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Kim's POV

"You are so lucky the new boss wasn't here yesterday otherwise she would've reported you to Mr Logan for missing work." I rolled my eyes at Ryder. "Elaine was here though and she noticed you weren't around. I think she has told him."

"Ry I don't know how many times I have to tell you. I'm not intimidated by Logan." I said putting my bag in my locker.

"What do you even have against him that he let's you do anyhow?" I giggled.

"Nothing actually I just know how to stand my ground." I said and she shrugged. We walked to the kitchen to start with our work. "By the way, what did you mean Paige wasn't around yesterday?"

"She didn't show up." I frowned.


"Kimberly I don't know." She rolled her eyes. "Are you working today or you're going to be slacking like always."

"Not always come on." I giggled and we went to start with our day.

I had taken the day off yesterday to think about what Logan said. He said if I behaved he'd let me stop working here and maybe he's finally having a change of heart. Maybe this was my chance to be free again from him.


I walked into Paige's office after knocking. At least I learnt one good thing from living with Logan. Knocking.

"Hi." She looked up and unlike the last time I saw her she wasn't upset to see me. She just looked calm instead.

"Hi Kim." I took that as my greenlight to sit and so I did. She looked a little pale but not too bad.

"I um.....okay, where were you yesterday?" She gave me the 'are you serious?' look.

"So what? I answer to you now?"

"I'm sorry. That came out wrong. I am just a concerned friend." Her eyebrows furrowed.

"Friend? Did you just say friend?" Kim get it together! Say something right for once!!

"Okay Paige I am trying to be nice here so please help me and stop being so difficult." I held my breath hoping she doesn't get upset again. She kept quiet instead until I sighed before I suffocated myself. "It's fine. I'll leave."

"Why?" I looked at her confused.

"Why what?"

"Why are you being nice? Why are you concerned about where I was yesterday? Did Logan send you to find out if I lied about where I was?"

"What?! No. I can't even stand the guy not to talk of allowing him to send me anywhere."

"You cannot stand him but you still work for him." I sighed.

"Like I told you before you wouldn't understand." I looked away. How could I even explain it to her? How can she ever believe me when I tell her I made a mistake and now I was suffering because of my stupidity?

"You are the most complicated person I have ever met. I wonder what made me to fall in love with you before." She shook her head.

"Paige stop. I am not complicated I just know that you wouldn't understand. As a matter of fact you'd judge me."

"Judge you?" She chuckled. A hint of anger boiled inside of me when she laughed liked that. What was funny about what I was going through?

"You know what? I think coming here was a waste of time." I stood up and left. I thought she'd stop me but it was pretty clear I meant nothing to Paige Carson now. I missed the moment when I mattered to her or even when I mattered to anyone.

Paige's POV

My door shut after Kim went out. More like stormed out actually. Ever since I started working here I started seeing a side of her I never knew and I had a feeling it had to do with Logan. Why did he hate him so much? Was she a bitter ex? Unlike me Kim was bisexual so it was possible they probably had something going on.

I sighed and shook my head trying not to think about Kimberly and get going to this lunch with Amy instead.

I took my things and went to my car. I drove to the location she sent me and she was not yet there so I waited for her.

"Excuse me." I looked up to see a light skinned black woman staring down at me.

"Can I help you?" She smiled showing her dimples and then sat down. "Oh no you can't sit there. I'm waiting for someone."

"She's not here yet is she?" I frowned.

"How did you know it's a she?" She giggled.

"You're Paige Carson the new hottest lesbian in New York." Oh right. Wherever I go everybody knows me now. "I'm Cici by the way."

"Okay I'm sorry about whoever misinformed you Miss Cici but I am not the new hottest lesbian in New York or whatever that means." She giggled taking a piece of paper out and shoved it to me.

"We don't have to be anything but if you ever need to play call me." She winked with a smile. I looked at the paper and it had a number.

"Thank you but I'm not interested. I have a girlfriend." I pushed the paper back to her but she didn't take it back. Instead she stood up.

"I won't tell her don't worry." Another wink before she left.

"Hey!" She continued to walk ignoring me. I spotted a waitress and called her over. "Hi. Can you do me a favour and trash this?"

"No problem." She took the paper and went away.

"What is wrong with people?" I whispered to myself shaking my head. A few minutes later Amy showed up.

"I'm sorry I am late." She said.

"It's okay. How are you and the little one doing?" She giggled brushing her small bump.

"We're okay. How about you? Are you feeling normal?"

"Amy I'm fine. You worry too much." I giggled.

"I have to you're the only sister I have." She said. "But since you said you're okay then I'm glad."

"Perfect. Shall we make our order now?"

"Yeah sure." I called the waitress again and we told her what we wanted. "By the way did the doctor explain why you fainted? I thought blood donation isn't that risky."

"It's not risky it's just that Kiara's daughter needed a lot of blood and I insisted that they take the litres they'll need instead of what I can offer."


"I have a tiny body meaning I don't have much blood either so the doctor said I can't offer no more than 1.2 litres while Allison needed at least 1.8 litres."

"You are so stubborn you know. You mean to tell me he told you that you can't give a lot but you insisted they take more?" I nodded.

"It was worth it and look at the bright side. We're both alive." She rolled her eyes.

"You still gave us a fright. Especially our mother." I smiled.

"I'm sorry." She nodded softly.


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