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Paige's POV

Amy's wedding finally came, it was a beautiful sunny Saturday afternoon already. Being so excited was an understatement for me, the whole day I was so happy seeing family friends I hadn't seen in months and some years and also meeting Austin's family as well. The fact that I was even in a better place with Hailey made my mood even better. Everything was going so smoothly with my older sister as Mrs Hartley aleady.

The wedding was obviously huge because both have big families plus it was idoors. If you know Amy then you know she loves glamourous things and big events. Theme colour was gold and white. Her wedding planner really did an exceptional job.

Her wedding dress was a traditional princess wedding dress. A full-skirted ball gown typically featuring embellishments, sparkles, and beading. While always romantic, feminine, and a guaranteed show-stopping entrance, the modern updates to the princess wedding gown brought on some refreshing edge.

Austin got our attention when he cleared his throat on the mic. I smiled knowing what he wanted to say. Amy had told me about the big announcement to his family since he decided to surprise him on his wedding day instead.

"Um....I want to thank you all again for coming to our wedding and support my wife and I as we enter the married life journey." Everyone cheered for him.

I looked over at my sister and she looked so breathtaking. Her was face was done by the best make-up artist in town who was hired by Hailey as one of her wedding gifts for her. She was so happy about it and even asked me to call her so she could thank her herself.

"I know some of you know already but we have an announcement." He smiled and took Amy's hand. "We're pregnant." The whole room cheered and clapped for them. "Thank you." He smiled and kissed my sister making everyone cheer louder.


"I am not drunk. I can still see you." Hailey giggled shaking her head. We were facetiming in the evening during the after party. I was in the garden having my champagne and talking to my girlfriend because I missed her.

"Your eyes are smaller. You're drunk." I laughed.

"Baby my eyes are perfectly fine you're just being silly." She blushed.

"You just called me baby." I nodded.

"You should get used to it." I giggled. "By the way Amy asked me thank you again for sending Susan to do her face. She's freaking good I won't lie."

"It's honestly not a problem. Have they left yet?" I shook my head.

"Not yet and trust me the moment they head to the hotel I'm going as well. I'm too tired. My feet hurt." She giggled. "It's not funny."

"Don't wanna come over for a massage?" She smirked and I immediately knew it wasn't going to end there.

"Tempting but I'll have to pass." She gasped.

"Did you just say no to me?" I let out a chuckle nodding.

"We both know it wouldn't end there and like I said. I'm exhausted." She frowned.

"But I miss you."

"You look so cute when you do that." She giggled hiding her face.

"Stop." I laughed.

"Paige?" I looked next to me.

"Oh Stephen." I smiled. "Babe I'll call you later okay?"

"If you're going to end our lovely call for whoever that guy is then you have to promise you'll come over tonight." She grinned.

"Hailey." I gasped. "Are you seriously making me choose?" She nodded.

"Yup." I looked over at Stephen and he looked confused.

"Fine. I'll see you later." She giggled.

"Oh I'll definitely be waiting." She laughed and hung up. I giggled shaking my head.

"Hey, sorry about that." He sat next to me.

"I didn't know you and Kim were back together." He said.

"Kim? Oh my God no!" He chuckled. "That wasn't Kim."

"Thank goodness because I was not ready for another heartbreak episode." I laughed.

"Shut up." He let out a chuckle. "I'm never getting back with her."

"So who's the new girl?" I smiled.

"Can I tell you after some time? We just started our relationship so I still want to give it more time before telling everyone." He nodded.

"I totally understand. Just please promise me you're happy. You're kind of like a bestfriend to me so I don't want you to go through what Kim put you through." I smiled nodding.

"I promise you, I'm happy." He nodded.

"I was about to head out by the way. Do you need a ride?" I giggled shaking my head.

"I forgot to tell you. I got a car now." With the wedding that was coming up and dealing with my feelings for Haileys plus work this week, I barely had time to hang out or just call him so that's why it was easy to forget to tell him.

"Are you serious?" I nodded. "Paige that's amazing. Congratulations on your new car."

"Thank you." I stood up. "Since you're about to head out and I also want to check if our newly weds have left so I can go home I might as well come with you so I can show it to you."

"Oh I can't wait to see it." He stood up and we started walking. "Let me guess. It's white?"

"Why do you know me so well?" I asked.

"Paige we have known each other for almost five years so you can't possibly think I don't know your favourite colors." He laughed.

"You're just too much." I said. The bowling area of this place which was turned into the dancing area for the wedding and where the bar was is where everyone was. I looked for Amy and her husband but it looked like they were gone. I heard Stephen asking someone if the couple has left.

"Yes they left about five minutes ago." The lady said.

"Thank you." Stephen turned to me. "Shall we?" I nodded.

"Yeah sure." We headed outside to the front yard. There were multiple carpots for the cars that belonged to the guests. "Okay here is my baby." I pointed at the audi.

"Dude!" He gasped. "You know, I have a weird feeling you had someone else help you choose." He gave me a skeptical look.

"Well let's just say it was a gift from my special lady but I did choose it myself. It's just that I was expected to choose from a luxurious group."

"Damn. She bought you a car?" I nodded. "You better marry her." We both laughed.

"You're funny." I took out my car keys. "Okay buddy I have to go now." I said giving him a hug.

"I'll see you around Paige."


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