"Girllllll yesss!! Hit them angles on these babies!" I said as Suki was taking pictures of my nails after she finished them. I let her do her on this set and I was loving the bright colors, like she knows my heart. "And did!" she said as we high-fived each other in the end. I had picked up my phone to send her the payment and I caught a glimpse of a look on her face. "What's wrong boo?" I asked her and she turned in my direction. "Don't tell me nothing either. Stevie Wonder could see that something is bothering you." I said as I sent the payment and sat. "Girl...don't mind me. It's just so much going through my head. I'm good." she said. "Stop! It's more to it than that. Is it Jay? You know I'll fuck him up." We both laughed. "Somewhat but it's probably not what you're thinking though. It's like after that whole situation in that warehouse, it's been weird. I get the work aspect of it and that's why I still fucks with y'all because business is business. But I think it's just been a strain in our whole relationship since." "I can see that, but baby trust me, it wasn't personal at all. We just needed to be sure." "Respect! It was a conversation that me and him had after the fact. Like how do business and personal lines not blur a little bit? Like between him and I it's personal. You know what I mean?" "To a degree, yes. I get it, he should know you well enough to know that that wasn't what it was. But at the same time, you know we're always told to never trust a soul. It's a slippery slope. I can understand that. But at the same time, Jay is a very protective person. I trust his nutty ass with my whole life, and that's saying a lot. He will protect you like no other and he gone always be there when shit goes left. Of course there's issues that come with any person, but you actually didn't get a bad dude." I assured her. "Yeah but that's on a business tip. Personally...I'm not so sure. Like going to group therapy with him at times is a battle for me. I promised him I'd be there but the more he talks to me and the more Dom talks in there, I don't know." Damn...I didn't think about that part. "So...listen he definitely could've did things differently with Dom, we all know this. But at the same time, they rushed into everything. See he's taking his time with you, which is good for someone trying to rebuild their self. But truthfully, they just weren't ever right for each other. The day I met you at the park and saw the interaction with you two, I knew you guys just fit. You don't see that often, but it's like you're equals. Don't stress yourself out comparing the two, y'all dated the same guy, but didn't get the same relationship." I told her. "Point taken. Thank you." she said as she turned her phone around and showed me the pictures. "They definitely photographed well." she said with a smile. "But of course, when you have the coldest nail tech, how could they not?" I said. "You know, I try, I try." she said as we both laughed. "At least you don't have to try hard. You got this on lock!" I told her as I got ready to leave. "Thanks!" She said as she followed me towards the door. "We gotta link some time outside of getting your nails slayed boo." she said to me. "We can do that! Just hit me mamas." I said as we parted ways. As soon as I hopped in the car, my phone rang. "Hello." "Hello, is this Iris?" I heard a male's voice I couldn't quite identify. "This is she. May I ask who's calling?" I said searching for clarity. "Hey, I had came to your listening party a few months back. I had talked to you about modeling. I was reaching out to you to see if you had given it any thought?" Oh wow, I wasn't expecting this at all. Often times I think people just be talking. "Oh right, I remember you. I wasn't sure you really meant it at the time." "I would never joke about business. I'd love to have you come in and talk and possibly shoot." "Umm...sure we could do that." I said, I couldn't believe I had said that. "Great! So, I can email you some specifics. Is the best email for you the one on your business card?" he asked me. "Yes, that would be the best one." "Awesome, I'll send you out some tentative dates, we'll coordinate schedules and I look forward to meeting with you." he said sounding very chipper. "I look forward to meeting with you as well." I told him. "You take care Iris." he said before we had hung up. What a day! I don't know whether I feel happy or nervous about it. I gotta call Charles. "Hey baby." he said sounding like he's in a good mood. "Hi My Love, what you doing?" I asked him. "Chillin, what's going on with you? You sound different." he said. "Well you know I just left from getting my nails slayed. But after that I got a call from that guy that came to the listening party and asked me about modeling." "Oh yeah...I figured it was about that time. You ready for that?" he asked me. "I think so. I just wasn't expecting it. Like he told me to reach out to him and then he ended up calling me. I was in shock for real." "I keep telling you, you're beautiful and I don't just say that because you're mine. You definitely deserve this and I can't wait to see you shine." he said and it did bring a smile to my face. "I appreciate you Love." I told him. Swear it did feel good to hear him say things like that to me. Don't get me wrong, I'm as confident as they come, but to hear it from my man meant more. "Now, appreciate that ass home to me." he said as we both laughed at that. "I'm on my way papi." I said before I hung up and headed home.

The Unusual Suspects Book 2
General FictionThe story of 6 inner city young adults, all from different walks of life, from different areas, and conquering different hardships. Watch how school, family, drugs, lies, the streets, and love bring them together and rip them apart