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Paige's POV

Did I say long day? Scratch that, the interviews seemed to be taking shorter than I expected. The two girls before me didn't even take that long with the billionaire Mrs Anders.

Of course I knew who I was going to work for if I got the the job. Thee most influential woman in the country. Wife to late Mr Xavier Anders. It's still a sad thing what befell her. According to magazines just after they got married his heart failure got worse and they spent the rest of his life traveling the world and enjoying literally every minute with each other. Well Mr Anders only lasted for a month leaving her with the company, his money, mansions and I mean literally everything he had.

How do I know all this? Well first of all they're lives were public and well Amy loves the mighty Anders family so she knows everything about them. She was the one who told me about this personal assistant job as well.

The door opened startling me. I stood up immediately and walked nervously towards the door. Abigail didn't seem happy and I only got nervous even more.

Hailey's POV

My door closed and I knew this was the last candidate.

"Sit down." I said without looking at her. I was busy texting with my mother in law. She wanted to have lunch with me today. I put my phone aside after a few minutes and finally got a glimpse of the girl in front of me.

Okay she's gorgeous I'll give her that. I looked at her dress code and I realised I could only see the turtleneck.

"Can you please stand up again miss...." I looked at her name again on my computer. "Paige." I said. She nervously did so. I finally saw the outfit paired with red five inch heels that go well with her red bag and lipstick. Okay she looks stylish. "Thank you. Sit down." I went ahead and clicked hired on my computer.

"Thank you ma'am."

"Okay so how old are?" I went on and interviewed her for formalities' sake otherwise I loved the way she was dressed and if she was going to be around me a lot more then I was not worried. I already saw her CV and it was impressive so beauty plus brains plus style equals to my idea of an assistant.

"Twenty three." She answered.

"Okay. So I see you're wearing black. Is black your favourite colour?" She cleared her throat.

"One of my favourite colours yes." She answered confidently.

"Okay so last question. Did you put that outfit you have on all by yourself or you had someone else choose for you?" I leaned back on the chair.

"Um I-I dressed myself ma'am. I'm sorry if I look hideous. I promise I can do better." I chuckled.

"You're hired. You start tomorrow." I pulled out a contract out of the right drawer.

Paige's POV

"What?!" My eyes almost popped out. "I got the job?" I almost screamed but Mrs Anders gave me a warning look. I quickly cleared my throat and shifted in my seat.

"Miss Paige I will only say this once more but if you're going to work for me you should know I hate repeating myself. Now I said you're hired and you start tomorrow." I swallowed hard. "Was that clear enough?"

"Yes ma'am." She dropped a document in front of me.

"I am a woman who doesn't like wasting time so that is our contract. You can read through it before signing." She went back to her phone.

This woman is so intimidating. And deadly gorgeous. I looked at her carefully taking in her beauty. For a moment I felt lost in just her face. Damn! Her lips formed a smile making me shiver. How can a simple smile just get me like that?

"I hope you're done signing miss Paige, seeing that you're staring." I quickly went back to reading the rules and whatsoever of the damn document in my hands.

Well it wasn't too much I couldn't handle, don't be late or I'm fired. I work six days a week. I'm not allowed to have another job besides this one. As if I could actually have another. I rolled my eyes and continued. I always have to look beautiful. I almost laughed at that. No wonder she asked me to stand up when I first got here. Well at least that won't be a problem. I continued until I got to my salary. My eyes widened at the zeros I saw.

"Is there a problem?" I looked at my soon to be boss when she asked.

"Um....no I just didn't expect to get paid so much as a mere personal assistant." I said and she scoffed.

"Then it will shock you to know that I will increase it if you're a good personal assistant. Now I don't have all day Paige you have to sign." I nodded taking a pen out and signing under her signature where there was a blank space. "Good. I hope you do your best."

"I promise to do that ma'am." I said.

"Okay give Darsie your bank account details so we have them for your payments. I like to make sure everything is sorted as early as possible." I nodded standing up.

"Thank you Mrs Anders."

"Be here by eight sharp. If you're late, don't bother coming in." I nodded. "Good then." I started walking to the door.


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