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Paige's POV

"Miss Carson?" I stopped walking and turned my head to the person calling me. "The show's producer is here to see you." I looked at my wrist watch and sighed.

"She was supposed to be here in the morning. 10am to be precise." I said annoyed. "Did she reschedule and you forgot to tell me?" Honestly I had thought she wasn't coming anymore.

"No ma'am." I sighed. So a well respected show like that chose to delay me by more than two hours? This is so unprofessional. I thought to myself.

"Tell her to wait for me in one of the tables. I will be back after having my lunch." I said and then headed to the door.

"Okay." She said as I went out of the hotel. I was having lunch with Jason just to take his mind off the breakup. He was being strong about it but I still wanted to cheer him up. It had been a while since we just went out on our own. I missed the time with him without the others. I dialed his number as I got in the car and he picked up immediately. "Hey, are you ready?"

"Yeah, I am. Are you on your way?"

"Yup. I'm just leaving the hotel right now." I answered driving out of the Beta premises. "I'll be there in ten minutes."

"Okay." I hung up and drove quickly to his school. Like he promised he was already outside when I got there. "Hey sis." He said as he got in the car.

"Hey Jase. Are you good?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm okay. Shall we?" I nodded and then started driving again. We arrived at the place I had made a reservation at and we sat down. "God, I am starving." He put his phone down and I giggled.

"Then it's great we're here." I said chuckling. "Did you finally decide on which car you want?" I asked.

"I actually hadn't since I didn't think you were serious about it. I thought you were talking out of anger." I rolled my eyes.

"Jase I am serious. You should really decide on which one. I know I said I want you to make Melody jealous but in all honesty I noticed you need it. Melody aside you need to have one." I said.

"Thank you Paige. Honestly you are the best human being on earth." I chuckled.

"Don't say that. A lot of people would disagree with you on that."

"Because they are stupid not to see how amazing you are." I laughed again.

"Thank you Jase." A waitress came to our table to take our orders and we had lunch in a very fun conversation.

Moments with my brother are the only times where I enjoy myself the most because I don't have to try to be someone else with him. He knows the real me and conversations with him are always full of laughter.

I went back to the hotel after dropping him off after our lunch. I walked into the lobby and Diana one of the receptionists was there.

"Diana." She looked up immediately standing up.

"Miss Carson."

"Send the producer to my office, please." I said.

"Yes ma'am." I walked to my office and sat down preparing myself for them. A few minutes later someone knocked on the door and I let them in. A lady walked in looking like she was probably Hailey's age or less. Her brown hair was straight and parted in the middle flowing to reach her shoulders.

"Paige Carson. It's a pleasure to meet you." She smiled.

"Thank you, please sit." I said and she did.

"Thank you for finally allowing me to see you. I know you are a very busy person." There was a bit of disrespect in her tone but I ignored it.

"Well if you had not been late we wouldn't be here right now." I shot back. "I will have to know how long the shoot will take because tomorrow there is going to be a wedding here so I don't want it to clash with the wedding."

"Probably two hours since it's a huge hotel and we would like to cover everything." I nodded.

Their director had approached Logan on including his hotel in their show to cover the inside and outside of the hotel at it was one the top ten hotels in New York. A 'Top Ten Most Expensive Hotels in New York' kinda thing and obviously he said yes. Now I had to deal with these prople who thought I'd skip my lunch with my little brother for them.

"Fine." She smiled again. "I was informed I'd need to answer a few questions while you're shooting." She nodded.

"Yes. They are not difficult don't worry, just the common questions people ask themselves when they see or hear about this exquisite hotel."

"Okay then, the only time we'll have is the morning before the wedding." I said.

"That will not be a problem but may I ask what time the wedding is?"


"Okay, setting up our cameras and everything, you know lightings and all our other equipment usually takes about thirty minutes and the shoot alone will be about a two hour thing so I think we'll need to be here by 7am to make sure everything is done by the latest 10am." She said and it made sense. An hour in between will be okay.

"Okay thank you for coming Miss Clemons." She smiled.

"It's Mrs actually." She showed me her ring.

"Oh I'm sorry. Mrs Clemons." I said with a smile. We shook hands before she left. I spent the rest of the day making sure every work that needed to be done in the office was finished to avoid any paperwork for tomorrow since I was obviously going to have a busy day.


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