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Five years later

Hailey's POV

"Brook please don't start, I seriously don't have the time for this, I'm late for work." I grabbed my bag and walked towards the door.

"Come on Hailey you need to relax. As your best friend it's my job to make sure you're okay and happy." I rolled my eyes before turning.

"And I am happy." I said. "I have two beautiful kids that I live for everyday and you always have me laughing so I am fine stop worrying about me please. I honestly don't even know why you keep thinking I need to see a therapist again." She sighed.

"I know the twins bring you joy but I feel like you need to speak to someone else Hailey." I sighed dramatically. "Okay okay. But answer me this question." I nodded, grateful she was letting it go. "Do you think you will be able to move on one day and find someone else?"

I sighed and took time before answering her question. It was still a sensitive topic to me. Whenever I thought about being with another man I felt like I was betraying my love for Xavier. Like I was betraying him and he would be so hurt if I did. I still loved him even after so many years he had passed.

"Brooke I don't know. Whenever I think about it I feel like it's wrong. I still love him. I can't just erase what we had just like that." She pulled me to a hug.

"It's okay." She whispered. "I understand." I pulled back.

"Thank you." I cleared my throat. "I'll see you later I have to go now." She nodded and I walked out of the mansion.

Part of being married to Xavier Anders was to live lavishly in a ginormous mansion in New York. I just didn't know I would end up living here without him.

"Good morning Mrs Anders." Bobby my driver greeted opening my door for me.

"Good morning Bobby." I greeted back while entering the car. He got in and started driving.


Paige's POV

I walked out of the closet holding at least twenty outfits to try on for today. I had a job interview in one of the biggest companies in New York.


Of course I would be a little bit more thrilled if I was going to be interviewed on what I graduated on but I had no choice but to settle with applying for any available position since New York isn't an easy place to be in. It's really tough.

After trying on at least ten outfits I finally settled with what I had on. A black pencil skirt and long sleeve black turtleneck bodysuit. I took out my favourite heels since they used to be my older sister Amy's and she gave them to me when I asked to wear them when I graduated. I put on minimal makeup and looked at myself in the mirror.

"Okay Paige you look good." I exhaled heavily and took out my lucky necklace. It was a gift from my grandmother before she died. She said it would always give me luck. I pulled my hair up in a bun and took my things before rushing out of the apartment.

I wasn't too far from the company since I lived in a 'fancy neighbourhood' as most people liked to call it. Obviously I could never afford a place like this but Amy used to live here with our cousin Wendy. Wendy moved to California two years ago and my older sister is getting married in a few months so she's living with her fiancé now and left the apartment with me but this was my last month of living without paying the bills so that's why I needed a job asap.

Amy is my role model in every way. She's confident, smart, beautiful, kind hearted and humble. She has a very successful career going on as a journalist and I wish to follow in her footsteps of being successful. At least not in the marriage part since I haven't decided on marriage yet.  

I feel like marriage requires a lot of things and I am not sure if I can deal with all that. I look back on my past relationships and I realise I can never b-

"Ma'am!" The cab man yelled making me jump. "We're here."

"I'm sorry." I quickly took out his money and paid getting out of the car making sure I don't leave anything behind. I took a deep breath before walking towards the huge building with huge AC letters at the top.

Hailey's POV

"Good morning Mrs Anders." My secretary greeted with a smile closing the door behind her.

"Morning Darsie. What do you have for me?" I looked at the file in her hands. She handed it to me.

"The accounts you requested ma'am." I nodded.

"How about the vacancy I asked you to post last week? Has anyone came to apply yet?" She nodded.

"Yes ma'am. HR already selected three finalists coming in today for you to interview. They are already here actually." She said.

"Perfect. Send them in after ten minutes let me go through this first." I said opening the file.

"I will do just that."

"Thank you Darsie." I heard the door close as I concentrated on the document in front of me.

Paige's POV

I looked at my wrist watch again for the hundredth time since I got here. The time felt like it was moving so slow on purpose to torture me. I had been waiting in the lobby for a few minutes and already I was impatient and nervous as hell.

My phone rang and I smiled when I saw Amy calling. 

"Hello." I started.

"Paige. I am so sorry I didn't call you earlier to wish you luck. Please tell me you got the job." I giggled.

"I'm still waiting to be called in sis." I said looking at the elevator opening revealing the secretary. She went to her desk.

"Oh thank goodness I am not late. Okay listen. You are strong and very intelligent okay? You will get that job because you're freaking awesome and anyone who doesn't see that is a big fool." I giggled again. "So whatever the boss says to you whether good or bad just know that's not your final destination. Okay?" I nodded as if she could see me.

"Okay." I said. "Thank you sis."

"I love you little PG. Good luck." I giggled at the nickname.

"I love you too." The secretary came towards us. "Okay I have to go. Bye." I hung up immediately and put my phone on do not disturb.

"Okay the boss is waiting for you guys, you can come up to her office with me." We followed her to the elevator and she took us to the fifthieth floor. The lobby is on the fifth floor so you bet we had to wait for quite a while before we arrived. There was another lobby here with an empty desk. "Okay Cynthia Wills?" The tall blonde took a step forward. "Go to that door. The boss is waiting for you." She did. "Next will be Abigail Matthews." Okay so I'm going to be the last one. Aghh!! This is going to be a long day. "Paige Carson you will be the last to see Mrs Anders. Excuse me." She went back to the elevator after we took our seats on the chairs we saw.


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