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Paige's POV

"I know I should have told you earlier dad but I'm sorry. I just neede-"

"Paige stop apologising it's okay. You're no longer a little girl. You're old enough to make your own life decisions. I'm not mad at you for that." I sighed in relief over the phone.

"Thank you dad." My apartment doors opened. I already knew who it was. "Dad Amy is here. I'll call you later. Love you."

"Love you too honey." I hung up and Amy appeared.

"Hey sis." I smiled and gave her a hug.

"You're showing already." I smiled and bent to kiss the small bump.

"I know right." She giggled and we sat down. "You sounded urgent what's wrong?" She asked.

"I want to tell you something before you find out from the internet. It's about my girlfriend." I said.

"Did you say the internet?"


"Oh okay." She sat straight to show concentration.

"I um..." Her phone alerted her of a message. Another came in as well. It sounded like they were about four or five. "You should probably look at that." She took her phone out to check who that is.

"Oh my goodness! Paige Carson!" She gasped with wide eyes. "You kissed Hailey Anders?"

"What?" I asked taking her phone. "Shit!" I looked at my shocked sister. "This is actually what I wanted to tell you. Hailey is my girlfriend." She gasped again. "I can't believe I wasn't cautious about not kissing her next to a window. I should have known Kiara would have people watching."

"Holy shit! Paige!" I shrugged.

"What?" She shook her head.

"Please tell me that I am dreaming. You and Hailey Anders?" I gave her the phone back.

"You're not dreaming. Who took and sent you the pictures anyway?" I called Hailey immediately.

"Well I don't know if she took them herself but Melanie White. The most famous journalist. We have met a few times because of our line of work." I nodded. "Paige if she took these herself then whoever hired her paid her tremendously."

"Then I'm certain it was Kiara."

"Hello?" Hailey finally answered.

"Babe we have a problem." I said quickly.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Someone took pictures of us kissing by your office window this afternoon. Melanie White."

"What?! That woman doesn't know when to stop does she?"

"You know her?"

"Of course I do. She's so annoying honestly. I wouldn't be surprised if Kiara hired her." She said.

"I think so too."

"It's too late for my statement now." She sighed.

"It's not if Kiara still hasn't said anything. I think you should go live on IG right now before she does." Amy looked at me surprised. Another text was sent to her.

"It's Melanie again." She whispered.

"Do I really have to? My vacation offer still stands you know." Hailey said and I giggled.

"Hailey be serious for once." She chuckled.

"Fine. I'll do it but have you told your family yet? I won't do it if you haven't."

"I have. Amy is with me actually. She's the one Melanie sent the photos to." I explained.

"Oh. Okay at least you've told them. I'll be live then." She said. "I'll call you after that."

"Okay." I hung up and looked at Amy. "What does the message say?"

"She hasn't sent them to the person who hired her yet because she noticed the other woman kissing Hailey is my little sister and since she knows me she thought she'd show them to me first. She said I should tell you to tell Hailey to call her ASAP."

"Aghhh!" I leaned back roughly. "Why is this happening now?"

"I still cannot believe you're screwing your own boss. Thee Hailey Anders." I rolled my eyes. "And to think everyone thought she was straight."

"You sound like mom right now." I said.

"She knows?!" She shook me roughly making me laugh.


"I can't believe she didn't tell me all this while." She said.

"Well we were busy with your wedding at that time and then after that you went on your honeymoon." She put her phone away. "What do you think Melanie wants from Hailey?"

"To cut a deal of course. You see Melanie is very famous for uncovering anything and finding  any secret because she is usually hired by very wealthy people. Before journalism she used to be a private investigator you know."

"A female PI? Wow." I said.

"I know right? If you want my opinion I would say Hailey going live and saying the truth is very wise because there is no guarantee Kiara won't get the photos even after she has paid." I nodded.

"You're right." I said. "We should watch her." I opened my instagram and Amy came to sit next to me to watch.


Hailey's POV

"I still feel like you should have talked to me first before going live." Brooke said pacing in my bathroom. I was taking my make up off which I had put on for the live video. I always like looking put together when it comes to things like these.

"You would've talked me out of it." I said.

"Maybe but it's only because I don't feel comfortable with this whole situation. You're about to be the talk of the whole city if not the whole country." She hit the wall in fustration.

"Ever since Kiara started being my nightmare I have been the talk of the whole city so that won't be something new."

"I just hate this." I nodded wiping my face with my towel after washing.

"We all do." I put the towel back. "But I have an early morning tomorrow so I need to sleep." I kissed her cheek and then walked back to my bed. "Goodnight."

"Okay." She sighed giving me a hug before letting me get under the covers. "Goodnight."


Paige's POV

I woke up running late for work the next day. It wasn't until I remembered that I forgot my phone in the living room after Amy left and went straight to bed that I understood why I didn't hear my alarm. If not for Jason I'd still be in bed sleeping like I didn't have work. I quickly got dressed and took my bags, car keys and phones. I just pressed the lobby floor without hesitation. I would've went straight to the garage but Jason said Ron asked to see me before I went to work today about the security updates happening in the whole building happening today. Amy once told me it takes two minutes at most.

I glanced at my watch and I still had a few minutes left. I guess I have to take the shortcut my cab man used to take on days like these. That also meant I'd have to forget about getting breakfast on my way to work unless of course I ask them to deliver straight to AC.

The doors opened and my worst nightmare was standing in front of me. Journalists all speaking at the same time, shouting my name and their cameramen taking pictures.

"Miss Paige what do you have to say about what Hailey Anders said last night?" One of them asked louder than the rest.

"Okay I don't have time for this. Excuse me." I brushed past them making my way to Ron.


Thank you so much to everyone who is voting and adding my story to their reading list. Thank for even reading. I love y'all😘

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