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Kim's POV

"Dad!!" I called after closing the door hurriedly because of the cold. Damn it's freezing here. I walked with my bags to the living room. "Dad?!" I looked around and no one was in sight. "Stephanie?!" I walked to the kitchen which was smelling of fresh turkey. Damn I missed home. I walked to the door and dad was humming to a certain song and he had airpods on. I giggled as he attempted to dance. He was facing the sink and I could only see his back. He turned with a bowl in his hand and his eyes widened when he saw me. He dropped the bowl on the floor. Thank God it was a plastic bowl.

"Kimberly." He said as if not believing that I was really here with him.

"Hey dad." I slowly walked to him and he opened his arms to give me a hug.

"You came back to me." He whispered his eyes filled with tears.

"I came back home." I said giving him a quick hug. "How are you?"

"I'm good for an old man." I giggled sitting down. "How are you doing honey? Who did you come with?"

"He's not here." I said and then sighed. "Where is everyone?" I meant my little stepsisters and their mother.

"They went to do some shopping." I nodded. "Um, are you hungry? Stephanie made something."

"I'm not but I'll eat since I missed her food." He nodded and took a plate out to dish my food. "I know my way to the pots dad." I dished my food in silence and then sat down. I could feel him staring at me. "I'm not mad at you if that's why you keep stopping yourself from talking. I decided to let it go a long time ago." I started eating.

"You should be. I mean what kind of father allows her daughter to marry the devil to save him?" You.

"It's been three years dad relax. I'm just happy I'm close to being free from that man." I said.

"Close? You two are still married?"

"You know if you bothered yourself about my wellbeing after I left, you would know." He kept quiet. "We're divorcing soon. He finally decided to let me go."

"But why?"

"You can't even pretend to be happy I'm back instead you're worried about his reasons for a divorce?"

"Of course I'm happy Kimberly, I'm just worried because Logan is very unpredictable and dangerous." I sighed.

"You have nothing to worry about." I said.

"Kimberly?" I looked at the doorway. "Oh my God! Mom! Kimberly is back" I giggled when Laura screamed. She rushed to me and gave me a hug.

"Hey." I said and Stephanie came rushing.

"Kimberly." She came to give me a hug as well. Since my mother died when I was little, dad remarried a couple of years later and she has been my mom since. "Honey where have you been?" And yes, only dad and I knew about my whereabouts and that I was married to settle his debt.

"I'm so sorry, work hasn't been easy." I said and she nodded.

"Please don't be gone for that long again." She said.

"I can only promise I'll not miss Christmas holidays again." I said.

"You're leaving again?" Dad asked and I nodded.

"Yeah but I'll be back in a few months again." He looked at me looking worried.

"You have to really come back this time. Don't take three years like you did." Laura said.

"I promise, I will really come back." I said. "Where is Anna by the way?"

"She saw her friend at the mall and decided to hang out with her." I nodded in understanding. After catching up with Stephanie and the girls after Anna came back, I decided to help out Stephanie with Christmas eve dinner.

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