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I walked to Logan's room later in the evening after work to get some answers. I knocked first since he was one of those people who say knock first and I knew better than to against his rules.

"It's open." He said and I let myself in. "Oh Kimberly. How nice of you to grace me with your presence." He smiled making me roll my eyes.

"Logan why did you hire Paige?" I folded my arms.

"Kimberly do we always have to start with arguing before we have a decent conversation?" I looked at him with annoyance written on my face.

"If you needed a new manager so bad why couldn't you have hired another person and not Paige?" He sighed loudly and stood up. I stepped back a little as he came closer.

"And why not Miss Carson? Does seeing her still turn you on?" He asked with a low growl. I gulped nervously shaking my head vigorously.

"You know I left her Logan." I said but he let out a chuckle.

"Then why are you furious I hired her? You're scared you'll find yourselves in her apartment again like a few months ago?" I gasped my eyes widening.

"W-what are you talking about?" I moved to be away from his intimidating body.

"Oh come on Kimberly you can't expect me to answer that. You know what I'm talking about." I cleared my throat and lifted my head.

"I can see that you will not tell me why you hired her so I'll just go." He grabbed my arm roughly before I could walk away. "Logan." I tried to move his hand but he tightened his grip hurting me even more. "You're hurting me."

"You know better than to walk out on me Kimberly." He looked at me with his dark eyes. My heart raced and I regretted coming here.

"I'm sorry."

"You are always sorry about a different thing everyday but you don't want to change." My arm started to feel numb. "Will you ever change or do I now have to make you the toilet cleaner before you do?" I shook my head and a tear fell.

"I mean it this time. Please let me go you're hurting me." He finally let me go and I cried silently with my head down trying to let the blood finally flow to the other side.

"Elaine complained about you and if she complains one more time you will not like what I will do to you." I wiped my cheeks.

"And you think I like what you're doing to me now?" I let out a pained laugh. "Logan let me go!"

"I have told you before. You are not going anywhere. You will work there until I say you can leave." I chuckled shaking my head. "And if you pull another stunt like the one you pulled today you will work there without getting paid. I will also stop the allowances."

"You bastard!" I cried. "I hate you." He smiled.

"I know." My breathing increased. "Listen the sooner you get that I own you the better for you. If you can for once in your life behave, I can even free you from your shitty job and you can come back to the house."

"NEVER!!" I ran out of his room.


Paige's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night because of my vibrating phone. When I checked who it was it was an unknown caller. I rolled my eyes and went back to sleep after putting it on do not disturb.

I finally woke up in the morning to get ready for work. I saw a text from an unknown number.

I'm sorry but I just needed to talk to someone. Hope I didn't disturb your sleep love.

Sorry we're not together anymore, I forgot.

"Oh Lord please help me. Why can't this woman leave me alone?" I sighed. I knew who this was.


What was even wrong with her? Was she in trouble? I shook my head. No she's just trying to get inside your head Paige. She's done it before so don't fall for it.


"Come in." I said taking a deep breath to prepare myself for who was about to come in. Kim walked in looking like shit. She sat down. "I don't even know where to start." She laughed.

"If it's about last night I'm sorry I can't help that when I'm drunk that's the only time I can express how I feel." I sighed.

"Kim there are other women out there why can't you find one for yourself since you're single and leave me alone? I am in love with someone else now." She let out a sad laugh.

"You wouldn't understand Paige." She said and for the first time in a long time she looked serious and in pain. But a part of me said maybe she was pretending.

"What won't I understand? Why you called me in the middle of the night?" I sighed.

"Maybe." She said.

"How did you even get my number?" She smirked.

"It wasn't hard honestly. Your CV has everything." I closed my eyes in defeat and took a deep breath.

"You know it's sad to think I used to be with you. You have changed so much I can barely recognise you. Or maybe I just didn't know you that well." She smiled. "What happened to you?"

"Look at you worried about me already. Does Hailey know about that?" I rolled my eyes.

"You're impossible." She giggled. "Get back to work."

"Yes ma'am." She said sarcastically whilst standing up. It felt weird for her to address me that way. Besides the fact that she used to be my girlfriend she's older than me by atleast two years.

Hailey's POV

I walked into the hotel with the food I bought for my girlfriend and I. I walked to the girl in the front desk and she directed me to her office.

"Oh Mrs Anders hi." I looked at the person caling my name.

"Hi and please call me Miss Finley." I say at the lady. She looked so familiar. "Have we met? You look so familiar."

"Yes at your company. My name is Kimberly." She smiled.

"Oh I remember now. Paige's ex girlfriend." She was quiet. "Right so nice seeing you again Kimberly. I am late for lunch with my girlfriend." I said and turned.

"You seem to love Paige a lot." I stopped and turned again.

"Why wouldn't I? She's a lovely person." I said.

"Yet she left you and came to work with her ex." She giggled. "Enjoy your lunch Hailey." She walked away and I stormed to Paige's office pissed. I burst in.

"What an entrance." She giggled getting up from her seat. Kim's words played in my mind and I found myself considering what she said. Could she be right? Was Paige still in love with her?


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