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"Karen." I ran to her when I spotted her seated next Kiara who was crying hysterically. What is going on? As I got closer I noticed Kiara's husband by the corner looking distressed as well and Tony trying to calm him down. "Karen what is going?" She looked at me as I sat down next to Kiara so she was in the middle.

At this point I didn't care that we had our differences. I didn't have a grudge against her anyway. She hadn't bothered me just like she promised her mother and I was grateful for that.

"Oh Hailey." Karen wept rubbing her daughter's back.

"Please tell me what's going on. What happened? Is it something I can help with?" I asked getting worried.

"My baby" Kiara cried again. Her baby? Which one? I looked at Karen hoping she at least says something that will be more clearer.

"Honey calm down. Allison will fine." She looked at me again. "She hurt herself in school." My eyes widened.

"How?" I asked.

"The teachers said she was running late for soccer practice. As she was running to the others she tripped and hit her head on the maintenance's guy's working equipment." I gasped. "She lost a lot of blood." I covered my mouth in shock. I looked over at Kiara tearing up like hell.

"Kiara." I whispered and hugged her. "I'm so sorry about Allison. Please stop crying." I rubbed her back but instead she cried harder than before. "Sshhhh. She'll be fine." I whispered.

The doctor came out of a room and everyone rushed to him so I guessed she was Allison's doctor. I went to him as well.

"Is she okay?" Kiara asked tears streaming down her face.

"Doctor is my daughter awake? We want to see her." Her husband asked as well.

"She is stable right now sir but she needs a blood transfusion as soon as possible. She lost a lot of blood." He said.

"Then do it. What are you waiting for?" Tony asked.

"Sir unfortunately we don't have her blood group in our blood bank." He said. Oh shit. "The only other option we have is for you guys to donate for her if you are match."

"Doctor please let us not waste any time. It's okay you can take mine." Kiara said. "Just do whatever you need to do to help my daughter. Please." She cried and her husband engulfed her comforting her.

"You can even test us all." Karen said but then she then looked at me to confirm. "Are you okay with that Hailey?" They all turned to me.

"Of course. Let's do it immediately since we don't have much time." I said and Kiara's eyes widened.

"Are you sure?" She asked her voice cracking.

"We are a family Kiara. Please don't worry yourself. If I am a match I'll gladly give her my blood." She cried and threw herself on me in a hug.

"Thank you so much." She said.

"We don't have much time. I will let a nurse call you in when the lab is ready, please excuse me for now." The doctor left.

"You have such a good heart honey. Thank you so much." I smiled when Karen said that.

"Thank you Karen." My phone rang and I saw Brooke was calling. "Excuse me." I walked to a corner. "Hey."

"Please tell me you have arrived."

"I am at the hospital Brooke." I sighed. "You were right. The situation is not good here." She sighed.

"I know. Listen I'll be with you guys shortly. I just have to finish up with a patient and then I'll come."

"Okay." I hung up and took a deep breath before heading back to the family.


"I'm sorry but none of you are a match." Kiara screamed crying curling up the floor. I rushed by her side and Brooke helped me to lift her up and placed her on the chairs. "I'm very sorry but please try to be hopeful. We are also trying to find out if other hospitals have her blood group."

"Try harder please." Karen said.

"Mrs Anders we are doing our best." The doctor said before leaving. Kiara wouldn't stop crying but kept on comforting her.

The scene reminded me of when Xavier was about to die. I wouldn't stop crying just like Kiara. I thought life was going to end without him. It did though. For a few years but then I finally moved on. I just wished it wasn't the case for Kiara. Allison was still a kid and I prayed she survived a little longer until we found her blood group. According to the doctor she was one of the few people that had a rare blood group so that explained why we weren't a match.


Paige's POV

I sat on Hailey's bed later in the evening doing some work killing time, after putting the twins to bed. She had called earlier to let me know she'd come home late but I didn't think it'd be this late.

During our conversation she told me she was at the hospital with the Anders but she'd tell me more about it when she gets home. I wondered who wasn't okay. I hoped everyone was fine though even including Kiara because as much as she had been my nightmare I knew the twins loved her and they'd be heartbroken if anything was to happen to her. The door opened interrupting my thoughts.

"Hey." I got off the bed immediately I saw Hailey. She looked exhausted I even doubted she'd want any action tonight.

"Hey baby." I kissed her forehead. "You look worn out. Are you okay?" She nodded sighing.

"I'm okay I just need a quick shower. I'll be right back." I nodded and she first went to the closet to probably put back her shoes and bag. I went to the bed and continued with work.

After her shower she joined me in bed. She smelled so good I even thought I lied when I said there wasn't going to be any action tonight.

"Come here." I pulled her closer to lay on me. "Now I feel complete." She giggled.

"Me too."

"So are you going to tell me what happened or is it a family thing?" I asked.

"You are part of the family now so you should know too." She sighed. "Kiara's daughter is on a deathbed." I gasped.

"What? Why? What happened?"

"She hit her head on a heavy metal at school which cut her forehead deeply and she almost bled to death. So now she needs blood." She explained.

"But baby the Anders can afford anything why isn't she getting the blood? A blood transfusion is supposed to be done right?" She nodded.

"Yes but her blood type is a very rare group and none of us were a match and neither do they have it in their bank." I facepalmed.

"God this is horrible." I sighed. "What's even this rare group we're talking about?" I asked out of curiosity. I didn't even know there was something like rare blood until tonight.

"The doctor said AB- is" I shot up from the bed.

"AB-?" She nodded. "Are you serious?"

"Baby why would I joke about something so important?" She said.

"I can't believe my blood is rare." I whispered to myself.


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