited as well. Toya worked so hard for everything and she finally got the news she had been dying to hear. My baby made Valedictorian! She leaned over and hugged me. "I'm so happy for you." I told her. Truly I knew she had been so focused and so worried at the same time about the outcome of this and she got her desired outcome. I knew for a fact she couldn't be happier right now. This is what I liked, everything was literally looking up at this point. We had really already taken so many Ls that we all were due for a good W.
"So I know you always thank me for getting you to the point you are at, but Tony thank you. Without your love and support this past year, I couldn't have done this either. You put me in a comfortable position once I was taken out of a tough one. And you never let me miss out on a single assignment. From bringing me my work and our all night cram sessions, I appreciate you so much." she said to me.
"That's what any real man is gonna do. I got you my Love." I told her and she smiled at that.
"You think D paid attention to this? She did make Salutatorian." she said to me. Hell I was so focused on her making Valedictorian, I didn't even read the rest.
"I don't know. Call her and find out." I said and she quickly picked up her phone. D answered on the quick side.
"You in labor?" she asked and we both just laughed at that.
"I wish." Toya said. "Have you looked on the school website boo?" she asked her.
"Naw, what's good?"
"You made Salutatorian boo!" Toya said all excited for her. "Congrats Sis." I said to her.
"Oh my God!! Thank yall!! I had no idea! I can't believe Mar didn't tell me."
"Right, he's probably late with it. But nevermind that, let's celebrate."
"Dinner on me tonight yall. You can definitely bring ol boy with you D." I said.
"Bet. Just give me a time and we'll be there." she said all chipper.
"6?" Toya said and I nodded.
"Okay cool, so we'll be yall way then." she said.
"Alright, see you later babes." Toy said.
"Okay doll." she said and then Toya turned to me and smiled again.
"Thanks baby." she said before kissing my cheek.
"You're welcome Gorgeous! You deserve it." I told her. We heard a knock on the door and I got up to answer it. It was my dad, I let him in.
"Couldn't help but overhear your good news. Congrats mija." he said as he brought Toya to her feet and hugged her. I loved to see it.
"Gracias papi!" she said as he spun her around before he let her go.
"De nada. You picked right son, gimme some." he said as he high-fived me a couple times. We all laughed as he exited back out the room. I loved his energy lately, this is what was needed. Balance for real.
"Imagine how excited your dad is about to be if mine is like that." I said.
"Man...I gotta call him." she said as she happily dialed his number. I crept out the room and slid downstairs. I know their conversations usually end up being long and drawn out, so I went to check on Anna and Jose. I went downstairs and saw them sitting at the breakfast nook. He was sitting there with his Bible open and a notepad next to it and Anna was sitting there coloring.
"Good afternoon yall." I said sitting next to Ana and glanced at her coloring book. "You did good with this!" I told her.
"Thank you." she said happily. I leaned over to the side and hugged her.
"You're welcome Gorgeous." she smiled and I looked over at Jose.
"How's it going?" I asked him.
"It's going well. Just been reading Revelations heavily." he said picking his head up and looking at me.
"Everything okay?" I asked him.
"Indeed. It's just you begin to notice the sign of the times for real. So much that is in Revelations seems as if it may just be unveiling in front of our very eyes. Like God gave us the blueprint, we just have to take heed." he said. I supported my brother's newfound journey but sometimes I wondered if he was overanalyzing things. I respected him a lot and he was beginning to touch a lot of people, but this topic I really hated. I feel like since we were kids we were always living in fear of judgment and this at times made it worse. Well...could be my own guilty conscience for the things that I've done though. "You sure you okay T?" he asked me.
"Yeah, I'm good man." I said as I snapped out of my train of thought. "What you got over here on the stove?" I asked him as I reached in the fridge for a bottle of water.
"Papi is making sancocho." Ana told me. Damn he ain't made that in a minute, he must really be feeling like his normal self. I pray this stays like this.
"Mmmm you'll love that." I said, knowing this was one of her faves.
"You cutting out?" Jose asked.
"Yeah, I'm taking Toya and Dom out for dinner. Since they're Valedictorian and Salutatorian." I told him.
"Tell them both, I said continued blessings. That's dope." he said and I nodded. As I walked back up the stairs and back into my room. I heard water running so I knew Toy had jumped in the shower to start getting ready. Her process takes forever.

The Unusual Suspects Book 2
General FictionThe story of 6 inner city young adults, all from different walks of life, from different areas, and conquering different hardships. Watch how school, family, drugs, lies, the streets, and love bring them together and rip them apart