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Paige's POV

I waited patiently for the day to end. The office was so boring without Hailey. It had been three days since she hadn't stepped in. I was so used to having someone keep me busy, sending me errands and I felt like I was really working. Right now I took calls but mostly people wanted to talk to Hailey and the moment they heard she's on vacation they would say she should call them back.

My phone rang bringing me back to the reality of my life. I looked at Amy's name pop up. She hadn't called in like a week. Jason doesn't even care about her or mom. Mom on the other hand called and blamed me for the fight. Apparently if I just stopped being so stubborn and listened to Amy none of this would have happened. I guess Jason was right. I should just stop bothering myself by trying to make them happy and proud. The one thing that could make them happy was something I couldn't do so everything else I did was pointless.

She eventually hung up and I sighed. I was not in the mood for any fight right now. It was bad enough that mom thought it was my fault. She called again and I decided to answer it this time. Maybe something happened to her.

"Paige. God why didn't you pick up?" I rolled my eyes.

"I'm at work remember?"

"Hailey is not around. I saw her latest IG post. She's in Malibu." I rolled my eyes. "Anyway I wanted to tell you something happened today." She sounded like she was panicking.

"Are you okay? Did someone hurt you? Is Austin okay?" She sighed loudly.

"He's okay. I.......Paige I'm freaking pregnant. I went to the hospital and I found out I was pregnant." My heart skipped a beat making me gasp.

"Pregnant? You said you're pregnant?" A smile crept on my lips.

"Yes. I'm bloody pregnant." She yelled. I finally realised why she had an argument with Jason the other day. It must have been the pregnancy hormones. "Paige I'm toast. What am I going to do now?"

"Amy what are you talking about? Kids are adorable." She huffed.

"What if Austin doesn't want kids?" I shook my head.

"No no no no no no stop overthinking. Just breathe okay?" I told her.

"I'm just scared. I know we're getting married soon and maybe I shouldn't worry but we hadn't talked about having kids so early." She cried.

"Amy what if he's going to be thrilled? I mean he seems to bond so well with his nephew. I think you should just be positive about this." She wept.

"I hope you're right sis."

"Just calm down. I'll come over and bring you ice cream okay? We'll hang out until you cheer up." She let out a chuckle.

"Okay." I smiled. "Thank you Paige and I'm sorry about the other day."

"It's okay sis." I said. "Okay I have to go now. I'll see you soon."

"Bye." I hung up and let out a loud sigh.


"I can't believe I'm going to be an aunt. Yay!!" I squeled making Amy giggle.

"Can you stop being so happy? I'm still shocked and scared." I laughed.

"I think you should just relax. Austin will be happy." She nodded.

"I hope so." The main door opened and closed. "He's here." She started panicking again.

"Amy calm down." She looked into my eyes. "I'm here with you okay?" She nodded taking a deep breath.

"Babe!" Austin shouted.

"Over here!" She shouted back and stood up to welcome him home.

"Oh hey baby." He came in with a loving smile and hugged his fiancé after placing a kiss on the lips.

"Hey honey." Amy said.

I found myself smiling at how much these two loved each other. Their love was so beautiful and inspiring.

"Oh hey Paige." I stood up.

"Hey Austin." He gave me a hug.

"Babe why didn't you tell me Paige was coming over?" He asked smiling. This guy loves to smile.

"She surprised me." Amy said. I gave her a nod and she nodded back. "Honey I need to tell you something." She cleared her throat.

"You seem nervous. What's wrong?" Amy swallowed hard.

"Austin I-I....." she looked at me again with teary eyes.

"Amy tell him. It's okay." She nodded.

"Tell me what? Babe please talk to me." Austin looked really worried.

"I'm pregnant." She said and sat down crying. Honestly I didn't understand why my sister was so worried. I thought she should be happy and rejoicing for a new blessing in their family.

"You're pregnant?" Austin dropped his briefcase on the floor. "Amy did you say you're pregnant?" He asked again.

"Yes Austin she's carrying your baby." I said. He suddenly jumped and screamed.

"YES!!" he rushed to hug his fiancé. "You have no idea how long I have been waiting for you to say this." He kissed her face countless times. "I love you so much. Thank you baby." I giggled at the reaction.

"Wait. You are happy?" Amy asked wiping her tears.

"Of course! I'm going to be a FATHER. This is the greatest gift you can ever give me." He said.

"I thought you'd be disappointed or something." He let out a chuckle.

"Pregnancy hormones." He laughed again. "Amy I have always wanted a family with you. We're getting married in a month. This is the perfect time to start a family." She smiled.

"I love you so much."

"And I love you more." He kissed her temple. "And don't ever say you are pregnant again." I frowned in confusion. "We are pregnant." I burst out laughing shaking my head.


What a sweet ending. I'm a sucker for sweet endings forgive me. For those who thought the siblings wouldn't reconcile I'm sorry. Lol. It's just that babies always make everything better. If you know this comment below.

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