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Hailey's POV

"Mr Clark. How are you today?" I asked.

"Hailey. I'm wonderful, how are you? How are the kids?" I smiled.

"They are doing well sir. To what pleasure do I owe this call?" He laughed lightly.

"I wanted us to talk business as usual. There is a client of mine I want to introduce you to. He's actually well known I'm sure you will know him when  you see him. I was thinking today." I looked at the time.

"Well you know me very well Mr Clark. I never say no to new opportunities. I have time. You guys can come over and I'll have the boardroom ready."

"Very well. I will see you soon." I put the phone down and called Paige.


"Mrs Anders."

"Get the boardroom ready. I have an important meeting in a few minutes." I said.

"May I ask how long it might last?" She asked making me cringe.

"Why do ask?"

"It's just that I want to know if I should shift your other appointments to tomorrow or just later." That made sense.

"Well I don't know but shift everything to tomorrow I won't feel like doing anything after the meeting." I instructed.

"Okay. I'll get to it."

"Thank you. Oh and Paige."


"I want Stewart and Rogers in that meeting. Tell them to come to my office right away."

"Yes ma'am."


Paige's POV

If they ever told you to believe in luck they were not deceiving you. If today wasn't my luckiest day I don't know which one is. Out of nowhere the stars decided to send Mr Clark to Hailey meaning she was occupied until God knows when. Finally I could go get my brother.

Okay hold on. What if she decides to call me and wants me to bring her something from her office? How do I even get so quickly to the airport when I don't even have a bloody car? Damnit! I finally remembered snapping my eyes open.

"Yes!" I quickly called the only person I knew could pick Jason up so quickly without even Hailey noticing. "Bobby? Hi."

"Miss Carson."

"Um are you in the building?"

"Does the boss want to go somewhere?" He asked.

"Um not really I just need a favour from you. Mrs Anders is currently preparing for a meeting." I explained.

"Okay what favour?" I cleared my throat.

"Okay so I have noticed you're the fastest driver I know so I need you to pick my brother up in an hour from the airport for me. His name is Jason. Of course I would do it myself with a cab but I can't with the boss going into a meeting and all." I tried to be convincing enough.

"Miss Carson I could lose my job if Mrs Anders was to find out her car is picking strangers up from airports. Why can he not use a cab?" I sighed.

"Trust me I also suggested that to my mother but she wouldn't have it. Please Bobby I promise the boss won't find out about this. By the time she needs you, you'll be back." He sighed.

"Fine. What time does he land?" I almost screamed in joy.

"3:45pm. Thank you so much Bobby. You're a lifesaver."

"It's okay. I'm only doing this because you seem like a nice person and you deserve to be helped." I smiled.

"Thank you."

"You said his name is Jason?" He asked.

"Yes. Jason Carson."

"Okay I'll bring him safely."  He assured before hanging up.

I released the long breath I was holding. "Thank God." I whispered. There was no other place l could take him to since I knew Ron wouldn't let him go up without my permission and since I wasn't in the apartment and I bloody forgot to tell him to expect Jason he obviously wouldn't let him in. He would tell him to wait for me and I know better than to leave my baby brother stranded in a lobby with strangers. At least here he could wait for me a few minutes before I knock off and we could go home together.


"Jason!!" I ran to him after the elevator doors opened.

"Paige!" We hugged each other tightly.

"God you're so grown up. I missed you." He smiled.

"I missed you too." I helped him with his large heavy suitcases to put them behing my desk. "Is this where you work?" I smiled and nodded.

"Yup. My boss is still in a meeting so you better pray she stays there for the next thirty minutes." He chuckled.

"Relax she won't fire you because of me." I rolled my eyes. "Damn Paige who was that guy that you asked to come pick me up?"

"Oh that's Bobby. Why?"

"His car is freaking awesome. Are you friends with rich people now?" I giggled making him frown.

"Bobby is just a driver Jase. That's not his car? That's my boss's car." His eyes widened.

"What?" I nodded.

"Yes I had to really really really really beg him to get him to pick you up as you can see I'm working I can't leave." I motioned my desk.

"Wow so you risked your job by convincing the driver behind your boss's back just for me?" I shrugged.

"Well yeah. I mean you're my little brother so I had to." He smiled again and kissed my cheeck.

"Thank you sis. Mom said you were not busy today and you'd be able to pick me up. Honestly if I knew about your situation I would have used a cab." I'm not surprised she didn't tell him. I faked a smiled not to disappoint him.

"It's okay Jase. How was your flight anyway?" I asked.

"Not bad. I'm just tired." I nodded in understanding.

"You'll rest when we get to my place. For now you can sit on those chairs while I work." He nodded and sat down. "Oh and can you please call mom and tell her you're with me and safe? I am not allowed to make personal calls here."



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