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"I'll be right back." I sighed and then went back to my office. Elaine had told me that in one of my drawers in my desk I had the key card that opens all doors and almost all the doors here were opened by cards.

I found it where I was supposed to find it and then I went back to Ryder. She was still waiting for me by the door. I swiped the card and the doors unlocked. She let out a breath of relief.

"Thank you Miss Carson." I opened the door walking into the bathroom. It had stalls and a huge mirror with sinks looking at each stall. Only one was occupied. Kim had to be there. I knocked and I heard no movement neither shuffling. I knocked again more aggressively and I heard a fustrated growl. The person inside sounded like they jumped down from somewhere and the door opened.

"You people don't want to leave me alone." I recognised the voice before I could see the face and when I saw her I had no doubts that the same annoying Kim I had chased out of AC more than a month ago was the same rebellious Kim I was supposed to work with.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me. Kim?" I asked in disbelief.

"Paige? What are you doing here? Are you lost or something?"

"Lost?" She rolled her eyes and took off the airpods she had on before coming out. No wonder she couldn't hear the knocks on the door. She realised Ryder was also in the bathroom.

"Ry why didn't you tell this lady this is for staff only?"

"Kim she knows." I wished I could rub my face roughly to maybe help me wake up from this nightmare but I didn't want to ruin my make up.


"Ryder give us a minute." She nodded and went out. I turned back to my ex immediately. "What are you doing here? Couldn't you have found a better job or something?"

"Hey, don't you dare come here and tell me what to do. How did you find me anyway?" I sighed.

"If I wanted to find someone, trust me it wouldn't be you. I work here." She laughed.

"The new manager already hired someone?" I rolled my eyes.

"I am the new manager Kim." Her eyes widened.

"Out of all people Logan hired you? Why?"

"Okay I don't have time for this. I am already regretting taking this job if I have to work with you. Get back to work."

"Oh baby trust me I don't want to be here either." She fixed her uniform.

"Then how about you do all of us a favour and quit?" I asked bittetly.

"Ask Logan that. Excuse me." She walked out on me leaving me feeling defeated.

"Agghhhhh!!!!" I punched the air. "Why her?! Damnit!"


Hailey's POV

"Come in." I said and Darsie walked in.

"The new PA is here." She said.

"Send her in." I said and walked out. A few seconds later my door opened again and a lady dressed in a black slim fit woman suit walked in. Her hair was let loose and parted in the middle. "Have a seat please."

Having to go through this again was exhausting and boring. I thought with Paige I wouldn't have to find another PA but she had to go so here I was again hiring and missing my boo.

"Good morning Mrs Anders." I shook my head.

"It's Miss Finley please." I corrected. Since I was in a new relationship I didn't think it was appropriate to be still addressed as Mrs.

"Sorry ma'am."

"It's okay. Now I saw your CV and it's very impressive I'll give you that and I noticed you included that you are very fast learner and that's what I need hence why you are here today. So I have a contract I'd like for you to look into but before that I have one question for you."


"Are you willing to work for me for a long time?" I asked.

"Like permanently?" I nodded.

"Well that's if you don't get yourself fired by violating my rules." She thought about it for a few seconds. "I can give you time to think about it."

"No I have decided Miss Finley. I...." she took a deep breath. "I agree." I smiled letting go of the breath I was holding.

"Perfect. Then you will read through the contract and sign at the bottom." I gave her a pen and the document. After she read everything clearly and signed I took back the document. "Okay Mabel you start tomorrow morning at eight. If you are late consider yourself fired. Understood?"

"Understood." I nodded.

"Do you have a car?" She shook her head.


"Right." I took out my cheque book and filled in the necessary details with the amount. "Here. Make sure you find yourself a car at Audi Manhattan. I will let Bruce know you will be there shortly. He'll help you choose a very good car and you will be using that for running errands and anywhere I send you if we don't use my car or one of the jets." She smiled.

"Thank you so much Miss Finley." She looked so excited.

"You're welcome. Darsie is waiting for you in the lobby. Have a good day." She smiled.

"Thank you. You too." I nodded and continued with work.


Kim's POV

"Come in." Paige said from the other side of the door. I let myself in closing the door behind me. "Not you again." She sighed.

"Relax I'm not going to get upset like earlier. I'm just here to talk." I sat down.

"Shouldn't you be working like the others?" I rolled my eyes.

"It's not like you can fire me if I don't." She took a deep breath and I knew she was trying to calm down and choose her words carefully. "You make it seem like I chose you to work here. In my defense I didn't know you were the one who was replacing Martin."

"I wouldn't put it past you to convince Logan to hire me so you can be close to me again, since you two seem to share a special bond." I giggled.

"You give me way too much credit Paige." I said.

"What do you want Kim? Unlike you I have work to do." I sighed dramatically.

"I wanted us to talk but it's fine, I will let you get back to what you were doing." I stood up and walked to the door but stopped and turned when I remembered something. "I think maybe this is the right time to tell you that I might just start loving my job afterall since you have decided to be closer to me." I smiled.

"Kim me coming here has nothing to do with you. You and I are done. You better get that into your head." I let out a chuckle as I walked out.

"We'll see about that."


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