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Karen's POV

"Kiara we need to talk." I sat down on the opposite chair from my daughter. We were having dinner together. I personally invited her to the family hotel to talk some sense into her.

"Good evening to you too mother." She smiled sarcastically.

"What is good about this evening when you are busy trying to ruin your brother's wife's life?" She rolled her eyes with a sigh.

"I should have known you didn't just invite me to dinner because I'm still your daughter but instead you wanted to discuss about Hailey." She said.

"Kiara what happened to you? You used to be my sweet daughter. What changed?" I asked.

"Mother I don't even understand how you don't see nothing wrong with what Hailey is doing. Tarnishing my brother's image." She said sternly.

"I don't see anything wrong because there is nothing wrong with what Hailey is doing. If you were in her shoes would you have waited for over five years before you moved on?" She laughed.

"Don't go there mother." I sighed and looked deeply into her eyes. My sweet child was no longer there. Her eyes were full of hatred and rage. They were so cold and no longer warm like they used to be.

"Why are you doing this Kiara? Why are you dragging her to court?" She smiled.

"Simple. Since she has proven not to care about my brother anymore then she doesn't deserve to have any of his wealth. I am taking back everything the Anders own since you and father don't want to." I let out a light giggle.

"You will do no such thing." She opened her eyes wider.

"What do you mean?" I smirked.

"Simple. You will stop this madness and leave Hailey alone." She laughed.

"Mother but why would I do that?"

"Don't test my patience Kiara Anders-Holmes. You should know very well when I am serious." Her face fell.


"Failer to which consider yourself banned from my house and you will be disowned and stripped off everything that your father and I ever gave to you." I stood up. "You have until the morning to decide."

"You can't do this. You're joking right?" I walked out on her with a heavy heart. "Mother!"

As much she was my daughter and I loved her to death as my only surviving child, I still had to do the right thing and not support her even when she was abusing an innocent woman. I am sorry Kiara.


Hailey's POV

I woke up to my phone ringing. I used my left hand to search for it on the nightstand. "Agh!" I raised my head and finally saw it. I answered immediately I saw the caller. "Hello?"

"Hailey. I'm sorry for disturbing your sleep." Larry said.

"It's okay. What do you have for me?" I asked sitting up.

"I just got a call from Kiara's lawyer that she will no longer be taking you to court. She dropped everything she had against you." I frowned.

"What? She's letting go of the fight?" I asked.



"Well he also doesn't know. Apparently she just called him super early in the morning and told him what I just said." He explained.

I wonder what happened. I sat on my bed thinking of possible answers to the question I had.

"Um it's okay. Thank you for calling Larry." I said after a few moments.

"Have a good day." I hung up and took a deep breath. "Okay we're going to see Karen maybe she has answers."

Paige's POV

"I'm so sorry Mr Blackwood. Mrs Anders is not here so we might need to continue without her to avoid delays. I know you're a very busy man." I said to the businessman Mr Clark introduced to Hailey weeks ago. He was here with two people, a man probably in his late thirties and a young woman whom I learnt is his assistant.

"I didn't come here to discuss business with a personal assistant." I swallowed.

Blackwood was one of those young businessmen that looked like they would strangle you if you were to cross them. His assistant was always shaking when he spoke. When I did my research I learnt he's a very bitter boss. Bitter because he never had a family. He grew up in an orphanage and a woman came to adopt him when he was fifteen but she died four years later living him to survive on his own until he finished school.

"With all due respect sir, I am very capable of handling this meeting. It's part of my job as well to handle meetings when she's not around." His eyes turned black immediately.

"Can you please find out if she's on her way or not? Mr Blackwood specifically wants to continue the meeting with her and not you." The assistant said and I rolled my eyes lightly. This is becoming annoying.

"Like I said. She's not picking her phone neither did she tell me she'd miss work." I said a little irritated that I had to repeat myself.

"You are her slut aren't you? So you should know where she is." Blackwood said bitterly earning a glare from me.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"Tell your girlfriend when she gets back that I am not happy with her." He stood up but I lifted myself up stepping forward.

"Listen here you arrogant annoying good for nothing bastard." His assistant gasped while he looked surprised. "Don't you EVER in your miserable life call me a slut. Who do you think you are? Huh? Don't be deceived by that fancy suit you're wearing you're still a good for nothing in the inside. Your stinking attitude doesn't scare me." I took my iPad and file and stormed out. How dare he?

Hailey's POV

I walked to the garden where one of the maids said Karen was. She was drinking her tea looking lost in thoughts. I appoached her slowly and she heard my footsteps as I got closer.

"Hailey!" She put her tea down and opened her arms. I smiled before I gave her a hug.

"How are you doing?" I asked before sitting down.

"I'm fine dear, how are you? How are you holding up?" She asked like a concerned mother.

"I'm fine. I've been holding up fine." She smiled brushing my cheeks.

"I hope you brought my grandchildren because I miss them so much." I giggled.

"Unfortunately they are not here but in school at the moment. I'll bring them over on Friday evening to spend the weekend with you." I said.

"Thank you honey." She took her tea again.

"Kiara is no longer taking me to court." I said after the silence.

"I heard." She turned to me. "Aren't you happy now?"

"I wasn't worried. She wasn't going to win anyway but I am grateful I don't have to step foot in court anymore." I said and sighed. "What happened? Why did she change her mind?" She chortled.

"She didn't." She put her tea down. "I just stepped in as a parent and put an end to her nonsense."


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