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Karen's POV

"I dropped the lawsuit I had against your precious daughter in law so what do you want?" I sighed and let myself into her house. She had no makeup on and she was still in her black silk robe so that meant she had just woken up.

"That is not how I raised you to greet your elders Kiara." I walked to the living room and she followed.

"If you're here to see your grandchildren then they just left for school." I stopped and turned around. She looked away immediately not wanting to meet her eyes with mine.

"I am still your mother you know." She kept quiet. "And I know the kids are not around. I saw the driver taking them to school by the gate."

"So what do you want mother? I haven't harrassed Hailey or her girlfriend for the past week so you don't have to threaten me again." She went to sit down. I followed behind and sat down myself.

"I'm glad you have realised that what you were doing was harrasment." I said. The maid walked in.

"Good morning Mrs Anders. Can I get you anything?" I shook my head no.

"Thank you dear. I'm fine for now." She nodded and then continued with her chores. "Listen Kiara I came here because I wanted to check on you. Your husband said you haven't stepped out for the past week and you barely eat." She gave me a wary look.

"Check on me? Are you sure?"

"Of course. You're my only baby." She let out a chuckle.

"Your only baby huh?" She laughed again. "I think you should quit the pretence. You and I know you don't love me."

"Oh you have got to be kidding me. You are still on that nonsense? Kiara when will you ever grow up?"

"I DID!! You and father forced me to grow up didn't you?" She yelled.

"DON'T raise your voice at me." She huffed.

"I am only saying the truth." She shrugged. "What did you expect when you always had to be out of the country and never home, leaving me with a sick child?!!" Tears welled in her eyes. "It was always a business trip after another while I had to be a parent to a sick child at the age of ten so that's when I grew up."

"What are you talking about? I was there." She laughed again.

"You were always busy! Mother you and dad were always busy. The nurses and nannies you hired were as much as useless as you both were because they always snuck out of the house at night." My eyes widened.

"What?!" I asked.

"I didn't tell you since you never cared anyway." She said.

"How can you even say that? How can you say I never cared about my own kids?" Finally her tears fell.

"That's how it felt every time I watched my little brother every night hoping that he will be okay one day, and praying each night that I wake up the next morning with him still alive. He left me just when he was getting better." She cried hysterically.

"You think I never loved my own children? How could I have not? Your father and I were busy creating a legacy for both of you. We had to work harder for your brother's medical bills. Every week he needed money. Kiara we had to work hard for you and him and even your kids to never lack. Every little time I got to rest or not work I made sure to take care of your brother and you. I made sure I spent time with you Kiara. How can you say I never cared? Did you suddenly forget all that because of just a few months of building a business that led to where we are today?" I wiped a tear before it fell.

"It was hurtful to see my little brother die every day mother. I was so little to have been left with him. It felt like years." She cried again and I sighed.

"I'm sorry honey. If I knew those girls weren't taking care of you both I wouldn't have went away for too long." I said.

"I just miss him so much." My heart ached. "He couldn't even get to see his own kids."

"I know honey. I know." I sighed. "I miss him too." I went to sit next to her and engulfed her. "Honey I want you to know that your father and I love you. We love Xavier. Please don't ever think we don't."

"I'm sorry." She raised her head. "I thought since you had us at a young age you didn't love us because we were unplanned."

"Kiara you are still my child. I carried you for nine months because I loved you not because I had no choice. If I didn't love you I would have aborted you." She looked like she suddenly realised something. "Whether I gave birth to you at a young age or not I still love you as my child."

"You're right." She whispered. "I'm so sorry mom." She put her head back on my shoulder again.

"I'm sorry I also didn't show you more love honey." I brushed her hair.


Paige's POV

"God it's so hard to hug you now." I said and Amy pinched my arm. "Ow!"

"If you say anything about how big I am now again I will kill you." I giggled and she rolled her eyes. "And besides I am not that big you're just exaggerating."

"You know I love teasing you." She smiled. "Here you go." I gave her the bag I had in my hand.

"You know Paige you are a lifesaver. Thank you so much." She opened it immediately and smelled the food. "God it smells so good." I giggled.

"You are very welcome." I said.

"By the way, you said you wanted to tell me something important." I put my bag on the table.

"I need your advice on something." She nodded.

"Okay. What's up?"

"I got a job." I said and she stopped eating.

"You got a job? But sis you already have a well paying job." I took a deep breath.

"I know but remember that Beta inc company I told you about a few months ago?" She tried to remember.

"I know the company Beta but I don't remember what you said about them. Try to remind me." I sighed.

"Right, you're pregnant." She giggled. "Well I once applied to that company on an assistant manager vacancy but I obviously didn't get it but today they called me and they offered me a manager job in one of their hotels. Now I don't mean just an ordinary hotel I mean thee Beta Hotel." I explained.

"What?! Paige are you serious? That hotel is very prestigious and they say it's well paying as well." I nodded.

"I know." I took a deep breath. "They offered to pay me $150000 and secure me a penthouse." Her eyes widened.



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